Help! My interest is falling :S

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aurelius.7601


Hey, everyone! Look it is this thread again.

Every MMO has one. People zoom to the top level by playing incessantly and bolting down coffee and Red Bull.

Just sayin’

You really don’t have to play “incessantly” to reach the end on this game quickly. I barely play the game and i’m already nearly halfway through it – and friends of mine are already capped level or nearly capped level.

It’s a myth you have to play this game a lot to reach cap level already. You don’t. The game is very short.

Its true, if all you do is zerg de’s you’ll max pretty quickly. Personally I think I’d find this game pretty boring if I spent my leveling experience running from DE to DE with 20 other people, overwhelming the content.

Skyrim is also a very short game if all you do is the main questline. What I’ve found with this game is that you get out what you put in. If you’re interested in getting to the end, you’re right it can be done in short order.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hypathia.1049


Its true, if all you do is zerg de’s you’ll max pretty quickly. Personally I think I’d find this game pretty boring if I spent my leveling experience running from DE to DE with 20 other people, overwhelming the content.

It’s the fastest and best paid way to level.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

You sir, are dead wrong.

I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.

But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:

“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.

“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns

“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession

No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.

Problem is setting up a fire wall for extra burning damage doesn’t really do much, I have just as easily won fight without setting up all of that crap.

Its just WoW with a dodge button.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

You sir, are dead wrong.

I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.

But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:

“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.

“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns

“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession

No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.

Problem is setting up a fire wall for extra burning damage doesn’t really do much, I have just as easily won fight without setting up all of that crap.

Its just WoW with a dodge button.

Really? That sucks. How about setting up an AoE Cleansing of all conditions on allies? How about an AoE Retaliation buff? How about some good AoE Stealth + Swiftness buffage?

How about being a Guardian on the front lines who knows what he is doing and can ensure my team stays clean, protected, and buffed until the moment they pry my hammer from my cold, dead hands.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

You sir, are dead wrong.

I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.

But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:

“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.

“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns

“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession

No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.

To be honest, even WoW had a more complex battle system than this game does. So if you are trying to be sarcastic by calling it “WoW with a dodge button” it kinda misses the point with me.

Anyways, like I said – just the fact you have to stress PvP to point out any kind of complexity to this game’s combat system kinda proves my point. So for the sake of this argument, I’ll just omit PvP from this discussion so we can agree the game’s combat is shallow and simplistic.

And having to time a few “panic buttons” when you get stunned or your hp starts dropping is not what I would call mind blowing depth. It’s just not – and I’ll never understand why you and so many others think it takes such skill to time 3 or four abilities that all basically do the same thing just with a different graphic attached to it.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


Overall this is a pretty shallow game though. A very simplistic combat system with a somewhat appealing map system where players run around looking at new things. And that’s basically it unless you enjoy the game’s PvP.

That’s pretty much it.

If you were to step into PVP you would realize just how complex the combat system is. It goes a lot deeper than one sees at first glance. That is the beauty of the combat system. It is easy to pick up, but difficult to master. When I first looked at the traits available on my elementalist, I was quite disappointed and felt that there was only a few worth getting. Now that I am learning more about the elementalist, I realize that there are builds that can implement each and every trait and utility and they are all very viable builds. It is mind blowing just how deep the combat can be and how much different one class can feel simply due to the build.

There is nothing “mind blowing” or deep about this game’s combat. And just the fact you suggest you have to step into PvP to see it proves it.

The game is basically auto attacking with a few “panic buttons” on the side you push when you get into trouble. And that’s it.

The abilities lack variety. The durations are too short. The cool downs are too long. And there is very very little strategy to any of it. It’s a combat system meant to players who just like to leap onto the pc for a couple of hours and enjoy mindless fun from time to time – which is fine if that’s your thing. But don’t pretend this game has mindblowing depth – because it so obviously does not ^^

You sir, are dead wrong.

I understand how you could come to this conclusion, because I did at first as well. Especially the short durations and long cooldowns bothered me.

