Help me as short-on-time player.

Help me as short-on-time player.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Domaik.2591


Hello there!

So I guess I’ll begin with a small introduction about myself and GW2

I’m an old player, I played through all of the closed betas and when the game released years ago I played it a lot alone. I did only PvE which is what pleases me. I aimed for world completion and exploration because I loved it. But I played alone and eventually quit the game.

Now 3 years or so after I have returned to the game and I find myself rediscovering this new game I love so much. I have some friends and my gf playing with me now!

So, I have a lvl 80 guardian with 100% world completion. I love Guardian but I hate my character because he’s an asura (dont worry the only thing I hate about asura are the weapon and armor models being so tiny….) and I wish I had a more decently sized character to be able to enjoy armor and weapon models…but I can’t be bothered to create another guardian and complete the whole world again I dont have the time for that…So I stick with my asura after all.

I currently do not have Heart Of Thorns. I am saving money so one day I can buy it and enjoy the game a lot more…hopefully one day I will be able to buy it…

And last but not least the most important aspect that is why I am writing this thread:
I am working with a tight schedule and the time I have left I like to spend with my gf or play the game (or both!) What I’m trying to say is that daily I don’t get more than hour or 2 of free time to play this game.

Now to the question of the thread:

What does this game have to offer for me? How do I make the best out of the time I have? What do I do!

Please help me!

But why am I asking this? Several reasons:

-I find that meta events I want or need for achievements never happen around the time I am online (example> triple threat or Tequatl)
-I find the game needing a lot of grind lately!!! compared to what it used to be and what anet advertised about this game and what got me into playing now the game seems to be all about grinding and spending so much time to achieve so little.
-Everything is bloody expensive and I don’t know or have the time to make gold. Sure there are a thousands guides online on how to make money in the game but 90% of them require me to spent so much time into the game (which I do not have!) and the other 10% of ways to make gold are not within my reach as a player whose max gold ever reached is 10g!

This and much more frustrates me but dont get me wrong I still love the game. I just feel like the game is losing what it made the GW2 that I loved. I could just jump in for a couple hours and have so much fun. Now whenever I log in I have the feeling that I need to rush all the time because I have little time to do basic things (dailies for example) and I have to mind the time…every time I want to do something in the game I have to consider first whether I’ll be able to finish it or it’s another chore I have to postpone for the next day when I have more time.

Is HoT any better? Will it improve my game experience or will it require more grind and time spent in-game to achieve desired fun?

And then we have guilds. I never joined one…either because I didn’t like the concept of them and I am a casual player that likes to go slow on my own pace or because I thought that I would be a burden for them or I couldn’t possibly keep up with them. But now the game seems to want me to have a stapled team to even be able to achieve some things…

Thank you everyone for reading. Looking forward reading your answers.

(edited by Domaik.2591)

Help me as short-on-time player.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


-Meta events

Most meta repeat themselves in 2-3 hours in the same order so the time should help you find stuff you can do the moment you’re logged on.

It depends what you’re after: skins, new characters, gold, etc. If you can give us an idea of what your after (materialistically) we can point you in the right direction.

Yeah, there’s lots of ways to make gold. Silverwastes drops a lot of loot bags/boxes. Running certain meta events give you good loot upon first daily completion. You can also do a node run where you collect high valued materials (some logs and ores sell for quite a bit).

-Is HoT Better?
Well, depends your definition of better. For one, it’s a lot more grind for some of the new skins, collectables, achievements, etc. You also have more Tequatl-esque fights that require a good deal of map coordination. You get about 17 new chapters that follow the in-game story. The big selling points are the new classes: each core class has an extended Elite Specialization and there’s also a new 9th profession with its own elite progression as well. There are also a new account bound Mastery system that let’s you do things like gain access to new vendors or even craft your own precursor for legendary weapons.

Help me as short-on-time player.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Domaik.2591


I cant get more than 10g …how can I even aim to get something like legendary gear…

I guess my main focuses (if I have to put goals) are gold and maybe to get to ascended gear? I dont care much for skins I just want to have better stats and progress more in the game.

PS: Ive been in silverwastes and completed both that one and Dry top to 100% map completion but I didnt really seem to get money from the maps at all… what am i doing wrong

Thanks for the reply.

Help me as short-on-time player.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Until Jan 12 you can very easily get gold. Do the Wintersday stuff, anything that provides you with Wintersday Gifts. Open them and sell the drinks and tonics. Those go for around 8 silver each on the TP and you do get a lot of them. At any time you can go mining and logging in the lower maps and selling on the TP because hoo boy do folks need a lot of green wood and soft wood and iron for high end crafting now.

The DT/SW stuff makes you money if you sell all the mats and gear you get on the TP. Of course then you don’t have the mats to make your own stuff.

If you’re only spending an hour or two here or there, then maybe you won’t be maxing out on things or going for Ascended gear. That’s fine. You don’t need it for anything in the game other than high end fractals, the next tier of raiding not yet released, or to shore up any weak skill you have in WvW (it’s a minor enough bonus that it only makes a difference if opponents are exactly equally skilled, imo).

Dailies really don’t matter now. Just logging in gets you the reward. If you want the 10 AP then do any three of them and pick the fastest three you can do. I can frequently have the daily all done inside 15 minutes (it does help that I have a speedy alt with full world completion and fast load screen times). The gathering one is usually worth it because the reward is a chest of a bunch of that type of mats. Right now there are Wintersday dailies as well, usually opening 4 gifts is one, and those gifts will have sellable contents.

Don’t worry about legendary gear. I’ve been playing solidly since launch and never had a legendary anything. It hasn’t stunted me