Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


That’s certainly some great advice. Always the levelled headed one Lexy.

I don’t know, before I could always do both at the same time and it was great. When we didn’t succeed we ALL discussed it and why. It was a great experience learning to bond as a team even if the party split after the run.

This was in fact how the idea began. Helping others for a chance to access some content and see some cool stuff. Helping others with dungeons was how I even began to formulate this idea. I managed to teach the values of communication and teamwork to work with others and not just for yourself. Then sometimes I’d get some feedback about the good folks going to help others in the same thing.

Maybe that was before and this is now accepting that AG is just different.
I always understood that the dream was going to take a while. I see all the great people in Union and it really does make me smile.

Just that dungeons AND helping was something I always did. In games always trying to help those having a harder time so they too got to see the content and the cool stuff.

This just made me rethink. It’s good you never gave me the shoulder, I just want my experiences to be discussed and how I can do better. Like everyone else we’re all still learning and this is a time to discuss and learn from these sort of situations and how to be better because of them.

Sorry to come across as a whiny kid. I really do see this as a great start and I will always will be grateful because of people like you.

(edited by Glitch.6849)

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey Glitch! good finally chatting with ya in-game too. ; ))) thanks for the share buddy and like Lexy, you’re gonna get some even more tough lovin’ over here. to be honest, that sucks to have had that experience. strangely enough, right before i talked to you, i was running CoE dungeons yea? aaaaaaand i had a VERY similar experience. i was running dungeons with a guildie from my other guild and my buddy’s very experienced with most dungeons. we didn’t have enough people though so we invited some PUGs and they said they were experienced as well. however, same problem, i guess they felt their way was better. my friend gave instructions and as i was new to the dungeon, i just followed his orders. especialyl since no one else was vocal about it. in dungeons, with a new group at least, it’s always important, from my perspective to at least talk about strategy and how to go about things. there is no ONE way per se. but at least general direction and things people need to be doing. before the run my friend even asked does anyone need suggestions on what to do? cause he didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes or hold-their-hands when they didn’t need it. but no one replied. this one boss in particular, took FOREVER. he kept telling people what to do, but people would just listen. we were supposed to stack on top of one another at melee range and just wail at the boss, cause he does massive aoes and when everyone’s close together, hie AoE range is smaller and easier to dodge but people kept kiting and moving the boss around. took us many tries and my friends was on the verge of quitting. and even though i was getting sick and tired or dying so often because people wouldn’t listen but i really wanted to finish it and i was like “ho wmuch health left?” 33% he said. so i was like “let’s dust this biznotch” so we finished it. the other members left. we grabbed some people we knew better, and finished another path, similar strategy, where everone listened and agreed on one strategy and we did it twice as fast, if not faster.

the first time was pretty darn disheartening. so i know where you were coming from. the second time around though, picked me up a bit again though. remember when you first told us the story with you and your brother running dungeons and it was tough? and today, you’re able to tel us that you two run GREAT together! like Lexy said, these things take time. the game is designed to take time. so am sure all the content within was designed to take as well. ESPECIALLy dungeons. the biggest mechanic of dungeons is that you 5 work as a team. it even says before you enter, that a group of 5 is recommended. sure, sometimes that may create even MORE problems. like the both of us experienced, but it was an experience nonetheless. would i see as a waste of time? never. cause now i know that we can’t get everyone on the same page. and not everyone in this world or everyone we come into contact with will agree with us. it’s the same IRL. and while this is a game, behind every toon, is a human being. we’re more than just pretty pixels and killer stats. so we can only expect peopel to act as they would IRL.

that being said, i try to help everyone i come across. at work, when i was in school, even strangers on the street. though you will always run into someone who doesn’t want to be helped. and what do we do with them? i’ll be frank, i have no answer for that right now. and i’ve felt the way you have to. going against my own code. or questioning myself, “why the heck do i bother?” well the answer is. and my friend, you have the answer already. this thread. the operation you’ve started with your own hands. those are ALL people whose Tyrian lives you’ve made a difference in already. if you didn’t have this mindset of helping people, then none of us would’ve known one another.

you said you wanted to change the world. and you need to know it’s not gonna happen over night. we’ll run into people who don’t want to listen, or won’t cooperate. but i’m sure they all have their own story as well. this operation, this union, for me in some sense, is helping people value others more, its about making a difference. i know we won’t be able to help everyone, at least not in one go. so don’t lose sight of that. and not all times will be perfect or what we had in mind. what you do need to know is though, how to deal with that. just because of this one experience doesn’t mean you’ll never want to help again. if you felt you didn’t do the operation justice because you slipped and went against your own code, then make sure that doesn’t happen next time and how to prevent it.

if anything, just know that the UNION will be here to support. and that you don’t need to take all the burden on yourself. you’re good at running these dungeons, and i know i’ll need help from you helping me get through AC. ; )))) and from then on, i’ll be passing that forwards too.

stay steadfast in your heart buddy. for the UNION. for TYRIAAA.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Yea it was really cool you finally managed it get in akamon

It just seemed like I hit the brickwall people all at once. That’s what was happening over the past few weeks. It’s just it really grinds gears when players say they’ve done it before when they clearly have not. It’s like why not just say instead of inflating your non existent ego to me.

