Help finding this armor.
Update. The shoulder armor can be bought from the WvW vendors via badges. Now only the gloves are missing.
What about the armor on the end on the right hand side?
What about the armor on the end on the right hand side?
Yesss! I was wondering where to get that armor on the right model. I assume it’s light armor… Help please, any clue?
From left to right, i know 2nd is vigil set and 3rd i think i saw that shoulder from karma npc, but can’t remember which npc. But the 5th… Help info please
I was about post the pic, then i see this post ehehe
I’m on ipad, I have the pic but can’t post it lol, well Rio.1894 post a link, please check it, i will back at home and stop by to check on this post again, so i can post the pic from pc. Thanks alot before
(edited by Knightley.8649)
same cant find that mesmerish armor. Without a name its impossible to find. I check all the armor in pvp locker. So i figured since legendaries arnt in the pvp locker it might be legendary but only sets i found were the 3 mist walkers on a gw2 database website. i checked those and they are not it either.
Could not find the “kurzick mesmer” looking armor they were showing off either.