Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


Question: Is it absolutely necessary to use voice comms while doing dungeons. I dislike using voice comm, but perhaps I should rethink? Opinions?

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Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


To paelen that’s brilliant to hear ! I commend your fellow players and award then with a signet of the legion. But the thing is.. YOU deserve the highest order as without you to listen with open ears then it would not be possible. Good luck with taking down the rest pf the dungeons!

Maklin NO! You really don’t have to change your opinion. I’m deadly serious. If it is something you don’t really like no you don’t have to use it. You should be free use whatever means you wish.

I only use teamspeak because my bro set up a server. Sure I suppose it is handy not having to type while fighting but if you plan accordingly beforehand it isn’t necessary.

Maybe in time you may reconsider but no I am not here to change you or anybody elses mindset.

As again thank you for you new posters for joining in and I look forward to hearing from both of you again. I hope when this little project gets going you will be involved.

Please would you please tell me the servers you are on as experiences differ from worlds.

Once again thank you for both of your inputs and please if you let more take notice this topic I would be grateful. Look forward to replies!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


To Maklin I or another will answer your question on choice of communication more thoroughly. I however should currently be asleep! This kid still has school to go to!

I just wanted you both to be acknowledged and hope my quick reply
may give you some insight. Look for my post at a later date.

Anyway I should be asleep now or I get cranky when I get up.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


Glitch thank you for the speedy response, it is much appreciated but hope you are asleep now. :-)

I have used Skype with two others in the past in other games, but they don’t play GW2.

I am on Tarnished Coast server. I need to find someone like you on this server. I love this game but at present am solo’ing PVE, which is how I normally play theses games, but GW2 makes me want to have a few others who feel the same. I will keep searching. I am in a guild but it isn’t working for me. Should look for another. Like to hear more about the cross server guild, I heard that is possible.

My main is an Asuran theif named Mrrap. ( not wild about that name, but i’m 48 levels into him…)

* Signature…..I don’t need no stinkin signature!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


o herro everyone!D

glad to hear more positive responses and also new names joining in on the chat. always good to see new faces (names). anyone from Sanctum of Rall here? hehe i’m always giving out free dyes! lol

@Maklin – am sure you’ll find some like-minded people on TC soon enough! and one thing i always believe in, take the first step! and people will more likely come to you and respond. we live in a world where sometimes standing out is being punished. but to be honest, what do we really have to lose? especially in gw2. the most is we don’t hear anything back. at the end of quests, i guess i’m a huge chatter so i always say a little bit. well done, ty for the rezzes, great job keeping the boss immobilized, etc.. more often than not, people just scatter. but sometimes, there will be folk around and we just stay and chat and do nothing lol. /dance *, talk about nothing, all the while taking mobs out that respawn lol.

@Glitch and Maklin and Noppy (hope i didn’t miss anyone) – the cross server guild would definitely be fun! and i would definitely be part of it. for starters, if it’s not that big yet, maybe you can just rep when you feel like being in a strictly help other player mode. whereas the rest of the time, if you want to focus on some personal quests, serious farming, or doing specific dungeon runs, you can rep your other guilds. and then when it gets more organized we can figure something o ut. wow, imagine having a rep or a “council” from every server!!! haha that’d be a big feat but something pretty cool.

@about thirty ninjas – that’s awesome of you giving out help and offering it! take what i’m goign to say with a grain of salt since i wasn’t there. but liek GLitch mentioned, it’s best if people approach general /m asking for help. but i commend you for taking the first step! a lot of time, maybe people don’t feel comfortable responding to offers for help, because that’s sort of admitting they have a “short coming” or aren’t as “ELITE” of what have you. and might receive comments like “lol wut a nub” or “l2p LOLOL” but that’s just a very general skeptical guess of mine. keep doing what you’re doing though, but perhaps maybe you can try phrasing it as you wanna do a dungeon run, and willing to go slowly and not rush through things and/or maybe say you wanna do a story run for practice. then i feel that way, those who need help may approach you more. not sure if this helps.. but good luck! and keep at it! : ))) i wouldn’t mind having help with some of those dungeons lol

fun story – was in Ascalon the other day. with my Norn wife and big Norn self running around. we start doin this little quest with the harpy’s. an Asura joins in on us. and after we dispatch the enemies, they /s linked some loot to heavy armor (maybe because he noticed i was a Guard) and asked if anyone needed them. : ))) given they were too low-level for me, i thanked them regardless and was so nice to see people offering up goods (regardless of rarity or value) of what they find. most people would rather salvage or vendor even if it netted them only 6 copper rather than giving it to someone for free. so another shining moment for gw2 players.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@ akamon it’s always great to have someone to play alongside ain’t it.
That’s a great little moment as well, see it’s little gems like that you see throughout your server which makes you happy.

