Help me pick a class.

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fanatic.9428


So i got this problem that i realy can’t choose one class but at the sametime i want to play only one. I get realy frustrated about this so i thought maybe the internet can help me out by helping me pick out a class based on what i have played in other MMOs right……right? Because apparently i am incapable of seeing the obvius duh=P

Here we go

MMO characters in order:
- GW1: was not to old at the time think about 10 and my class was if i remember a Paragon.
- WoW: First: Mage, Second; Death knight (think Dark magic wielding knight)
- Aion: Chanter (staff wielding magic support/dmg dealer), Warrior
- Rift: Mage, low lvl rogue and warrior
- Swtor: Marauder (dual wielding dps warrior), Smuggler (the assassin class)

Prefered gameplay style:
I prefer to be the dps but i also very much like supporting through buffs and i have found out that healing is not really my thing. I also did this “famous” test named Battle Test where it decide what type of player you are and i was a Killer/achiever in that test.

That’s all the mayor characters i have played in recent MMOs i think hopefuly i have not missed any=). Anyway i was hoping that someone could help me with my problem it may seem obvius to you but for me it’s like smashing my head into a wall everytime i try to play a new game i just can’t figure it out. Realy want to be as good as i can with a class and i can’t realy be that if i keep jumping to other classes. Lately i have tried to narrow down what Class/archetype fits me the best and hopefuly this will help me on my way and it never hurts to have a second opinion

Any who posts have my biggest thanks.
Sorry if my english might not be the best not my first language.

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greydawg.6278


If one and only one, based on what you said you’d prefer warrior hands down.

They can jump in and go toe-to-toe, hang back with ranged attacks, and support others with various banners. All in the same fight.

(edited by Greydawg.6278)

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SlyAnger.9785


Well warrior since they can support and they are strong…But since u played mages too maybe necro u cant realy support but u can do a lot of condition dmg,and summon minions and u are kinda like dark mage…

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: November Lima.3412

November Lima.3412

I’d go with warrior. Strong dps, good support through banners or shouts. So yeah, I agree with the above posters.

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: biggs.4702


I’ll be a little different here and suggest necromancer. Why? Because you played either casters or “dark” magic users in most of your previous games and because necros not only do great damage but via condition management can support allies as well.

And for what it’s worth, I hated warlocks in WoW. But necros in GW2 are awesome.

The obstacle is the path.

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rekia.1480


You know how every MMO always has the “Flavor of the Month” class? In this game it is warrior. They can do anything any other class can do, but in some cases better (ranged attack better than the ranger for example). I made the mistake of leveling a warrior to 45 and after that all the other classes I played felt weak and underpowered.

If you want to play the “best” class, then pick a warrior, but if you are like me, then you’ll probably want to play a different class than everyone else. I honestly believe that every class is good in it’s own way, so if I were you, I’d pick something else just because everyone has a warrior. I don’t know why, but it always lessens my fun a little bit when I join a group and it consists of 3 people who are the same class as me and one other guy, I guess I just feel like I want to bring more to the group than that.

No one has mentioned it yet, but elementalists offer great group support and great damage. They are the basic “mage” class, which it seems like you’ve enjoyed playing in past games.

Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Yeah, warrior vs 5 mobs at once…..sure can do anything…might as well call him SUPER-TOON.

Warriors are easy to handle, but it all depends on what play style you are most comfortable with.

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Help me pick a class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catcrafter.3917


It sounds like the Necromancer is perfect for you, seeing how you played lots of mages before, I recommend Minionmacer for some added challenge.