Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


I created my guild on the second week of the release. Its called Moon Of Shadows, and we are located on Henge Of Denravi.

As many of you know, Titan Alliance broke up on our realm, leaving one of the best WvW to become one of the worst.

Now, all of us already were at Henge of Denravi since the start, so we werent there (nor transfered there) just because the WvW was potent.

Since the Titan Alliance broke the server really seem to have taken a hit:
1 – We obviously now suck at WvW, and not that my guild didn’t try, but we mostly hold 2 points and if we try we are just camped, even the monthly achieve is hard enough to make it happen. We are always outnumbered and no one seems to care to try anymore.
2 – After a week, alot of those who came to our realm JUST because HoD was one of the best WvW left, not to mention the ones that started there and left for the same reason, and the TA itself. We were usually a full server, now we hit medium with high population at peak hours. The server feels empty
3 – Im not sure if its the lack of players that accentuate the amount of bots seen, and this isn’t really THE issue. But Bots everywhere aha.
4 – Lastly, a few people on my guild and even outside it, always regret the fact of the guild being on HoD or refused to join because of it. Apparently its full of non-helping people, and jerks. But really no way to say this isn’t everywhere.

So, if you will. You could tell me your experience on whatever server you are online, that would help me make a decision and try it out for a bit.

It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

A quick question: Is it possible to sell a guild (in game gold)? I never understood why every server in the same guild has a different pool of influence and different upgrades. On my realm we have ALL upgrades, and the server we chose we wont have anything. So there isnt much of a reason to stick with it, I would sell for some gold and buy influence with that gold on my reformed guild. But this isnt too important really.

Edit: BTW, we dont want a machine winner WvW, we want a nice server with good population with good people, and an challenging WvW. US server.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maximus Delion.8719

Maximus Delion.8719

I recently moved to Tarnished Coast, and am really enjoying the community there. Very friendly and helpful folks. A good sized population. Easy to get into a dungeon groups. May not be in the top tier of WvW, but still competitive. It’s also the unofficial role-playing server, if you like to kick back in a tavern and do a little in-character banter between adventures.

Only downside is the server is almost always full, so it can be tricky to transfer in. But once you’re there, you’ll have a blast.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Heh, I shouldn’t be saying this as an Sanctum of Rall native, but we have an amazing community—but we hate transfers because we’ve had a lot of guilds come in due to our success rate in WvW. We always put up a great fight or dominate. But anyways, we do not accept transfer guilds haha but if you hide it, no one will know where you were originally from anyways.

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Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


Thanks for the input guys. Ill take it to consideration.

I really dont need a WvW Winning Machine, I just want to get on there and have a fighting chance along with fun. Right now on HoD I think if my whole guild queued for WvW all of us would enter all together. Hahha.

But I value the community alot. Nothing better than helping or getting help from stranger and it grows to friendship.

Anyone else? Would be greatly appreciated.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: coglin.1496


No offense OP, but the reason your server sucks at WvW is because folks think as you are. You cannot use server transfers as a solution for everything. It will take a few rotations for your server to drop down and hit equivalent servers.

You really should stay where you are until the movements settle out. Otherwise your becoming part of the problem, instead of solving the problem.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kindadrunk.4675


Come to IOJ. We have many dedicated WvW players, but we are a bit short manned when fighting in tier 2

You look like I need another drink..

Help me choose a new server for my whole guild!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


No offense OP, but the reason your server sucks at WvW is because folks think as you are. You cannot use server transfers as a solution for everything. It will take a few rotations for your server to drop down and hit equivalent servers.

You really should stay where you are until the movements settle out. Otherwise your becoming part of the problem, instead of solving the problem.

No offense taken, but if you read my problem its far more than just WvW. And I know it will take a bit to hit equivalent, but would you think its fair for anyone who is trying to enjoy the game, to wait what? Maybe 2 months? to maybe have a chance at WvW? Not to mention the scar that it will leave, untill people actually try to WvW? Its not like we are WvWing alot and losing every time. People are just not doing it.

And as I said, much more than just WvW. Server feels totally empty, I find way more bots than people, even the level 80 areas are dead. WvW is dead. While I take no offense on what you said, I do believe you are very much mistaken.

Now people that came because we were the best in WvW, and left just because of it. They were the problem.