@ Maklin Okay now to address your choice of communication question. The answer truly is no you don’t have to use third party chat. I’ve always lead first time runners using ONLY the party chat. Sure it might take a bit longer and is not always ideal talking mid fight. :P

If you plan accordingly before the figh it will be fine, as long as you state what the plan is it’ll work out okay. I only use teamspeak just to generally chat with him and just happens his friends also have teamspeak.

If YOU don’t like it you do not have to use it. Regardless of what others say,you CAN run dungeons ex. Without teamspeak.

I’m proof that it is possible as are the others that do it or ran a dungeon with me.

Also Maklin about thirty ninjas and Jayne are on TC why not give them a message? It’ll better just having someone else to talk to while you explore.

(edited by Glitch.6849)

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


Been gaming since the early 90’s but this is my first ever MMO. I’ve been surprised at the social interaction in this type of game. I was expecting helpful people, good interaction, spontaneous group forming etc. Even roleplaying. What I see a lot is people rushing around, running from exp opportunity to exp opportunity ignoring everyone and everything else. Other players just seem hyperactive to me. I sometimes get invited to parties, but I don’t see the point anymore. They don’t want to chat, they don’t want to co-ordinate, they just want you to tag mindlessly along while they rush from ore node to ore node shooting everything they see in the face!

So this thread really gives me hope. This is what I thought MMO’s were about. Acknowledging that there are other people in the game world with you, helping them out and getting helped in return. And I can safely say it’s not just the newbies that need help. I’m close to level 80 and I still appreciate tips, nice comments and help in fights. The first time I entered a dungeon I didn’t even know it was one! I stumbled in and ended up kiting this huge golem while my attacks did a pathetic amounts of damage. After a couple of deaths I just gave up an left. A few pointers from more experienced gamers would have been great!

I do try to help others as best I can, but it mostly amounts to reviving, helping out in fights when I see people with low health and saying “good job all” after group efforts. I’d like to find more ways I can contribute to building a more helpful, interacting and welcoming community.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Hi All (this is probably going to be longer than I think!)

As I account for more than one of the 1500+ views this thread has had to date I thought I’d chip in with my experience.

I’ve been a console gamer for years but this is my first MMO and luckily I have a friend who has played MMO’s for years who got me into GW2 and has lead me through the early stages alongside her friends. More and more I find that no-one I know from our very small guild (6 ppl) is online at the same time as me and so I run around solo, exploring and occasionally running with other players to do DE, Champion fights or tricky skill points.

Having kept up with this thread from the start I have now begun to use map chat to let others know if I am running for a particular skill point, if I see a DE start or sometimes just to let ppl know that I’m new to the map and running round exploring if anyone wants to joinup.

As I think is demonstrated by most others posting here, this has had some success (more success than failure I’m pleased to report) and particularly now I’ve learnt how to link waypoints into map chat I do find that players respond – especially for big DE’s but also for areas with mobs that require a few people to succeed. Likewise, if I’m just in the area exploring and I see someone else post that something is going on or they need some help then I tend to turn-up and lend a hand – it never takes me far out of my way and usually the loot/karma/exp/map rewards are totally worth the effort.

As I’ve now worked my main up to level 36 the next thing I want to try is dungeons, although I might level a few more times first. Reading people’s experiences here of dungeons and finding groups has been both educational and reassuring – so hopefully soon I will be able to report back with some positive experience of my own.

I am on Gunnar’s Hold and would be reluctant to move server as this is where my few RL/GW2 friends are based, but if there are any thread readers on Gunnar’s Hold who want to add me as a contact and join-up if we’re ever online at the same time then please feel free. Because I don’t necessarily want to move server the idea of a cross-server guild is great, especially if, as akamon says, you could rep when you had the time to focus on helping rather than running your personal story. I will watch this thread with interest to see what becomes of this idea – I certainly have some donations for the guild vault as (as in real life) I have trouble throwing anything away!

