Help needed: My friend just scammed a guild
Guilds can see who make transatcions
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]
Be the better man and report them. Put it in ANet support’s hands.
I think it’s ANet’s policy to not get involved in guild disputes like this, but there’s no harm in trying.
Fort Aspenwood
Suggest finding new friends as well.
Suggest finding new friends as well.
Suggest finding new friends as well.
I won’t go in to all the details, but let’s just call him a friend of a friend. What worries me is that friend X is the one that planned the theft, and friend Y is the one that executed it. Friend X got a 60% profit (6 gold) and there’s no definitive evidence that he has done anything wrong in-game. So friend Y, although he is in the wrong, gets the least profit and all of the risk. How can I make it clear to ANet who is the one who deserves the greater punishment, or draw punishment to them at all?
Dont say nothing, the guild leader can see the transaction and report the guy, dont be a little snitch he will get his in due time, meanwhile nobody likes a snitch dont let a game ruin a freindship. In 6 months or so when u hate this game and are looking at the next big mmo you will want ur freinds to play with you. Even if its annonymous you will still know deep down in your stomach that your a little rat, I couldnt live with that guilt
Plus that whole 60 40 split thing is bs anyways person y new what he was doing if he is dunb enough to give person x 60 even though he did all the work then he is kitten /p>
How does one plan taking items out of a guild bank?
How does one plan taking items out of a guild bank?
“Okay, here is the plan. I will smack that Moa over there with my sword and cause a distraction. When you see the big Char leave the vault door, run inside. I left the vault key under the door mat for you. Once you take everything out, my fee for developing this plan is 60% of the take. If you screw me on this, the Moa won’t be the only thing getting smacked by my sword.”
How does one plan taking items out of a guild bank?
I think it was more of a “Hey, I can access this guild’s bank” “Oh cool, take and sell all their crap, and we’ll split the profits.”
AntiGw, I’m guessing the plan was try to join guilds until you find one that lets lowest level people into their bank, then clean it and split it.
Also, willpearson, it’s interesting. It’s not clear to me I’d be comfortable living with the guilt of doing nothing.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with those people anymore, unless they apologized and returned their goods. Then again, my friends would never do this, so it may be more complicated than that. Sorry that you have to endure this awkward situation OP!
(Also why is this in Crafting? )
Fort Aspenwood
AntiGw, I’m guessing the plan was try to join guilds until you find one that lets lowest level people into their bank, then clean it and split it.
Also, willpearson, it’s interesting. It’s not clear to me I’d be comfortable living with the guilt of doing nothing.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with those people anymore, unless they apologized and returned their goods. Then again, my friends would never do this, so it may be more complicated than that. Sorry that you have to endure this awkward situation OP!
(Also why is this in Crafting?
I left this in general discussion earlier, and when I came home it was moved to crafting :/
The entire guild’s wealth was worth only 10 gold??? Lol
This thread defies comprehension on so many levels…
Who would bother to permanently tarnish their reputation for the petty sum of 10 gold (of virtual money)? I mean, I wouldn’t necessarily even notice if someone managed to swipe some pocket money from my account.
Who would call such people ‘a friend’ after the fact?
And most puzzling of all, what does this thread do in the crafting section? Does the OP suggest that the thieves were particularly crafty with their scheme?
This thread defies comprehension on so many levels…
Who would bother to permanently tarnish their reputation for the petty sum of 10 gold (of virtual money)? I mean, I wouldn’t necessarily even notice if someone managed to swipe some pocket money from my account.
Who would call such people ‘a friend’ after the fact?
And most puzzling of all, what does this thread do in the crafting section? Does the OP suggest that the thieves were particularly crafty with their scheme?
A mod moved the thread.
I remember when I played Eve Online some guy stole or scammed the equivalent of $10,000 in ISK (main game currency) from players. People actually sued the guy for compensation but received none – be it real money or not. This 10 gold fiasco is nothing in comparison. Not worth the trouble in my opinion. You can make 10 gold in an hour so…
Your friend did nothing against the rules. The guild should have been smart enough to see this coming. The guild can’t do anything to your friend, and if they go announcing this, they are also announcing how careless they are.
Personally, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with those people anymore, unless they apologized and returned their goods. Then again, my friends would never do this, so it may be more complicated than that. Sorry that you have to endure this awkward situation OP!
I agree. Why would you want to be friends with these guys? They stole virtual currency from some poor guild. That’s so hilariously lame on so many levels. These guys are just sorry people. Even when you quit GW in the future why would you want these guys to follow you?
Your friend did nothing against the rules. The guild should have been smart enough to see this coming. The guild can’t do anything to your friend, and if they go announcing this, they are also announcing how careless they are.
A beautiful example of how scammers justify their actions.
