Help Rename My Sylvari Ele?
On my sylvari, I modified names to fit flowers into a basic syllable I wanted, relating it to the cycle I chose the characters birth in (dusk, dawn, day or night)
For example, if your character is born during dusk/night pick a night blooming flower. Nymphaea Red Flare is a night bloom water Lillie, it’s pink/purple in colour, so in your case you’d get the name “Zephaea”.
Good luck creating a name.
I am not sure if, by “lore stipulation”, you mean don’t want a lore friendly name, but if you’re ok with a lore friendly name, sylvari have celtic inspired names. So, maybe you could add to Zeph one or more syllables with celtic, scottish or irish consonances, like Zephain, Zephaerne, Zephidan, for example. Lore friendly names don’t have to mean something, it’s fantasy. Or maybe you actually want your name to have a meaning, and since you seems to want a name theme on the wind, the only thing I can do for you is saying that the celtic god of storms was called Taranis.
If it was me in that situation I would probably try the ‘adding random things to it’ approach first. Zephyr, Zephyris, Zephiyr etc. But just because I think I’d be able to make up a name I like, even if it was a bit of a step away from the original. With other names I’ve made up that would be absolutely out of the question for me.
The problem being I’d want to be absolutely sure I liked the combination I choose before using the contract and that it was available. Which needs either a free character slot so you can make random characters to see if you can get the name or trying to add the name to your friends list (if it works then the name is taken). Trying to find a name I liked which is available could be difficult.
Alternatively I think it’s important to remember that the lore says sylvari do not have family names (because they don’t have a family…or are all one family, depending how you look at it) but that doesn’t mean all sylvari can only ever have 1 word names.
They could have a title – for example you could call them Commander Zeph, or Lightbringer/Magister/whatever Vigil rank you get Zeph. Or something more personal like Zeph the Wanderer.
Alternatively you could give them a two word first name, along the lines of Zephyr Anthes.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Planty McPlantface?
Salladbeard Kalestick?
Guybush Treewood?
Leafy Fiddlesticks?
Branchman Sprigbottom?
The possibilities are endless.
My sylvari are named Vysuja Deathseed & Amyleis Auriaceae. Lore friendly or not, I like to give my characters surnames – I think of it as a ‘nickname’ that my character has taken for themselves.
So i might try Allondyn Zephyr for your character.
I generally add a surname to make sure the name’s not taken yet. If you like Zeph, go with it and add a surname.
My sylvari are named Vysuja Deathseed & Amyleis Auriaceae. Lore friendly or not, I like to give my characters surnames – I think of it as a ‘nickname’ that my character has taken for themselves.
So i might try Allondyn Zephyr for your character.
That’s what I did with my 1st sylvari.
Her name is Alleria Wildrunner which is obviously not (GW2) lore friendly. (And not even that appropriate since she’s an ele, not a ranger and I’m one of the people who will insist sylvari are not “just GW2 elves”. But I had the name in GW1 and liked it and wanted to re-use it.)
My excuse is that the surname is a nickname/informal title she picked up for emerging from the dream with a Wyld Hunt and then proceeding to ignore it for several years while she explored the world.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you want to stick with lore, Sylvari generally do not have surnames. They are normally [Name] of the [location/cycle/faction]
So.. something like Dulihan of the Vigil
Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help!