Help for those looking for more End Game

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wacko.7543


Really? If you have to ask, you’re in the wrong game. I see too many carebears posting qq threads already.

Yeah…. qq more…. qq cause you’re either trolling or just a bad MMO player.

PvP is the name of the game… do it, or find something you can cuddle with somewhere else.

Nori Senbei (Black Cloak) Blackgate

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Or they can check out the areas they did not explore when leveling. With their lvl 80 character or a new one. Either one is all good.

There is a stupid amount of content there and I pity those who rush one character to lvl 80 and then start whining that there’s nothing more to do.

One – Piken Square

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tatty.9680


level 5 characters to 80, bur more character slots with gold – gem, level 3 more, buy awesome items, go around /flex :P Run through dungeons repeatably until you feel awesome and then PvP

Fear The Chickens –

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: neurotix.4896


I love PvP, but I also need to see any progress, not only fun. What PvP gives me? Nothing, coz you already have all = bored. What WvW gives me? Nothing, coz gear for badges and karma sux = bored.

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


PvP is the name of the game… do it, or find something you can cuddle with somewhere else.

Not necessarily, I’m mostly PvE player and I don’t see any chance of running out of content any time soon …

EU / Aurora Glade

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


And most important “tip”:

Do not rush to level cap — this is not a some other 3-4 letter MMO game here do not start at max level it starts at level 1.

EU / Aurora Glade

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


Although I don’t like those topics either I don’t think there’s a need to generalize and apply stupid labels that have no real meaning because everyone uses them differently, to other players.

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nesh.7234


Although I don’t like those topics either I don’t think there’s a need to generalize and apply stupid labels that have no real meaning because everyone uses them differently, to other players.


EU / Aurora Glade

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: holska.4127


I love PvP, but I also need to see any progress, not only fun. What PvP gives me? Nothing, coz you already have all = bored. What WvW gives me? Nothing, coz gear for badges and karma sux = bored.

It gives rank and achievements which is real progression as opposed to the fake progression offered in other games with their gear progression where you only notice any progress if you’re matched against players with less time than you and therefor didn’t acquire said gear yet. I understand that for some this gives a feeling of progression but most players after some years having done that same stuff with each new patch finally start to realize that their feeling was wrong and there’s no actual progression other than rank.

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Although I don’t like those topics either I don’t think there’s a need to generalize and apply stupid labels that have no real meaning because everyone uses them differently, to other players.

i agree

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArtifexDominus.8675


Really? If you have to ask, you’re in the wrong game. I see too many carebears posting qq threads already.

Yeah…. qq more…. qq cause you’re either trolling or just a bad MMO player.

PvP is the name of the game… do it, or find something you can cuddle with somewhere else.

Wow. I feel that this kind of response is a bit harsh.

I personally dislike PvP. Never have liked it. I am not extremely competitive and really am sick of the elitist attitude that I find in most other MMO’s (including GW1) when it comes to trying out PvP. All too often, people spend far too many hours playing a game just to defeat others, and then laud their own accomplishments while attempting to cut someone else down for not reaching the same level of skill (read wasting their time on something that does not truly accomplish ANYTHING for them.)

I have a real life, with real accomplishments that occupy a majority of my time. Therefore, I don’t have the time (or care to spend it) on learning how to competitively play. Truth be told im not great at PvE for the same reason. That’s ok, I am not planning on winning any awards, or impressing anyone with how well I can defeat a character in a virtual world with my strategy and button pressing…

I come from a PvE background and will probably end up trying PvP in GW2 simply for how it is designed. That being said, people are going to play how they want to play. I agree that people who have rushed to “endgame” are complaining at times about things that they don’t even really understand. GW2 is a different MMO than any out there. There is a LOT of things to do, even at level 80. Dungeons (from what I understand) are good “endgame” content as well.

I agree that PvP is probably where you should spend your time if you have run out of things to do, but throwing names around like “carebear” and telling people to “QQ some more?” How about we be a bit more mature, and respectful of one another?

Help for those looking for more End Game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nemui.6753


I love PvP, but I also need to see any progress, not only fun. What PvP gives me? Nothing, coz you already have all = bored. What WvW gives me? Nothing, coz gear for badges and karma sux = bored.

i don’t even..