In my book stealing is stealing. If it does not belong to you; you have no business touching it.
To the OP with friends like that you don’t need any enemies.
(edited by OmniPotentes.4817)
ANet won’t take any action as it is the responsibility of the guild to set permissions on what their members can and cannot do in regards of the guild bank. However, I agree that what your friends did was extremely scummy and worthy of breaking a friendship over. I do not want to be friends with people who think it’s fair game to steal someone’s car on the street just because the owner happened to leave it unlocked.
Don’t worry about informing the guild about what your friend did though. As others have mentioned, they can see who removed items from the guild bank, so they’ll know who was responsible. What action they take from there is up to them. Hopefully this also serves as a lesson to them that new players should NEVER be granted access to the guild bank. Heck, even long-term members shouldn’t be given access; in my guild, only the guild leader and officers are authorised to make withdrawals from the bank. If a member wants something from the bank, they need to contact one of the former and plead their case.
It kinda makes me laugh. I joined a separate guild on an alt once in WoW (main guild with RL friends wasn’t all that active) and some guy ninja’d the bank. He had waited months for access and all in all made off with 35,000 gold in raw money and items. We’re talking about a heist in this game of 10g xD.
And what’s really annoying about this? “They say it serves the guild right for giving access to new players.” I hate to make this analogy, but it’s so clear I have to. Your friends are the same dumb kittens who talk about how the girl was asking to be kitten because of the way she dressed. Disassociate with the “friend of a friend” immediately, and tell your friend what a complete moron he just was. Dishonesty and taking advantage of someone taking them in aside, he might get banned over a matter of 10g. If you’re gonna get banned for a heist, make it a legendary amount xD.
(edited by Woljnir.7810)
If this is not a hoax and based on true events I can say but one thing: Drop your “friend” like a brick as he’s shown to be a spineless kitten with no moral standings to speak of.
As the famous saying goes: ‘With friends like this, who needs enemies.’
Imo you should report him, but srsly why bother stealing 10 gold?? And then splitting it with some1 else? You barrely make anythhing out of that.
Next ban wave with bots
As suggested above, this should be put into the hands of Arenanet, but not by you.
There is no direct rule they broke. For cases like this Arenanet has a much wider rule
’While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. ’
This is rule used for situations like this. It actually gives Arenanet the possibility to suspend people for almost every conflict that happens if they say and if think the person deserves a suspension.
However, this means that the guildleader of the victum guild should be the one reporting the person who did it. If that leader does it is up to Anet to decide wether or not this is reason for disciplinary actions. If the leader doesn’t report, he and his members doesn’t feel obstructed in their right to enjoy the game and there is nothing wrong.
In other words. It’s up to you if you want to keep them as friends. It’s up to the victums to file an official complaint and it is up to Anet to decide if they went too far.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Let the guild sort this issue out. If you know this friend only from game … well, I’d no longer consider him a friend. If he’s an irl friend, don’t tell him where you keep your irl valuables. ;/
It was 11 gold, and they said I could have it.
I don’t think Anet will do anything because they didn’t do anything that’s against the EULA or ToS. I’m not saying what they did was right but strictly speaking they didn’t do anything wrong either.
Guilds get to set permissions for their members and if they gave these guys permission to withdraw items from the guild bank then that means exactly what it says – they had permission to take those items. Of course one member shouldn’t take everything but if the guild wants to make sure that doesn’t happen they shouldn’t give them permission to do it.
And no it’s not at all like the bull kitten excuse of “She was asking for it, look at the way she dresses!”. How modestly a woman is dressed is up to interpretation and can mean a huge range of things (although it never means that) depending on the woman. This is very clear cut – there’s a window labelled “Permissions for <rank>” with a tick box labelled “Guild Stash Withdraw” (and another one labelled “Treasure Trove Withdraw”) and it can be marked yes or no. Click yes and everyone of that rank has permission to withdraw those items. No room for misinterpretation.
But that doesn’t mean the guild, and you, can’t do anything about it. If I was you I’d drop your “friend” like a hot brick. At best he’s an inconsiderate idiot who didn’t think beyond making some quick gold, at worst he knowingly took advantage of the guilds trust. Yes it’s only virtual items, this time, but still, is that the sort of person you want as a friend?
As for the guild if they haven’t already they’ll hopefully ban this guy and as much as possible warn other guilds off him as well. Hopefully they’ll also re-think their permissions to make sure they’re only trusting people they actually trust in future.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Is the “offenders” profession a Thief? Maybe he is roleplaying.
For all of you who have forgottten, this is a game. Report him or don’t, who cares? It’s a few pixels you don’t need to make a forum topic about this like it’s a real dilema. Obviously you will not report him as you posted this instead of doing it. Somehow posting this makes you feel not guilty for not reporting a thief. Please, just stop taking the game too seriously.
