Help me make money.

Help me make money.

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Posted by: remorselessx.5213


Atm my way to make money is spamming cof p1 over and over, It gets bit boring after a while …

Is there any other way to make money in gw2 ?

Thanks in advance.

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Posted by: AncientYs.8613


sell stuff on the Tradingpost, complete events. farm mobs. make materials or weapons by crafting and sell them on the TP(bags,rune etc..)
There are also many other ways besides the ones i mentioned be creative^^

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Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064

Ricky Da Man.5064

sell stuff on the Tradingpost, complete events. farm mobs. make materials or weapons by crafting and sell them on the TP(bags,rune etc..)
There are also many other ways besides the ones i mentioned be creative^^

Last time I crafted something to sell I LOST money.

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Posted by: laokoko.7403


Play stock wars and auction house tycoon.

or get your credit card ready…

(edited by laokoko.7403)

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Posted by: AncientYs.8613


sell stuff on the Tradingpost, complete events. farm mobs. make materials or weapons by crafting and sell them on the TP(bags,rune etc..)
There are also many other ways besides the ones i mentioned be creative^^

Last time I crafted something to sell I LOST money.

well i cannot say much about that but i did do it alot in the past and i made more money than i had when i crafted the stuff.. i think when you want to do this the best is to craft something that doesnt cost that much materials and also sells for a decent amount on the tp^^

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Posted by: Vol.5241


You can’t make any money in this game unless you farm Cof1, flip on the TP or sell gems.

Not really gonna play seriously until they fix that.

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Help me make money.

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Posted by: Blanger.3162


Almost every action in-game you are paid one way or another, just killing mobs and selling the dragon chests can net you at least 1 gold a day (providing you can play a few hours), if you need more run the meta events and sell or salvage the rares, ectos are selling well on the TP.

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Posted by: Vol.5241


Almost every action in-game you are paid one way or another, just killing mobs and selling the dragon chests can net you at least 1 gold a day (providing you can play a few hours), if you need more run the meta events and sell or salvage the rares, ectos are selling well on the TP.

You can make 1G in 30 mins running cof!

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Posted by: remorselessx.5213


Ye cof is good for beginners, and also they are going to nerf it soon as some ppl were saying last week.

When selling and flipping gems i think there is a 30% penalty .

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Posted by: colesy.8490


COF p1 and all COE paths.

People don’t quite understand how easy COE is.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

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Posted by: Blanger.3162


Almost every action in-game you are paid one way or another, just killing mobs and selling the dragon chests can net you at least 1 gold a day (providing you can play a few hours), if you need more run the meta events and sell or salvage the rares, ectos are selling well on the TP.

You can make 1G in 30 mins running cof!

I know….but some folks can’t get in a group or they are not skilled enough to run dungons, it takes very little skill to kill mobs in PvE as long as you stay in zones your leveled for or below, it takes longer but the Op was asking for options.

Just giving my 2 coppers worth.. lol

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Posted by: Torpian.9142


The fastest way to get money in this game is via the trade post. All you need is a credit card and you could be rich within minutes (provided you have funds in your bank of course!).

Wardens of Myth, Tarnished Coast

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Posted by: Wanderer.1640


I would like to know if anybody can explain how or which is the best or the easiest way to get more money, im like very low with money, and a would like more for several reasons
Dungeons, farming, quest what…?
tnx all

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Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


What level are you playing? That will depend somewhat on how much you can make and of course what you would need it for. I do fairly well just playing as normal, PvE mostly. I sell everything I don’t need either to vendor or on TP depending on the item. I don’t craft to sell because I have found it really isn’t worth the time to gather all the mats. Farming again will depend on your level and where to go. There are places to farm at every level. Hearts give decent money but I consider it way point money. Speaking of that, I don’t way point often because it often doesn’t take that long to run about. That saves money.

Oh and as far as ease, if you have some extra real money cash you can buy gems to trade for gold. Quick and easy.

The Burninator

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Posted by: Esplen.3940


Easiest Money: Dungeons.

Fastest Money: Gems —> Gold.

Fastest Easiest Money (Without Real Money): CoF P1.

Other Possibilities: AC, Arah, CM, CoE, HotW.

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Posted by: remorselessx.5213


The fastest way to get money in this game is via the trade post. All you need is a credit card and you could be rich within minutes (provided you have funds in your bank of course!).


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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Ye cof is good for beginners, and also they are going to nerf it soon as some ppl were saying last week.

When selling and flipping gems i think there is a 30% penalty .

Maybe, maybe not. They seem to be too busy not working on dungeons. Besides they do need something pumping gold into the economy to keep up with the sinks! Lack of gold in the economy isn’t really good for ANet.

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Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Ye cof is good for beginners, and also they are going to nerf it soon as some ppl were saying last week.

When selling and flipping gems i think there is a 30% penalty .

Maybe, maybe not. They seem to be too busy not working on dungeons. Besides they do need something pumping gold into the economy to keep up with the sinks! Lack of gold in the economy isn’t really good for ANet.

It’s actually the other way around. Too MUCH gold in the economy isn’t good for the game as a whole. (For a good example, take a look at the sorry state of the Diablo III economy right now.) Don’t forget that players are constantly earning money just by going out and killing monsters and vendoring the loot. A LOT of gold is pumped into the economy every day, and the sinks are all that’s keeping GW2 from turning into D3.

If COF1 were to be nerfed, and if (somehow) the market doesn’t correct itself to account for a drastically lower purchasing power, then you can bet that ANet would intervene by upping drop rates of super expensive materials (like they did for Vanilla Beans and more recently with Crystalline Dust).

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


They are also constantly destroying gold with every item list. Destroying gold jumping from WP to WP chasing after the world bosses. Buying salvage kits and salvaging things into silk and leather.

Too much gold is bad doesn’t mean too little is good either. I should have been more clear though. It is bad for ANet if there is so little gold that the value of gold is higher than the value of gems.

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Posted by: nirvana.8245


COF p1 and all COE paths.

People don’t quite understand how easy COE is.

CoE is easy, although I found honor of the waves path 1 possibly the easiest dungeon Ive done. That said, I guess its a bit down to individuals. I find CM to be insanely difficult to do (without glitches) and others, apparently, find it the easiest.

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Posted by: behemode.1670


i wouldn’t pay hundereds of money to GW2. Prices are too expensive ! They should make a balance or re arrange price ranges. i believe if they lover the prices more ppl will buy !

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Posted by: Harooko.5293


hahahahahaha you guys are all very funny, if you really want to be rich, you need to hustle the tp, buy low sell high i suggest crafting materials, etc items that have high demand and high offer.

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


hahahahahaha you guys are all very funny, if you really want to be rich, you need to hustle the tp, buy low sell high i suggest crafting materials, etc items that have high demand and high offer.

Suuuure but that is also tedious. On top of that depending on the item(s) you need a certain amount of starting capital. On top of THAT the TP’s rate limiting is annoying.