Help with a question about auto-clicking

Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Is it a ban-able/ suspend-able offense to use a auto click program to open all of my karma jugs and vials. I am planing on using them for the orrian jewelery boxes so i will need to click a ton. If a Dev could comment on this one way or the other that would be great.

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Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Nevermind answered my own question
One of the lines in there says does the program allow you to play “faster”, and this would allow me to open bags and jugs faster so i guess its not allowed. That is if Anet considers opening bags “playing”.

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Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934



You cannot program an “auto-clicker” macro that, for instance, opens chests while you play elsewhere.”
but I don’t believe that answers the question of an auto-clicker while you sit there staring at it, doing nothing else – just that one action at a time. though it does allow you to being playing as well, whether you use it or not.
the funny part: you can be playing while opening chests with a normal mouse anyways (inventory open, double-clicking while your autocast is attacking the boss with your bow)

Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Yeah looking over that dev post its not really clear if what i want is allowed or not. I think it would not be simply because i “could” do something in game faster than someone that doesn’t have the program. unless i could set the timer for the click to be the same time that i could click it myself. But i doubt that they can detect what speed i have set for the click, and they can only see that I’m using a 3rd party program.

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Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


personally, I think it should be fine to use an auto-clicker for the sole purpose of saving yourself from carpel tunnel. As long as you’re not having it do stuff while you do other stuff, it should be allowed.
now, what should be and what is are possibly two different things. use at your own risk.

another thought: how about Anet adds something to the drop-down menu for things like chests, karma potions, bags, salvage kits: “use all”. for chests, this would open all 250 in the stack instead of 1.
then there would be no need of auto-clickers and they could outlaw them to their hearts’ content

Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

Yeah i agree that it “should” be allowed but I’m not sure so i guess i will not use it. Also i definitely agree that we should have an in game button to open things such as bags (said this awhile ago in another thread).
If you think about it how did the meeting go down for the inventory UI go down. Was it like, person A “you know players really don’t want to have to run back to storage to put this things in lets give them a button to do it”. Then person B says “what about opening all these different bags i mean some players will have to open hundreds of them. we should make a button for that too”. Person A “No…no they will love opening all these bags i would not take away their joy”. Person B “But if people really wanted to they could still open them by hand and others could use the button, everyone wins”. Person A “No they will love opening them i swear”!
OK rants over, anyway Anet please look in to this I really doubt anyone looks forward to opening 250 jugs of karma, and even if there is that minority like i said they dont have to use the button.

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Help with a question about auto-clicking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I really don’t think this is the kind of macro or program Anet cares about. They are more concerned, if I understand correctly, any kind of macro/program that gives you an advantage in combat against mobs or other players. They are worried about competitive balance (rightly so), and opening bags is not a competitive endeavor. However, I wouldn’t (and don’t think it would be fun) use any macro that binds multiple actions to one key in any other endeavor.

Note, I am not a rep of Anet and don’t speak for them, but I don’t think your bag opening speed while staring at the screen is something they care about.

P.S. Don’t forget to get a karma boost via guild banners/communal bonfires/ outmanned (maybe) before downing those jugs!