Maybe I’ll try again next week or take a little rest out. Union’s in really good hands without me.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Don’t worry bri as along as there’s talking!

Thanks everyone. See this is what I’d hope would happen. Using this so I can learn as I am far from perfect.

Without you, I am nothing.

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


far from perfect we all are, the best part of that all? is that we get to keep bettering ourselves. and building one another up. part of the UNION no? ; )))

Bri, make sure you have Glitch bring me along on those dungeon runs too!

i know what you mean Glitch. we can control how people will act, so all we gotta to is keep testing our own patience, and find ways to deal with that. and in hopes that through that, they will learn new ways – for e.g. that they can just admit it’s their first time or they’re still new. or maybe take a break from doing dungeons with PUGs or new people. you can still help out by keeping your presence here (cause it’s always much needed and welcomed!) as well as just running map completions, jumping puzzles or even finding difficult vistas ; )))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


It was more of a discussion point than an actual whine. It was something that I wanted to ‘share’? so I could learn from this and better myself.

You’ve all given me some great advice. I know sometimes those dungeon runs are more of a test of patience

It seems that the experience has made me think about communication, discussion and learning more.

To make a better community, communication seems vital. The bad experiences all seemed to boil down to the lack of communication (and ego, but we can’t do anything about that. :P).

Some of the best experiences I had was because of the communication b/w the party. The rules of engagement were discussed beforehand. The communication was what made the group strong and to me made a sense of forming a bond and it was reflected in the other members.

On the flip side. A lack of communication b/w all members leads to a really frustrating time and eventually leads to ruin.

So I think communication should be something to be considered b/w our community. Communication is what makes us stronger and I know everyone in Union that I see active are having a great time talking to everyone else. It’s great to see the chat filled with chat and banter…

I’m getting my Glitch back!

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Now that I’ve had a system reboot. This Glitch is feeling better!
I’d like to thank all you viewers for pushing this over 3000!!!
However I don’t know how this went from an additional 300 views when you just read some whining.

This Glitch is starting to sort out.
Thanks everyone the views mean a lot.


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Date: 24/10/12

Okay it seems confirmed:

Good communication pretty much = Winning dungeon

Did an AC Explore P3 run with a bunch of nice folks. 1 was under-leveled but still completed it. We talked and discussed where we just fell short. Communication made it a whole lot more enjoyable! First time in a long one where I wasn’t banging my head against a brick wall.

So looks like faith in dungeon runners has been restored!

Hope this continues,


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Hahah! Faith is restored!

Photo of part of the team that cleared AC Ex. P2 in 15 minutes!

Shame I couldn’t get the other 2 in. :L


Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Just to see this thread on the front off the forum again

In loving memory off the OP, a name that will life on in The Legion!!

for you Glitch

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


/cheer @ Glitch

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Thanks guys!

Are you too trying to bring this thread back?
Maybe there might be some more things in store for this thread…

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Well, you never know who might find this interesting and by reading this (or maybe a small part off it, seeing that there are “a few” wall off texts) feel like they have found a few people that play like they play. so they might join us on “the other” thread and maybe even joining in the guild (if there is still room, so hurry up people, join now or it could be too late )
And its fun to see our 2 massive threads keep hitting the top pages off this forum :p