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
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Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Hi Bri,

Thanks, I’ll definetely add you although it might take me a while to catch-up to you in the Iron Marshes and beyond. However, if you ever backtrack to explore lower level areas or run with an alternate then look me up. Also, I see from your post you’ve made a brief foray into dungeons, perhaps we can team up for one of these in the future?

See you on the map!

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Can I just say….

It’s really great to see more people.

Lexy and Mercypsy WELCOME TO THE THREAD!

@ Mercypsy It’s great to hear that my ramblings and the more helpful posters on this thread give you hope. Haha CM dungeon start is always a great surprise!
I would love it if you come back and share some of your adventures on this board!
Keep doing what you do Mercypsy!

@ Lexy join up with bri!!! We’re always glad to find others on our server. The guild (when we get round to it) Will consist of more of HUB for finding others on their server.

*A server move is ONLY if YOU wish to,. If YOU want to move that would be cool as it might be more organised, if you do talk to your friends about the move? Communication is key! *

The move is completely OPTIONAL. To be very honest to you _I didn’t even know myself that people were thinking about moving._ :P

This is more trying to create a community ACROSS all servers not just a tight knit group in one place. I admit it’s going to be tricky but do you want to be a part of it?

The thing is… I don’t understand… WHY DIDN’T YOU POST AFTER THE 1500TH VIEW!!!!!!

I’m really grateful that you decided to finally decided to drop by. :P

Please the both of you drop by again, share experiences and enjoy yourselves! I would really appreciate if you would like to get involved with this project and please direct any other like minded people to drop by in this topic!

@ bri Why aren’t you working? … :P I glad that you can’t resist the compelling new updates on this topic.

To all viewers, come post! If you are though, why not state what server your on? You don’t know who on this topic might join you!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: robber.4613


Well this a real nice feel good thread! I’m all for this, I’m on tarnished coast, and just like glitch I have a very small guild called hopeless wanderers, mostly for bank space. But I’m totally down with this cross-server idea! Love the game and would love to contribute to its community!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hey there robber nice of you to say hi!
Thank you for your appreciation it’s great to here you’re on TC why not have a chat with Jayne, about thirty ninjas and Maklin? They’d be happy to hear from others on the thread! .

Remember if you have any really good adventures or questions then put it down!
Thanks again for the contribution robber!

This really makes me happy, I came home back from college early and BAM more comments! Really great to here from everyone while I’m working on my homework. :P

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Thanks, I totally agree that the game isn’t going anywhere if we want to take our time back-tracking, exploring, farming, etc. I am also working right now…(not very hard you might have gathered!) and I might be playing tonight depending on whether the other half wants to watch football or not…If I’m on I’ll whisper you and see what you’re up to.

My main is a female sylvari elementalist, but I’m also working up a male human thief.

Thanks for the welcome, good to finally be here…

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Took your sweet time ey Lexy?

Hmm… depending on what’s what, could make a move to GH if it’s not high population AG’s experience has been pretty good so far but it would be great to have more people to game with. :P

I can’t make my mind up! :O

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha, Yea that was I was thinking I actually did consider joining the PCG guild and though about going to GH but went to NS due to my brothers friends who played MechWarriorOnline.

bri Good on you, just don’t get too carried away.
Let’s see if we can more people like Mercypsy, robber and Lexi to join in the topic.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


@bri ,@Lexy About back-tracking……That’s what I love about this game. It IS relevant to go backwards!! I know this isn’t the first game to allow you to revisit old content, but the mechanics of how it is applied is genius! In my opinion.

* Signature…..I don’t need no stinkin signature!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@ Maklin Good to see you back buddy! Did you happen to see my post on third party chat systems?

It could’ve been hard to see with the sudden surge of great new posters here.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


@Glitch I did and thank you for your input on this subject. I am excited about this group it gives me hope. I am working on other responses and some input as well. (day -off) ;-)

* Signature…..I don’t need no stinkin signature!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


WOO! Days off!
Good to hear that you found it.

Looking forward to more posts!
BUT Fill us in on tips and advice too!!!
Pleeeease! I also need to learn things! It’s not fair if you keep all the good advice to yourself!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


@Glitch, trust me if I ever have something of interest I will share, but I am a perpetual nooby.