But I kept playing, and reading, and getting better. I promise you there is quite a bit of depth there. At the risk of oversimplifying it:

“autoattack with a few panic buttons” – hmm, well… uh, no. auto-cast can be put on any skill, and yes most weapons have at least 1 with no cooldown or even a chain ability. I usually have to wait just to make sure the chain finishes (and applies whatever cool buff/debuff it does on the third swing) since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to do.

“short durations” – generally true. this means that timing matters, a lot
“long cooldowns” – generally true (compared to some other MMOs), this means that you need to make decisions during combat that really do matter… dont waste your cooldowns

“and that’s it” – obviously you don’t know much about dodge timing… or combos (especially self-combos) and how they add an entirely new dynamic and synergy to things. obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat. I won’t even get into the huge intricacies with traits and runes and sigils and such, or how weapons change entire playstyles even within a single profession

No, obviously… it’s just WoW with a dodge button.

To be honest, even WoW had a lot more complex battle system than this game does. So if you are trying to be sarcastic by calling it “WoW with a dodge button” it kinda misses the point with me.

Anyways, like I said – just the fact you have to stress PvP to point out any kind of complexity to this game’s combat system kinda proves my point. So for the sake of this argument, I’ll just omit PvP from this discussion so we can agree the game’s combat is shallow and simplistic.

Having to time a few “panic buttons” when you get stunned or your hp starts dropping is not what I would call mind blowing depth. It’s just not – and I’ll never understand why you and so many others think it takes such skill to time 3 or four abilities that all basically do the same thing just with a different graphic attached to it.

Okay, so you aren’t interested in opinions either. “omit pvp so we can agree”… well, funny thing about that is I still don’t agree with you.

But that’s ok because nothing I could say or show you would change your mind. MoP comes out soon, and I am sure it has all of the amazingly complex depth you could ever ask for.

… until the optimum rotation for each build is discovered, of course…

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat.

How are you doing this? I’ve spent hours experimenting with different builds on every profession and on every support character I build it feels like I’m letting my team down by going support. Damage looks like it is king in this game, with everything else being a footnote. I’ve been doing some number crunching trying to get a definitive answer on this, but if you can point me to some support builds I would appreciate it. Currently I’ve been playing support in WvW because I enjoy it, but going straight dps is more helpful to the team.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


As a ranger in PVE I have to
Drop my fire trap for the team … and auto attack the boss to death, there is absolutly no point in using any other skills, they do less damage than my basic attacks
And I can’t use pets or spirits because they die as soon as I summon them.

Drop trap, avoid aoe, auto attack, don’t even try to argue about PVE in this game. It blows.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


The truth is GW2 has no motivative end game appeal, atm. And it doesn’t matter how nice the leveling and such is, this is about end game stuff.

Then you have missed the entire vision of this game.

And geez Snaylor, why are you even here? You seem determined to make this game sound like some awful thing and refuse to see anything other than that viewpoint.

You are making it obvious that you have a serious distastes for ANETs vision. Go find something else to play.

(edited by daemonlama.5413)

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Okay, so you aren’t interested in opinions either. “omit pvp so we can agree”… well, funny thing about that is I still don’t agree with you.

But that’s ok because nothing I could say or show you would change your mind. MoP comes out soon, and I am sure it has all of the amazingly complex depth you could ever ask for.

… until the optimum rotation for each build is discovered, of course…

I don’t like WoW, and will not be playing MoP I was just stressing that even WoW had a more complex and strategic combat system than this game does. That doesn’t mean I particularly like that game or find it amazing.

But you’re right in saying I’ll never understand what you find so mind blowing and complex about this game’s combat. It’s basically running around auto attacking things with a couple of “panic moves” on the side you push when you get into trouble. That’s all it is.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


So many WoW fanboys on this thread it’s hilarious. It’s too bad, they are the cancer of the gaming industry.

Why kitten about GW2? If you don’t like it, don’t play it. You guys will be able to get back to your 10 year old content, horrible graphics, gear treadmill, panda loving experience soon.

And frankly, the sooner you wow loving whiners get off my game the better. I am tired of hearing your biased opinions.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reevac.1748


All you people whining about nothing to do should realize the game is 3 week old tomorrow.

