Help about professions.
im new player GW2. In all games mmo which i played , i always select DPS class like assassin. In GW2 i want to be good as DPS and PVP
, so what profession you can recommended me? Thanks for help
warrior’s have amazing dps and are easy at all aspects of the game. But if it is rogue-like, then pick a thief. Their dps is still good, they are just harder to play well in pvp.
All classes can dps. My advice is always: Create random class, level it up to around 20-30. This doesnt take very long, a week, maybe two if you go at slower pace. Go into sPvP and try out multiple builds, you can do that at level 1.
Determine if you like how the class plays. Dont worry about dps or apparent “weakness” as some classes become MUCH stronger at 80. If you dont like how it plays… Jump to the next class and repeat the process. Eventually you will narrow it down to a couple of likeable classes, then you can get all of them up to 80, where the real gameplay start.
So im person who can play any profession , thats why i ask you about late game lvl 80.
Dawdler , from ur experience. Which profession deal loot of dmg “DPS” and takes good PVP?
One of the big selling points about GW2 was that it doesn’t have a fixed ‘trinity’ system like other games. There are no dedicated DPS professions, just like there are no dedicated healers or tanks.
Any profession can be set up to do high damage (either direct damage, conditions or a combination of the two), it’s just a matter of which traits and skills you pick and what stats you have on your armor.
That’s not to say there’s no differences between them, but it’s more about the playstyle. For example warriors have the biggest range of weapons available but fairly basic attacks and skills, they hit hard and are usually in melee range in the middle of the fight. An engineer on the other hand has a grand total of 3 weapon combinations to choose from (rifle, pistol/pistol or pistol/shield) but a huge number of skills available through different kits and they have all kinds of different tricks and traps they can use on enemies, like turrets which can be placed and will then attack anything around them. Thieves use stealth and mobility to get in, hit their target hard and fast and get out of range before they can react. And so on.
The best way to find out what you want to play really is to try them. You don’t have to spend a week on each like someone else suggested, you can just get through the intro and then go to the Heart of the Mists (crossed swords icon at the top of the screen) to instantly be level 80 with all your skills and traits available to try.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Ok i understand you but i wait for your opinion about best DPS class^ 100% 1 or 2 class can to do the best DPS
Warrior is the easiest to do high DPS. It’s a standard rotation.
Elementalist have arguably the highest DPS in PvE, but takes more set-up/coordination.
Thieves have very good single target damage.
Well Thief is guild wars 2’s version of the sneaky rogue class. Stealth works a bit differently here – it can’t be maintained forever, but there are many opportunities to re-enter stealth while in combat or use it to escape.
Ok , so now i know one. Thief and warrior can do high dps. Last question then .
For pvp , which better? Warrior or Thief?
Ok , so now i know one. Thief and warrior can do high dps. Last question then .
For pvp , which better? Warrior or Thief?
There is no “better” only better at certain situations. Warrior is probably the best all around, but if you want that sneaky, assassin backstabbing feel go thief. You can test each of them yourself for free with full pvp gear. Just make a new character of each and take them into the mists!
For pvp , which better? Warrior or Thief?
I’d say Warrior for SPvP (arenas), and Thief for roaming in World PvP. Depends on what you want to do, and which kind of PvP you’re interested.
The way GW2 works is that, every class is DPS. Every class can do almost anything.
It is really up to you, and what you want to play.
Good luck.
For pvp , which better? Warrior or Thief?
Depends on what you’re fighting. Scissors paper stone, etc.
Oh , so warrior isnt good in World Pvp?
Oh , so warrior isnt good in World Pvp?
Warrior is good everywhere. Warrior is Anet’s poster child. You won’t receive any nerfs (at least significant ones) with this class.