I just want to say to any of you that are on Tarnished Coast please feel free to friend me. Now having said that I would not be apposed to changing servers if it meant helping with the cross server guild. I was part of a successful guild once way back in the day of Everquests early years, it was called Mystic Legacy. It was a great success. Now we didn’t have the largest guild by any means but what we had was quality people. Now as you may or may not know, that game in the early years had quite a lot of down time in between fights, so there was lots of time to get to know each other. It was awesome! I miss that. Now what I don’t miss about EQ was that there was also quite a bit of waiting and hoping to pick up a group, and if you weren’t a power player , well, it could get lonely. GW2 has removed that.
Thank you very much.

* Signature…..I don’t need no stinkin signature!

(edited by Maklin.8795)

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Midpa.6270


Oi, too many wall of text to read though.

I love to help others, but my problem isn’t helping others at a low level but all over the map and level ranges. Quite often I feel I have an inner Skritt inside me shouting, “Oooh, Shiney!” to all those folks in some need of help. Such as, when I see a person down icon on the mini map I tend to make a bee line to that person to help resurrect them despite my own train of mobs gathering up behind me.

So, while I do concur the social aspect seems lacking, due to the intense dodging / strafing actions involved all the time, all it usually takes is a little incentive words to get people yammering up a novel on any chat form. No one like to speak up first, since it draws some unwanted ( or too much ) attention to that one person. With that, I don’t mind the silent treatment, I just figure I did my job and move on.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@ Maklin
Cool that you support the idea. Yea it is good that you don’t have to get to a required level to actually start enjoying the game. Your a person we’re looking for ideas YOU can share some!
Remember quality people is what we aspire for and to buddy.

@ Midpa
Apologies for the inconvenience however I am in no way liable for the wall of texts created.

Just know that I do appreciate you time out to revive players etc.

Can you expand on the silent treatment help? Do you not like enjoy just talking to the person you helped or helped you, I don’t mean the simple thank you and both of you go on your way but actually take time to strike up a conversation?

Are you Batman by any chance? …

(edited by Glitch.6849)

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Does no-one want to talk to this kid anymore?

Looks like you’re all getting tired of my ramblings.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Did it not occur to you Glitch that all of us are off doing good in Tyria…

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Yep it did! I know you good folks are out there doing it and what a grand your doing!

But what about the other viewers… I can’t be sure of that…
And I get lonely on this topic and like trying to get more people in this topic.

I’ll stop with the whining now Lexy!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maklin.8795


Hey Glitch still here….been in Tryia as well.
I work tomorrow and the next 6 days all early shifts 4am – 12:30pm then it’s a week off for this dude. Have my bags packed and heading for where else?….Tryia. :-)

* Signature…..I don’t need no stinkin signature!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hey all!
Still following the topic, so don’t worry, i’m here!
But… also a lot off RL stuff to do (work, kids, wife, and some more ) and also need some time to be in Tyria so i can continue my adventures there.

So it’s just a very very little post now, just to let you all know that i’m still alive and following you all. Been thinking to move servers once we’ve found out where most off us are playing atm. Want to be on the good side off the servers

My guild, friendly and all, is just not that chatty and it seems a lot off people are just out there doing there stuff, so i’m willing to move to a group that at least talks a bit more

Well, we’ll see what happens in the near future, but i’m hearing all off you!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


I should start some proper organisation tomorrow. I’ll be in contact sometime soon with everyone here. Let’s see if we can do this.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tungdil.4732


Hi all,

I had a great moment of people helping each other. There was a common goal: a view – point

To reach it, you had to fight several spots with tough ghosts, and the path was all but obvious. We made it together untill a certain point, seeing the view point just a few meters higher, but couldn’t see a way to get there. We didn’t want to give up, but we were all like: is this it? can’t we make it? Until one of us saw a little “hidden” path and he shared it with the group. This way we made it untill the top. Great experience

Downside of the adventure: I missed the last jump, landed on a piece of rock a little bit lower, but couldn’t reach it, I am sure if they could, they would have helped me, but they couldn’t, Now I can try again this evening

Upside: I might lead the way tonight and help others

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@ Tungdil
Excellent story, kinda sucks you missed the jump. Ahh well at least you got never give up down! Yea, and it’s true now you can go help some other poor soul trying to find the hidden path.

See little stories like that make me smile and happy there are others out there doing there bit to make the world that much better.

Oooh, and thank you viewers only about 90 more views till 2000! :O
Why not write up a post? I’ll be ecstatic if you do! Just share your stories no matter how small!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


Now that I’m in higher level areas I see more people using map chat to ask for help. Probably since the content is harder and the players there are more comfortable with the chat function.