Play other characters craft. Do achievements. Do WvW GvG PvP. That’s a huge chunk of the game.

Take a break for a few days if you 80 and have everything and done everything then you apparently have been playing non-stop.

Sunlight is healthy for you.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


Sunlight is healthy for you.

Sun rays cause cancer !!

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


But you’re right in saying I’ll never understand what you find so mind blowing and complex about this game’s combat. It’s basically running around auto attacking things with a couple of “panic moves” on the side you push when you get into trouble. That’s all it is.

Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


So many WoW fanboys on this thread it’s hilarious. It’s too bad, they are the cancer of the gaming industry.

Why kitten about GW2? If you don’t like it, don’t play it. You guys will be able to get back to your 10 year old content, horrible graphics, gear treadmill, panda loving experience soon.

And frankly, the sooner you wow loving whiners get off my game the better. I am tired of hearing your biased opinions.

You see them in every new mmo that comes out. Hitting up the forums, with thread after thread of change this, change that. It is actually a small number of them, but they make so many threads and respond to so many threads they make it look bigger than it is.

I have faith that ANET will be smarter and more stubborn than other companies in the past and stay true to what they created.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


obviously you don’t understand how some people could create entire builds without the ability to kill anyone, just designed to protect siege machines or support groups in combat.

How are you doing this? I’ve spent hours experimenting with different builds on every profession and on every support character I build it feels like I’m letting my team down by going support. Damage looks like it is king in this game, with everything else being a footnote. I’ve been doing some number crunching trying to get a definitive answer on this, but if you can point me to some support builds I would appreciate it. Currently I’ve been playing support in WvW because I enjoy it, but going straight dps is more helpful to the team.

I only have some experience doing this with Engineer and Guardian.

I won’t get into the specifics.. but in general try to keep this in mind:

1) setting up combo fields and such is very underestimated, but very useful
2) stop looking at enemy death as a measure of success, instead look at battle lines that aren’t collapsing, sieges repelled, keeps taken, upgrades completed
3) number crunching would be VERY difficult in this case… for example, a 3 second protection buff doesn’t mean much in a 20 minute fight (even if it happens every 16 seconds) – BUT a 3 second protection buff RIGHT before a big AoE lands or something can change an entire battle
4) Look for traits that “stack” buffs and conditions. for Guardian we can make Justice (adds fire to next attack) also add might to allies, blind enemies, apply vulnerability to enemies, and REFRESH instantly when a target dies (and you dont have to be the killer)…
5) “zoom out” with your perspective. stop worrying about the direct involvement you have but rather look at the indirect involvement. As a staff guardian I do kitten for damage, but I can help a group of 10 people take virtually any objective in WvW from a larger group… I can notice the affect I have

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


And geez Snaylor, why are you even here?

Because I enjoy the game and hope it attempts to cater to a broader base that enjoys PvE.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


All you people whining about nothing to do should realize the game is 3 week old tomorrow.

Play other characters craft. Do achievements. Do WvW GvG PvP. That’s a huge chunk of the game.

Take a break for a few days if you 80 and have everything and done everything then you apparently have been playing non-stop.

Sunlight is healthy for you.

Again, you do not need to give up going outside to reach max level on this game quickly.

This game is very short, and you reach max level in a matter of weeks easily by just casual play.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


And geez Snaylor, why are you even here?

Because I enjoy the game and hope it attempts to cater to a broader base that enjoys PvE.

You mean like how other games try to cater to this same type of players? How they dropped their vision for their games and made changes that the game was not built for or removed things that made the game different and how these same games (that were awesome during betas) became a shell of their former self.

Adapt or leave. That was how it was before. WoW has in fact created an entire generation of me me me/instant gratification players.

I have played so many mmo’s. I went in with the common sense that this isn’t EQ (my first mmo experience) or EQ2 (what was my home game for 6 years). Some games I had a huge adjustment period other short. If I couldn’t adjust, I’d move on. I didn’t go on their forums asking or more accurately, demanding them to change.

I never threathened to leave a game if they didn’t cater to me, or go on about how bad the game was. I just moved on if I couldn’t adapt.

