Help with silly targeting system..??

Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darc.4752


So, I have read a bunch of technical posts about how the targeting system is GW2 works. Basically the auto target system tries to keep you targeted to your nearest enemy/ field of view. If you rotate more than 45 degrees from the target the game tries to switch to enemy/ friend inside your “cone” of view. So if you are a mouse strafe guy like myself you find you are switching targets way to much.

While this is a pain in PvE, it is just plain a deciding factor in PvP too often. I will have a player way down and because I strafe or lose LOS for a second the game switches targets. When you have a clump of enemy players those few seconds it takes to reacquire your beat down target can make all the difference.

So has anyone found a way to make this simpler? I have tried many options in the targeting system including auto lock on target and I can’t get game from switching targets when I don’t want. Any help would be great..


Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Enenion.8127


There is a lock target option that locks in your current target until you switch it manually. Try playing with that on or disabling autotargeting in the options menu.

Fort Aspenwood

Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aseyhe.2948


Are you using the left mouse button to look around? You might be encountering the issue where pressing the left mouse button targets anything at the cursor, even if you do not release the button. This means that when you use it to look around, it can still change your target.

Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darc.4752


Ok, after some playing around with the system, that I’d what is happening. I’m using mouse to rotate camera and curser is changing target if it roams over one. Any work around? I have de-selected auto- targeting under options.

Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aseyhe.2948


I don’t know of any workaround, sorry

Help with silly targeting system..??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maddav.9605


I am left handed and use the arrow keys for movement and set my End key which is just above my forward key to target next enemy. I turned auto target off. This seems to be working better for me.