Anyway, yesterday I was in Sparkfly Fen when I saw a message about a dragon rising and rushed to the spot (linked waypoint is so convenient). Brilliant fight with lots of people heroically pounding on this humongeous beast. Every now and then we ran away screaming like little girls when it attacked with fear, but still… It was actually easier than trying to kill an imp solo, and much more fun.

Maybe higher level maps are more cooperative? I think I’m seeing more people moving together and helping out now than earlier.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


That’s pretty cool I’m a little way off at the moment to level 80.
Hmm… you may have a point on higher level content, is it more the difficulty of the actual content that makes others band together? Or is it just generally more sociable?

Thanks for your input Mercypsy!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha folks!

Oh No! I’ve started a new topic!!!

I love if you guys could stop by and help me.
It’ll make it easy to organise things if you’re looking for others to game with.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Another rambling… thanks for 2000!!!

Seriously come drop in, only then will I stop pestering you!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Camazotz.6921


pokes side of thread window with stick, sees if more words fall out

Seems as if you opened a thesaurus, and the words just vomited themselves into the thread.

I fear this wall-o-text monster is a champion mob even I cannot defeat…

and before i forget….clears throatFort Aspenwood Represent! coughs

Now, onto the helpy people bit. Namely the usual, no-man-left-behind reviving, the upgrade to help-you-hit-stuff service and the ever popular zerg the DE and let the zerg know if any other DE pops (usually calling out dragon timers and such) Also is the oft-times helping in jumping puzzles (tho I only have the wvw ones left) and helping with the skill points (have the all myself, but still help) Yet to dip my toes in dungeons yet tho – except for the witty and wiley time of finding out Zhaitans defeat is a dungeon run
it ended badly

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Thread attacks you
You’ll only survive if you reply again!

That’s really cool Camazots really interesting to see what is like at the higher zones as I ain’t it got there yet. Zhaitan’s Retreat? I feel for you.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Thanks for the posts everyone can I get to 3000?!
Hmm… to all viewers please take look at my new thread


Ty and join in!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Alright Folks!
Due to a mix up and wanting to get this thing going. (Technical issues, and my buddy is busy with family)

I’ve created a new guild:

The Legion Of Honour

This is going to act as of a sort of in game hub for others to meet up.
If interested feel free to contact.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


So it looks like this topic is slowing down now. At the moment I haven’t had much experience with my new home world. However I’d like to thank the many players expressing interest in OPERATION: UNION.

The project progress will be updated in the future.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

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Posted by: LokiShi.2876


First off, WOOOT I finally got into the forums after much agrivation about logging in.
I have been following this thread for awhile now, and I’m sure a few of you know me already. . . Still, I would like to point out that when I compleate Jumping Puzzles I usually shout out to the map asking if anyone would like a free “portal” to the chest I’m a Mesmer). Most the times only a few people show up, but depending on the puzzle (like the tower in Dredgeknot cliffs?) I have had quite a few people show up.

As for me I am a (currently) 68 Mesmer on Crystal Desert and would like if a few others try and join me for Twlight Arbor.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Just thought I’d share something here. :P
Had a really nice AC run yesterday.

Me and the party just chilling while the Cave Troll lays out some Pwn4g3 on Lt. Kohler.


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


HEY HO! that’s aweoms, Glitch, haha. haven’t done enough AC runs but there’s a cae troll you can train onto the Lt.??

still around here as well. will look into the guild once i get back on Tyria. glad this is getting off to a start, and hopeflly will take off. hope to see you guys on there!D

a few more moments in Tyria from this past weekend:

- more grouping with randoms and just running around doing events. 2 Norns teamed up with an Asuran. atone point, we were reaching a vista. after climbing some small rocks, we found a Charr sleeping up top! who eventually joined us on our “aimless” quest. haha pretty fun stuff, ran some events together, farmed a bit and just in general had a good time. pretty good chemistry too! gw2 is pretty diff when going solo vs running with people. all i did was both times ask if they wanted to run with us! and i just sent them a party invite. i figured worse would be they would just decline. but got more than luckyD