Again, adapt or leave. Let a gaming company for once see their vision through.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sky.9347


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

The point is… you can reduce any game to a simple dismissive statement such as “just a circle and two bars, that’s all it is” – even a game as complex and modern as GW2.

It isn’t helpful, and probably isn’t true.

But that’s okay. I am done with this thread. Good luck to you all in finding the perfect game for you.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^


Point being Hydra, Pac Man may have been a blast in the video game dark ages, but I doubt it’s gameplay would be highly celebrated today. It’s called progress – and just because there were great a few decades ago, that doesn’t mean they would be great today.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: Exotrax.4207


After GW2 came out ….in like a week I saw ppls already get to lvl 80.
So I realised how easy is lvling in GW2 and decided to roll a character for each race, doing this I enjoi all the story lines see all the areas and know alsmot all the professions.
If you played GW1 you know that pve wasn’t the strong part of the game but pvp or at that time gvg (guild vs guild).
Be sure that anet will bring up more pve contents soon.
Roll other races/professions if u have max out ur main character.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amra.6028


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

1/10 for making people answer to you. You neither want anyone to discuss, not do you want to express anything valuable.
All you do is boil a game down to “it runs on a computer, we had that before”. You’re not gonna be missed.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

The point is… you can reduce any game to a simple dismissive statement such as “just a circle and two bars, that’s all it is” – even a game as complex and modern as GW2.

It isn’t helpful, and probably isn’t true.

But that’s okay. I am done with this thread. Good luck to you all in finding the perfect game for you.

But you’re wrong. You can’t dismiss all games to “just a circle and two bars, that’s all it is.” So I fail to see your point.

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Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

What he said went directly over your head.

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Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^


Point being Hydra, Pac Man may have been a blast in the video game dark ages, but I doubt it’s gameplay would be highly celebrated today. It’s called progress – and just because there were great a few decades ago, that doesn’t mean they would be great today.

K dude, you honestly have NO CLUE what my point was. We can just forget and move on because the though of explaining such a simple point to you hurts my brain.

And fyi: Millions of people still play pac man every day – and love it.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

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Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol

You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.

If you find this kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.

(edited by Dale.5914)

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Posted by: Avatar.1923


what i like so far about GW2 is that there is no optimal build. at least not for guardians!
i really feel like i can experiment.

Help! My interest is falling :S

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Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol

You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.

If you finethis kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.

Yea, you’re just rambling on for the sake of it. Not to any benefit.

As soon as MoP comes out, most people complaining and trolling will go back over there.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

What he said went directly over your head.

No what he said went over your head ^^

He was defending Guild Wars 2 by comparing it to Pac Man, and trying to make the point that even shallow gameplay can be fun. A point I’ve never really disputed. I"m sure there are people out there who enjoy Pac Man and the PvE combat of Guild Wars 2.

Some people like simplistic game play. Nothing wrong with that.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol

You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.

If you finethis kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.

Yea, you’re just rambling on for the sake of it. Not to any benefit.

As soon as MoP comes out, most people complaining and trolling will go back over there.

You are the one “rambling”. I"m not trolling, and i’m deffinltey not going to play MoP. You are just talking nonsense.

I called Guild Wars2 combat shallow and simplistic. And it is IMHO. I’m sorry you have such an issue with that ^^ But I call them like I see it.

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Posted by: Avatar.1923


and Guild Wars is NOT shallow.
character builds are very intricate, depending on weapons, skills, traits, gear.
it isnt that simple. really.

WoW was much simpler and i could fight my eyes close most
of the time.
now i feel like every combat can be different.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaylor.2760


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol

You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.

If you finethis kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.

I think they find it complex because its more action based than WoW, they confuse pace for complexity.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Pong is two pixalated bars and a circle.
Pacman is a bunch of dots, a moving mouth, and a few alien things.
Mario is a dunk plumber that eats shrooms and jumps on things.
Zelda is an elven fairy that saves the world by playing musical instruments.

Four of the most talked about gaming experiences ever created. My point: “that’s all it is” never matters in games. What matters is what you make of the experience.


When you start comparing the game to Pac Man, that’s when you know you’ve lost the debate ^^

It’s not a debate, and he isn’t comparing it to PacMan.