Behaving well in MMORPGs is a must these days. Not only that you will be ostracized by the game’s community, also it has repercussions on your real life as well if you say empty the bank or scam someone from your guild. It’s easy to investigate now a player’s facebook, twitter and other social media.
So be good and don’t be an kitten.
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
“friend” X is an untrustworthy person who you should drop as a friend. He probably can’t be trusted with stuff in real life either. “friend” y who alledgedly took all the risks and less than half the goods is apparently an idiot. Worse an idiot without convictions. I suspect he’ll come to a bad end just through natural selection.
? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
alcopaul makes a very good point. In this day and age of online persona proliferation, it’s usually extremely easy for someone to track down who you really are via Facebook, Twitter or other social media. From there, they can then make your life hell.
What’s more, countries like South Korea have already passed laws governing online behaviour, making it quite possible to be charged and arrested for things you do online. It’s a safe bet that other countries will soon follow suit.
In short, don’t be a Bad Kitten online, because it could very well return to bite you in the rear one day.
alcopaul makes a very good point. In this day and age of online persona proliferation, it’s usually extremely easy for someone to track down who you really are via Facebook, Twitter or other social media. From there, they can then make your life hell.
What’s more, countries like South Korea have already passed laws governing online behaviour, making it quite possible to be charged and arrested for things you do online. It’s a safe bet that other countries will soon follow suit.
In short, don’t be a Bad Kitten online, because it could very well return to bite you in the rear one day.
Ummm… No, no one is going to get arrested for looting a guild bank in GW2 that they were given access to. If that starts happening then it’s time for me to grab my bug out bag and hit the woods because the world would have certainly gone to hell at that point.
Actually the laws you are talking about are more related to cyber stalking and cyber bullying and are more likely to target things like FB griefing you mentioned.
But yes I agree that it’s not a good idea to act like a total kitten online and in game and I agree that the person that did the looting was not playing very nice.
Ummm… No, no one is going to get arrested for looting a guild bank in GW2 that they were given access to. If that starts happening then it’s time for me to grab my bug out bag and hit the woods because the world would have certainly gone to hell at that point.
Actually the laws you are talking about are more related to cyber stalking and cyber bullying and are more likely to target things like FB griefing you mentioned.
But yes I agree that it’s not a good idea to act like a total kitten online and in game and I agree that the person that did the looting was not playing very nice.
There was also a case where one guy’s roommate stole the super-expensive sword he’d farmed for months to get and sold it for a sum of money. The roommate was sentenced to a few years jail for his efforts. I know that’s not the same situation as what the thieves did in the OP’s story, but it is an indication of what might be in store for cyber-laws in the future.
Behaving well in MMORPGs is a must these days. Not only that you will be ostracized by the game’s community, also it has repercussions on your real life as well if you say empty the bank or scam someone from your guild. It’s easy to investigate now a player’s facebook, twitter and other social media.
So be good and don’t be an kitten.
THIS, seriously.
Report him. The guy’s a trouble. Depending on how he behaves to you, you can continue to be acquainted, but DON’T leave him unwatched if he’s around your belongings. He might set an example of how to not trust people too much to you.
Be a good guy and behave. This is an online game, we’re supposed to have fun. There’s a reason you can get into jail IRL for stealing someone’s car. Perhaps the repercussion won’t be felt IRL, but the destruction of reputation isn’t worth it.
Besides, can’t they see the master username (your account name, instead of character name)when they hover over your character name?
Your friend did nothing against the rules. The guild should have been smart enough to see this coming. The guild can’t do anything to your friend, and if they go announcing this, they are also announcing how careless they are.
And that, Folks, is a textbook example of “rationalizing poor behavior”. Thankfully, most people here have a more solid moral compass.
Suggest finding new friends as well.
Absolutely. I know it’s a hard thing to do, but believe me: these people are not your “friends”. I know it’s not fun to be by yourself and have the feeling that you’re on the “outside”, but you’ll be far better in the long run if you just say no to these kinds of people. They are not worthy of you and you deserve better. won’t ban anyone over the stupidity of guild masters.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Your friend did nothing against the rules. The guild should have been smart enough to see this coming. The guild can’t do anything to your friend, and if they go announcing this, they are also announcing how careless they are.
And that, Folks, is a textbook example of “rationalizing poor behavior”. Thankfully, most people here have a more solid moral compass.
Quite the opposite. You’re the textbook example of “rationalizing poor behaviour”. If you give people the chance to steal, sooner or later someone is going to actually steal. Not everyone has a moral compass. Expecting anonymous people to behave morally is pretty silly.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
For all of you who have forgottten, this is a game. Report him or don’t, who cares?