- while solo-ing mid-afternoon on a Saturday, i found myself stuck in a cave full of dredge, and looking for a Vista. i kept seeing the same Asura running around, and i assumed he was looking for the Vista as well. later on a Human comes by as well, and we’re both like “where is the vistaaaaaa” and then the Asura shows up again and was like “this way!” so we follow. and he starts leading us. i unfortunately fall after forgetting to take off “double tap to evade” lol cause some jumping was involved (not really XDDD) and i was like “go ahead don’t wait i’ll figure it out!” but when i got back up to where i fell, the Asura was still waiting for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOO and we made it to the top together. and there was a veteran / champ, i forget, we took ’em out and looted the chest nearby. mega nice as so often in MMOs or in GW2 people are always rushing off places to farm the next node.. to see someone, a complete stranger, take the time out to wait for me – few and far between

- continually giving out free dye in SoR! lol

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hey, i see the thread is still alive
No news on the game front for me, it’s been a hospital here the last few days. First the kids and then the misses getting sick. Wondering when it’s gonna be my time….

Hope it all settles down soon and i get some more game time again

For the rest, keep up the good work here people, and see you all soon in Tyria, joining the Union group!!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Good to hear you’re alright Noppy. Hope the family’s getting better. Your family comes first.

UNION’s picking up some pace, quite cool ain’t it? Something we’ve started.
See you in Tyria

Also… Congratulations! You are our 100th poster!
You win… Ermmm… I’ll get back to you….

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


hahaha ding ding ding ding ding!!! that’s awesomeD

that being said, hopefully your fam is doing better now Noppy! will be keeping you guys in my prayers. good to see you back and posting in UNION’s as well!DD

in Tyria!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hey folks Glitch. Here just to let you know this thread has not been abandoned!
Just that I’ve had a lot of school work to do and ain’t been in Tyria so no new blog posts.

However I AM proud of the members of Operation: UNION. It’s starting to snowball and quite excited with that. Thanks to the great people.

So don’t be afraid! Come post here knowing you WILL be heard. I still want to know your thoughts on the game, overall experience and how you’re getting along. Or hop over to UNION to meet some really cool people and get involved!

3000 views pleeeeeease? I know it’s pushing it. You know how I appreciate everyone of you lot!

Thanks again,


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hey all you viewers. I still see some of you viewing so I thought I’ll blog.

Date: 20/10/12

This evening I was spreading the support of Pink Day! Got quite a few people to join in, so pretty proud there!

However I was running around in Aurora Glade trying to help some people in the starter zones. But it seemed like no one was talkative today. No one I tried talking bothered responding and just tried to run away from me. I tried really hard to talk to people running alongside giving speed buffs.

Usually when I did this on Northern Shiverpeaks everyone was really appreciative. It seems to me AG is more of serious server where it seems sometimes people just want to rush from A to B.

So then I decided to do AC as usual. It was okay but it seemed most of the time the communication was lacking. I managed to finally find 2 nice parties.

Maybe it’s just me but it seems on AG only a few folks have time to just talk.

Also on a saddening note it seems I’ve lost my more selfless streak. I tried helping some folks on AC story but they did not want to listen after an hour I decided to just break and come back. I kind of feel bad about leaving and normally I’d try to make an effort but it seemed I have a shorter fuse now…

Is it just a bad day or will this be continuing? I really hope it was a one off.
Lucky me I’ve got a really nice bunch of people to get me back to my happy self even if they don’t know it!I

Yea so that was my day, I’ve got 1 hr left of Pink Day. So you viewers go show your support for Pink Day!


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


I ain’t done those! Should go look to do CoF . I really like the helmet.
Tis was a heartening day until the evening but least I’ll always have you lot to cheer me up!

I just run AC multiple times to help the newer folks so I know my way around the paths. I haven’t even tried any others except CM and AC.

You really lot don’t really know how much you cheer me up sometimes.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


It seems this game is making me loose my motivation to help everyone, create a better community, help with dungeons, and I’m even losing enthusiasm towards Op: UNION… I’m afraid to say it but I’m becoming SELFISH and questioning now why should I go out of my way to help now… I’m not becoming the Glitch on the forums/in game willing to lend a hand. I’m losing…

Date: 21/10/12

So I logged on. Had a really nice talk with the awesome Union family. Thought to myself: Hey bri was right it was probably a one off…

.. It started off really good. I helped a group of 4 life friends in AC Story. We chatted about ourselves and Op: UNION . They ended up adding me if they ever wanted a 5th.