I don’t know if you are an incredibly skillful troll, or just incredibly dense.

Yes he was. He brought up Pac Man… as well as a few other ancient games as if they are somehow relevant as a comparative factor in this day and age.

And you are the one trying to get personal, so if you want to see a troll – may wanna go take a look in a mirror

When you have to resort to personal attacks as a means to defend your position, that’s when you have lost the argument.

LOL! Yo Sky, I guess “incredibly dense” is our final answer. LOLOLOLOL

I wasn’t COMPARING the games, fool, I was merely suggesting “that’s all it is” doesn’t define a game. The experience does. People still play pacman and none of them care it’s just dots with a mouth. Just like people will still play GW2 and not care that it’s just whatever the hell buddy said. Sorry you don’t get it. I can e-mail you a diagram if you want

Yes you were, and you just compared them again lol

You are basically saying Pac Man is shallow but you still have fun playing it just like Guild Wars 2 is shallow and you have fun playing that.

If you finethis kind of game play stimulating that’s fine. You can enjoy w/e games you like ^^ But jsut because you enjoy something that doesn’t make it mind blowingly complex.

I think they find it complex because its more action based than WoW, they confuse pace for complexity.

Maybe. That’s a good possiblity.

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Posted by: Avatar.1923



the day you can manage all your cooldown and profession skills and weapon swap in a fight to be optimal… youll be good.
untill then, dont say its shallow and easy…

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


and Guild Wars is NOT shallow.
character builds are very intricate, depending on weapons, skills, traits, gear.
it isnt that simple. really.

WoW was much simpler and i could fight my eyes close most
of the time.
now i feel like every combat can be different.

I could fight with my eyes closed on Guild Wars 2 as well. So if that is your standard for what constitutues simplistic design, Guild Wars2 fits that bill.

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Posted by: Trent.3256


Hey, everyone! Look it is this thread again.

Every MMO has one. People zoom to the top level by playing incessantly and bolting down coffee and Red Bull.

Just sayin’

You really don’t have to play “incessantly” to reach the end on this game quickly. I barely play the game and i’m already nearly halfway through it – and friends of mine are already capped level or nearly capped level.

It’s a myth you have to play this game a lot to reach cap level already. You don’t. The game is very short.

Level 47 and 102.5 hours played. Don’t know what to tell ya.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914



the day you can manage all your cooldown and profession skills and weapon swap in a fight to be optimal… youll be good.
untill then, dont say its shallow and easy…

I’ll say what ever I want

And this game has the most shallow and simplistic combat design of any MMO I’ve ever played.

Help! My interest is falling :S

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dale.5914


Hey, everyone! Look it is this thread again.

Every MMO has one. People zoom to the top level by playing incessantly and bolting down coffee and Red Bull.

Just sayin’

You really don’t have to play “incessantly” to reach the end on this game quickly. I barely play the game and i’m already nearly halfway through it – and friends of mine are already capped level or nearly capped level.

It’s a myth you have to play this game a lot to reach cap level already. You don’t. The game is very short.

Level 47 and 102.5 hours played. Don’t know what to tell ya.

It depends how you play Trent. If you run around sight seeing for hours or something then yes – you will level slower. But it’s possible to play this game casually and reach max level in a matter of weeks. It just depends how you spend your time on the game.

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Posted by: Snaylor.2760



the day you can manage all your cooldown and profession skills and weapon swap in a fight to be optimal… youll be good.
untill then, dont say its shallow and easy…

I’ll say what ever I want

And this game has the most shallow and simplistic combat design of any MMO I’ve ever played.

I would agree about the simplistic part but not the shallow.

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Posted by: Avatar.1923


we dont agree. but i dont mind.
stop playing then.. sorry for you,
go try blizzard stuf like d3. and have fun using your 2-3 cooldows in wow.

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Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


lol np, I like it when people have to resort to namecalling. Means I won, you lost ^^


ok, I changed my mind. You can have a 1/10 for trolling.

golf clap

Well played sir.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”

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Posted by: Moderator


This thread has devolved far away from any form of help or advice and into an argument. As such this thread will now be closed.