Poor social behaviour should not be tolerated regardless of whether it’s a reallife or a virtual situation. Behind those ‘pixels’ are still real people who were negatively affected by the actions of the guy who essentially robbed a Guild bank.
The reason I find GW2 so much more enjoyable than back when I still played WoW is because ArenaNet spends a lot more time making sure people behave properly and that they get punished if they don’t. This reflects upon the whole community, which as a consequence is an MMO where the standard is to be friendly and helpful rather than being an egocentric jerk.
Sure, there are still people who misbehave but you need only to look at your average WoW discussion on the forum or ingame these days to know that GW2 is superior in every conceivable way at the social aspect of things. I for one am glad I gave up on that game 3,5 years back.
(edited by Chief.5928)
Okay, so I’m a Senior Officer in my current guild and we’ve got a load of stuff in our bank (probably about 40g worth).
I’ll try giving my point of view from this perspective as well as others.
From the perspective of an SO in my guild:
I would personally be furious. I’d do everything I could to get that person banned or have some form of punishment dished out. As a senior officer in a guild with large amounts of gold in our trove, I’d recommend you report them and find better friends. At the same time, we aren’t stupid enough to keep anything of value in our regular vault (it’s literally just food with 2 copper) and we only let our 30 senior officers access the rest of the bank (though our members are welcome to request things from the bank). I’d say that the guild was pretty stupid to allow practically anyone to access it.
From the perspective of a friend:
Well, if it were my IRL friends I’d probably get pretty mad at them for being kitten, but I wouldn’t go much further. It’s just a game, after all. No reason to ruin IRL friendships (though stealing is stealing is stealing and my trust in them might be a little lessened)
Were it my in-game friends I’d simply find new ones. It’s the same as when I find out one of my friends is an kitten hole to PuGs or new players or something like that, they aren’t people I want to game with. I wouldn’t report them but I would inform the guild of who it was and leave it at that.
From the perspective of a general player:
To be honest I can’t really blame them too much. Sure, they’re kitten holes for doing it and it’s the wrong thing to do, but it’s like someone you’ve never met giving you the pin-number to their bank account with 10,000 dollars in and saying “here, go buy yourself lunch with it.” It’s tempting as hell to go buy that really awesome game you want, isn’t it? Or even to take the lot. After all, you have no real obligation to them do you?
Basically, they did the wrong thing and are total jerks for it. Take into consideration how the guild feels and also your ‘friends’ thought process behind it. Ultimately unless they’re IRL friends I’d just find new ones. You don’t want to be playing with people like that. If any of your mutual friends question you, simply tell them that you aren’t comfortable playing with people who steal from others.
No matter that the Guild Masters were negligent, it is a horrible thing to do- the amount is of no consequence.
If it was me I would not only report both of them I would give them a piece of my mind in RL, just before I tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out.
@ mexay-suggesting in the post above that if a stranger gave you his bank pin, you might be tempted to abuse it- all I can say is O-O.
You have the obligation to behave like a human being, after all they just bought you lunch and trusted you with their info.
Define “friend”? How did you guys meet?
in Real Life – How long? Close or distant? Is it worth the hassle to lose them over 10g and a bad online game record? Are they like that in Real Life?
Online – lose them. report them.
Dont say nothing, the guild leader can see the transaction and report the guy, dont be a little snitch he will get his in due time, meanwhile nobody likes a snitch dont let a game ruin a freindship. In 6 months or so when u hate this game and are looking at the next big mmo you will want ur freinds to play with you. Even if its annonymous you will still know deep down in your stomach that your a little rat, I couldnt live with that guilt
Judging from what data we have about the character of these “friends”, this is a bridge worth burning. Let me suggest the opposite. Blow it up. Make it a big public mess. Get them to confess and post screenshots on reddit. Trumpet their iniquity from the rooftops. You can be Internet Batman. YOU ARE THE SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE. MAKE THEM PAY.
Dont say nothing, the guild leader can see the transaction and report the guy, dont be a little snitch he will get his in due time, meanwhile nobody likes a snitch dont let a game ruin a freindship. In 6 months or so when u hate this game and are looking at the next big mmo you will want ur freinds to play with you. Even if its annonymous you will still know deep down in your stomach that your a little rat, I couldnt live with that guilt
Seriously if I found out any of my friends behaved in this manner I would drop them immediately.
I would first give them the chance to make things right with this guild before taking matters into my own hands, but regardless mmo or not I like friends that have scruples and obviously these people don’t!
Also (willpearson) I feel sorry for you since you appear to believe that doing the right thing is wrong if it involves turning on a friend, if anyone’s morals ever give you pause would your really want them as your friend?
OP I would not put too much trust in these “friends” since they appear to have issues, the fact your posting here means you at some level think what they have done is wrong so now its up to you to decide how best to handle it.
Darkhaven NA Server
(semi noob wvw)