Then me and my bro Snowhound went to do AC Explore Path 2. It was 2 ‘experienced’ and 1 new person. Me and bro run a War/Guard with some really really good teamwork now.

So… The Spider Queen was shambles. Even with advice about con removal and the turrets. So we thought we’re gonna have to try-hard.

We got to Kohler and told about pull spotting and usual. It wasn’t so good. It was me and Hound tag teaming Kohler while the others were downed or spawning. Even with my Warbanner reviving every cooldown and Hound’s aegis etc. So eventually it kind went alright and got past that.

They trap part was okay after one experienced started the event without any communication etc. Got obliterated, 2nd did it under my leadership.

Then the last little bit… We NEVER got past it. It took 6 Detha revives to get the explosive turret up. We got smashed running with our tail b/w our legs. Me and Hound gave out a kill order not saying it unreasonably etc. So apparently it was agreed. Then they all just ran in the fray jumping the gun. The ‘experienced’ were switching targets an not focusing fire. It was me and Hound while the 3 sat at the entrance an watched…

Eventually me and Hound just gave up and looked after ourselves. I TURNED MY BACK ON MY OWN CODE that day! I looked after me and my brother, we looked after each other.

It has been on of my most disheartening and frustrating dungeon failure ever. The lack of communication b/w members. The lack of compliance. I didn’t even elect myself as leaders unless others want it. However under my leadership scenarios flourished and were completed very well. However they just stopped listening or heeding advice etc. Thinking they knew best. I didn’t claim to be any good just advising and discuss the plans before executing.
The experienced then thought their one way was the best and only way… Then began the headbutting and yellow streaming waste match. It wasn’t even a discussion. We let em be. With me and Hound sticking together

It as so disheartening after yesterday. After quite frequent experiences like this. I have questioned is this what the community is like? Then really don’t want to be a part of it.

But I KNOW this is not always the case. Just look at the Union family for an example. It really felt if there is no communication why bother? I don’t understand there was a time where I’d just help someone without thinking twice.

I really want to find some more people like the awesome people like those in Union. To make the Project bigger than something spun by my simple curiosity and generosity. Operation: Union is/was something I wanted to flourish and become recognised in GW2 eventually. Recognised and praised because of the kindness of others.

Now I am discouraged to establish the Operation. I question should I even bother with this anymore? I really did want this to eventually become recognised.

Not the community Pro teams were spouting off. Where the community is UNDER THEIR LEADERSHIP.

I wanted this to really be about others
.. Something bigger than ourselves.

This past few weeks has been a heavy hitter to me. I will try to carry on determined with the others to make this project succeed. I just hope I have more of this in me…

So with this note I end,


(edited by Glitch.6849)

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Hi Glitch

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so despondent, but none the less I’m going to offer you some tough love rather than a shoulder to cry on. I think you are expecting too much too soon and growing a community, just like the game itself, takes time and shouldn’t be forced.

You’ve made a great start in bringing together people who feel the same way as you and offering others a way to get in touch. I know for a fact that my enjoyment of the game has increased even more since I started socialising with others in the game. But I’ve only been playing the game for a month and actively socialising with strangers in game for a little over a week, even those who were involved in beta events and early release haven’t been playing that long in terms of a sustaining, dynamic online game.

As for your dungeon experiences, well I’m not one to judge because I haven’t done one yet, but I imagine that some people enter into them not really prepared for what they will find or how different the communication needs to be from normal PvE game play. The complexity and need for teamwork is probably a little overwhelming and I imagine in some cases panic sets in. If you are serious about helping new players with these experiences I’m afraid you are going to have to face the reality that this will happen and keep happening. If you can’t deal with the possibility that each time you go in with an inexperienced group it might all go to hell in hand basket then perhaps you need to rethink that part of your role in the UNION community. It most certainly does not mean give up your ideals altogether!

If you want to do dungeons for yourself, to gain experience, tokens, etc then do that – you’ll be a much more helpful person at the end of it. Perhaps don’t try combining your need/desire to run dungeons with your desire to help people. Too much too soon and all of that…

So there you go, I’ve said my piece and I hope it helps you think about where you want to go from here. I for one would be sad to see you vanish back into the game, but I would certainly understand if sometimes you didn’t want to be vanguard for a community spirit which is not yet really up and running.

Good things come to those that wait (and patiently work towards them)

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

(edited by Lexy.3912)