Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi I am a new player and I just hit lvl 80 a few days ago but my character still looks like he is lvl 5. Meanwhile everybody I see has cool looking gear and weapons

So I want to change my appearance using the wardrobe. But after google searching, it seems that if I change my appearance in the wardrobe, then change my equipment (ex. I find a better helm with better stats), then my wardrobe settings will disappear. Is this really how it works?

If so, then it seems that wardrobe is only for ppl who have the best possible armor and will never change their equipment. Unless there’s a really quick way to farm transmutation charges (other than using gem store)??

EDIT: Even if I have the best possible armor, if I want to change my build, then I cannot keep my wardrobe appearance, correct? I’ll need to pay transmutation charges again?

(edited by Lightingale.6502)

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


You need a skin. These apper in your Wardrobe and will always remain there.

These skins come from soulbinding/salvage or mystic forging other items. Say you really like the Protector helm. Human T3 helm, and you buy it, this will unlock it for your wardrobe since the helm automatically soulbinds.

Then you can use a trasnmutation charge to put the look of that helm on any other peice of gear any time. As many times as you like, but each time you do you have to use another charge.

Once a peice of gear is transmuted it will keep that look until you decide to transmute it again or destory it.

You can farm charges by maping the Main cities of each race or by doing pvp. I have never bought any charges from the store and currently set at about 50 in my wallet right now.

Your bulid is unrelated to your armor.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

(edited by Talyn.3295)

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Igtenos.9481


Also, remember to stay patient. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve regretted using a charge on something I immediately didn’t find appealing as soon as I applied the charge, even after previewing (I’m picky). Save your charges until you know for sure that your gear will be something you’ll use long-term.

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Your bulid is unrelated to your armor.

Some armor add to your stats like adding to power. These are not important?

Also I’m very confused by “Once a peice of gear is transmuted it will keep that look until you decide to transmute it again or destory it.”

So if I simply unequip the helm, then re-equip it again right away, will my appearance in my wardrobe be gone and I have to spend another transmutation charge?

Also, if i use transmutation charge on an item, can I still sell it later in the TP (assuming it’s not bound)

(edited by Lightingale.6502)

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Your bulid is unrelated to your armor.

some armor add to your stats like adding to power. These are not important?

Sorry if I mis-understood. I thought you were refering to traits.

The stats that your armor brings is important, more so after HoT. However in terms to what your wardrobe does it isn’t.

Of course if you want different sets with different stats to look a certain way you would have to go about geting each peice of gear with the stats you want say a zerker sword for PvE and a soldier for wvw, then put the skin on them you like. Each sword would cost a charge to change its apperance. But you would only need to do it oncer per weapon, or peice of gear.

In PvP you amulet gives all your stats, so you could fight naked with only your weapons and you would have no problemss.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Your bulid is unrelated to your armor.

Some armor add to your stats like adding to power. These are not important?

Also I’m very confused by “Once a peice of gear is transmuted it will keep that look until you decide to transmute it again or destory it.”

So if I simply unequip the helm, then re-equip it again right away, will my appearance in my wardrobe be gone and I have to spend another transmutation charge?

Also, if i use transmutation charge on an item, can I still sell it later in the TP (assuming it’s not bound)

No, you never lose the apperance of the skin from your wardrobe. Once you unlock the skin it will be there from now until you quit the game. You are free to unequip or change gear as much as you like. The apperance of that peice of gear will stay unless you decide you want to change it.

I think you might have read something from the old system which confused you. In the old system the two peice of gear got smashed together, you got to pick which of three things you to keep,

1. Apperance (skin)
2. Stats
3. Rune/sigil

In a sense you lost one peice of gear to put its apperance onto another peice. That isn’t the case anymore.

I am pretty sure you can’t transmute anything unless you equip it now. I have a guild staff skin i bought on my theif because I thought it was account bound and not soul bond. I tried to put my ascended staff in my theifs inv and transmute that way, it wouldn’t work. System only let me transmute what I had equiped.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


You’ve pretty much understood how transmutation works, you’re just missing a few key bits of information. Most importantly at level 80 there are only two tiers of equipment worth considering: ascended and exotic.

Ascended is the best possible and exotic is the second best. But the difference between the two is very small and the entire game (except Fractals of the Mists) is balanced around exotics so most people don’t bother getting all ascended.

Exotic equipment is very easy to get at level 80, to the point where many people, even casual players, are able to get it right away once they finish levelling. It comes from lots of places, and they’re all equally good so it’s just a matter of deciding what stats you want and which method is best/easiest for you. The options are:

  • Bought with gold from the Trading Post
  • Crafted by level 400 crafters
  • Bought with karma from the temples in Orr
  • Bought with badges of honour in WvW
  • Bought with dungeon tokens from the vendors in LA
  • Awarded by the personal story and level up rewards
  • Found on enemies (this can take a long time)

You can also combine methods if you don’t have enough of 1 currency or don’t want to spend it all (or if you already know what skins you want and you’re able to get the skin and the stats together).

So in general you don’t need to worry about transmuting your equipment and then needing to upgrade it again. Once you reach level 80 you’re pretty much done with that.

Some people do want to have multiple different sets for different stat combinations, and in that case you will need to transmute each one separately. Transmutation changes the item, not the slot it’s in. So if you transmute 1 helmet and then swap it for a different one the new one will look different. But if you swap back to the 1st one it will still have the skin you applied to it.

Some people like that because it allows them to have different styles for their character, or makes it easy to remember which set is which just by looking at it. (Dye works the same way and I know some people also colour code their equipment.)

If you want multiple sets to all look the same you will have to use multiple transmutation charges. But the good news is you can get those for free from map completion, PvP and login rewards. The skins themselves are saved in your wardrobe and can be applied as many times as you like without having to get another copy of the original item.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

If you do the PvP dailies, you’ll get a transmutation charge about every other day, as well as armor and weapon skins from various dungeons that you can add to your wardrobe and use. That’s a great source of both Transmutation charges and skins. Just doing the PvP dailies will complete one track in about 6 days and gets you 3 Transmutation charges, 3 weapon skins and one armor skin as well as dungeon tokens to buy another piece.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)