Help with random stuff. URGENT.

Help with random stuff. URGENT.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sumusikoo.1360


Hello, I have alot of issues with my keyboard which limits me alot.

1- W is broken, had to use a key remapper.
2- 2 is broken once again had to use a key remapper.
3- s key is out so makes it hard to click.

So while Playing I’m using the arrows to turn the camera to the right left and walk forward and so on. Then I use A and D to strafe in pvp and Q for the 2 and 1-9 for skills, So i barely use the mouse, but My main issue is actually targetting people in pvp I use tab to target nearest player but it targets minions so i find myself in constants 1 v 1 targetting the minions instead of the guy, and by the time i get to my mouse and click the guy i’ve lost atleasr 30-40% hp before I even hit the guy.

Help with random stuff. URGENT.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Hitting the ‘tab’ again will move target to the next guy. I find it easier to go through the available targetets and stopping at ‘the guy’ than trying to hunt him down with the mouse.

Help with random stuff. URGENT.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HellSpawn.6408


“I use tab to target nearest player” , unless you have remapped the key, tab does not guarantee to get the nearest player. Tab, and shift-Tab are to select next , previous target respectivelly. If you want the closest target you have to go to the “Edit keys” tab and map a key to the “select closest target” option.
I have assigned CAPS for closest target.. so if the closest target to me is minion.. then i press TAB to go the the next target.

Help with random stuff. URGENT.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mulch.2586


new USB keyboard $8.99 at Amazon