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Help me like this game... =-(

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Posted by: Raserei.8361


This is bad…. I always a MMORPG to play.

I got every class to level 20… Deleted 3 of them just to try the others and sadly I really can’t get into any of them. The game system is sweet, I love how it’s sort of like a sandbox and you can do whatever you want, but there are a few things that are major gamebreakers for me.

1.) Classes…. Like I said, I can’t get into any of them… 5 skills and 5 utilities are not that fun to me.

2.) Loot…. Very bland loot…. I kind of choose a stat and go with it… Or mix and match… I searched for level 80 gear, loot has more stats but still more of the same. The loot is very boring and not meaningful.

3.) Level scaling…. You decrease in level in areas… It makes me take more damage and if I want to AoE 5 monsters in a lower area, I can’t because it decreases my level. And when you need a TON of crafting material to level, it’s frustrating.

4.) WvW wasn’t interesting at all… You get spammed by 15 players and there is nothing you can do. And when there is an actual objective, we literally auto-attack a door for 15 minutes+…

5.) Battlegrounds, never liked WoW BG’s and this is the same thing.

Overall, GW2 has a great system in place, the auction house from your inventory was a huge plus for me…. But there are too many turn offs for me to actually stay with it. The plus side is that it’s free and I can’t come back when it’s updated a bit. Maybe it will change….

Help me like this game... =-(

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Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


so you want help to like this game

but you dislike everything about it


Help me like this game... =-(

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Posted by: Methias.3521


I really can’t say much here other than this may not be the game for you. This game was made to focus primarily on PvP and also focused on just the skill in the game. the gear is meant to give a slight boost but in the end is not meant to mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.

In an effort to try to be most helpful I’ll list a response to each one of your points.

1. Classes: Well on this one I really can’t help you other than the fact that I think it’s nice that you really don’t have that many skills to use because you get to focus on other things like positioning and timing. I guess it’s just a system that either like or you don’t.

2. Loot: A big problem with past MMO’s was that there was too much that you got from gear in terms of power and stats and it made for some horrible balance issues. With this system you basically only have to worry about balancing the skills as the gear doesn’t mean much in the long run. It’s also really nice because you don’t really have to worry about grinding so much. If grinding gear is your thing then there won’t be much here for you to do.

3. Level scaling: I think in the end it’s nice that you don’t stay the same level in lower level areas. Like arenanet has stated it helps so that the game’s content isn’t over-trivialized and makes for a more enjoyable experience with friends. Also remember that you still get to use all of the skills you learned and get to use all of the max gear so you can actually still plow through a lot even at the low levels with some good gear it’s just you still have to be mindful as again the gear isn’t meant to give you a huge advantage.

5. WvW: I can’t say much here as I haven’t really done much of it. All I will say as that the game suffers in this area as there is a tremendous amount of lag in large fights and you get that zergy feeling that other PvP mmo’s can’t seem to shake.

6: Battlegrounds: I have actually always liked battlegrounds when they allow it for it to be in small groups and when it involves a lot of movement. In this game that is exactly what it is. You have to slightly large teams in each one but you can have each one split into small groups to either engage in skirmishes or capture points.

Overall this game will really cater to the person that is looking for quick access to PvP at a moments notice and don’t really have to worry about power creep from gear. It’s very skill and coordination intensive and can be much more fast paced than other MMo’s. It doesn’t focus too much on things like PvE and crafting but puts just enough in for the people that like it.

Help me like this game... =-(

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Posted by: Vyniea.2054


I’m with you when it comes to gear, even upgrade components cannot salvage it.

All in all though it seems the game isn’ t for you, I’m sorry but I guess you’ll have to move on.

Maybe check out ArcheAge, it won’t be out until a long while but it looks worthwhile.

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Posted by: Dortmunder.9572


I do agree with you on a few points. Though I enjoy the game. If you have to make yourself enjoy it then it’s just not for you.

1. I like the classes for the most part. Some need some balancing(Downed State iskitten for PvP).

2. Semi-agree on loot. A lot of it looks so cool it makes up for the lack of stat choice/manipulation. It could be a lot more complex and interesting. Weapon damage types, resist types, one weapon type strong vs. an armor type etc.(see: DAoC).

3. Semi-agree here as well. It prevents you from going to low level zones and just decimating everything. What pisses me off the most is trying to travel through a low level zone, exploring/gathering, and having to fight or get stuck in combat with something you have no interest in fighting.

4. WvW is a zerg fest. I enjoy certain parts of it like attacking and defending a keep. But I also like to roam with a small group of friends. The WvW system mostly discourages that.

5. 100% agree here. I hate the sPvP BG’s. They are all basically the same. I would like to see DAoC style battlegrounds, along with some other types like capture the flag. One or two with a “mini-WvW” would be awesome. 1 central keep to take, and a couple towers around. Sorta like a proving grounds for WvW.

The downed state remains my biggest gripe with this game. I can down people all day on my Elementalist, but almost never finish them. Makes me wanna flip my fkn desk every time.

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Posted by: Curuniel.4830


As others have said, it may just not be the game for you. To address your points as best I can, though:

1) Classes – ten skills not enough? Well, remember you have weapon switching. It’s most fun if you use it dynamically, remember you have fifteen skills in actuality and you can use all of them in a fight. Not enough? Elementalists have 25 skills on the go! Find combinations you like.

2) Loot – to me the joy of loot comes more in appearance than stats. That’s not for everyone. This point really comes down to preference.

3) Level scaling – the idea is that things should become more difficult. Going to a lower area shouldn’t make things easier, it should still require your full attention and some careful planning. This makes other races’ starter areas more interesting to visit, and gives you more content you can actually play through. I find this to be a plus, but again, personal preference.

4) WvW – I haven’t done much of this but I really think groups are key. You can join more than one guild, so maybe see if there’s a WvW-focused guild on your server you can join part-time? Stick with the pack.

5) sPvP – Yeah, if you don’t like this style of PvP, there’s nothing to be done except to recommend you don’t bother with it. GW2 tries to offer something for everyone, but not everyone will like everything!

I hope you can find things to enjoy, but if not, there’s no reason to play GW2 if it’s not fun for you. The game will certainly develop, but a lot of what you don’t like is that way by design. Those things aren’t likely to change much, or it would stop being GW2.

Help me like this game... =-(

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Posted by: Blarrg.8305


I really can’t say much here other than this may not be the game for you. This game was made to focus primarily on PvP and also focused on just the skill in the game. the gear is meant to give a slight boost but in the end is not meant to mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.
It’s very skill and coordination intensive and can be much more fast paced than other MMo’s. It doesn’t focus too much on things like PvE and crafting but puts just enough in for the people that like it.

This game was not made to focus primarily on pvp, if it was, there would not be as many pve activities as there are. If I was to attach a % to it, I reckon it’s 70/30 in pves favor. But it can still cater to those who want to do both.

And at OP, most MMOs are like what you described. (maybe not #3)

\m/ \m/

(edited by Blarrg.8305)