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: deffy.1320


I used to have fun with GW2. Not anymore. I am a veteran of mmos, going back to 1999 with Mankind, and then with EVE Online, Project Enthropia, DDO, Shaiya, KoK3, etc. GW2 started off amazingly well. I loved it! You needed to be good at tactics, strategy, long term planning and you needed to have keyboard and mouse skill as well (which I love as I type very fast and have very good reflexes).
However, GW2 is fast becoming a very anti social game. To begin with, you hardly need to talk to anyone to do anything. There is very little friendship making at all, in fact, it is the first time that I play any mmo where i have not made any new friends at all (despite trying). The only friends I have in the game came from other games we used to play together.
Then bots appeared. Then the lag. (was it the other way around? hehe). Every time I found something that needed addressing (lag, bots, drop rates, DR, etc) every single time I mentioned it in chat, someone would immediately jump up and start insulting me, or telling me to stop whining, crying, or to leave the chat and kitten . GW2 chat channels are so empty already as it is, they want to keep anyone from saying anything that is bothering them? It has become so bad that today I just mentioned about how weird it is (and annoying) that champion and veteran mobs hardly ever drop any loot (& when it drops it is porous bones) yet spider hatchlings have consistently given me rares and masterwork every single time, and these guys who apparently must have been just waiting for anyone to say anything, started insulting me and making me look like an idiot.
They spoiled the game so much for me that I just stopped playing. Not that much to do when you are level 80 and have 100% map completion anyway. Hardly anyone talks, nothing exciting going on, all events are the same and are now botted to infinite and beyond so this was the last straw for me.
Funny that I mostly get killed only when I run around reviving people. Every single time I see a dead or downed player on the mini map I run to them to help them. But god forbid I try to say something in chat.

With that said, it is very likely I will stop playing GW2, at least for a while.

Hope you guys have a much better experience. Cheers.

This is my experience, it is like forever alone and the chat windows are dead, are there actually others playing i sometimes wonder, i thought i might actually make friends to play with, but it has been so bleak, i will always help out where i can and i always say thankyou when i have been res, that first dungeon i did no communication at all and no direction given, hopeless, i’d like to do it again, but don’t want to feel like i’ve let my party members down.

“Deleted for being inappropriate”

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


I used to have fun with GW2. Not anymore. I am a veteran of mmos, going back to 1999 with Mankind, and then with EVE Online, Project Enthropia, DDO, Shaiya, KoK3, etc. GW2 started off amazingly well. I loved it! You needed to be good at tactics, strategy, long term planning and you needed to have keyboard and mouse skill as well (which I love as I type very fast and have very good reflexes).
However, GW2 is fast becoming a very anti social game. To begin with, you hardly need to talk to anyone to do anything. There is very little friendship making at all, in fact, it is the first time that I play any mmo where i have not made any new friends at all (despite trying). The only friends I have in the game came from other games we used to play together.
Then bots appeared. Then the lag. (was it the other way around? hehe). Every time I found something that needed addressing (lag, bots, drop rates, DR, etc) every single time I mentioned it in chat, someone would immediately jump up and start insulting me, or telling me to stop whining, crying, or to leave the chat and kitten . GW2 chat channels are so empty already as it is, they want to keep anyone from saying anything that is bothering them? It has become so bad that today I just mentioned about how weird it is (and annoying) that champion and veteran mobs hardly ever drop any loot (& when it drops it is porous bones) yet spider hatchlings have consistently given me rares and masterwork every single time, and these guys who apparently must have been just waiting for anyone to say anything, started insulting me and making me look like an idiot.
They spoiled the game so much for me that I just stopped playing. Not that much to do when you are level 80 and have 100% map completion anyway. Hardly anyone talks, nothing exciting going on, all events are the same and are now botted to infinite and beyond so this was the last straw for me.
Funny that I mostly get killed only when I run around reviving people. Every single time I see a dead or downed player on the mini map I run to them to help them. But god forbid I try to say something in chat.

With that said, it is very likely I will stop playing GW2, at least for a while.

Hope you guys have a much better experience. Cheers.

This is my experience, it is like forever alone and the chat windows are dead, are there actually others playing i sometimes wonder, i thought i might actually make friends to play with, but it has been so bleak, i will always help out where i can and i always say thankyou when i have been res, that first dungeon i did no communication at all and no direction given, hopeless, i’d like to do it again, but don’t want to feel like i’ve let my party members down.

I hope having made some contacts through this group will make your experience in GW2 much more pleasant. It makes all the difference to have folks to call on when you’re stuck or need a group to complete something or just plain want a little company for a change.

As for the dungeon experience, I can understand your trepidation completely. I am so curious to see how it all works without the classic “trinity” type of setup. I’m used to following and targetting off of a tank, etc., and the interplay this game offers is something I’d like to do enough to feel proficient at. Hell, I just want to see it in action!

Anyway, I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to get all of our collective gaming ya-yas grooving!

Take care,


Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


: ))) good to see this thread still going and you folk reading up!

@Deffy – i knwo what you mean. i didn’t go into dungeons until lvl 80. and by that time, everyone was doign speed runs already. most of the time, i was pretty much just following people, not knowing why i was doing what i was told to do. and that’s if there was a “leader” or people spoke up.

hopefully in the UNION, we’re able to get some runs going and i definitely don’t mind leading some of the more familiar ones. where we can take our time : )))

@Deffy – same goes to you! i’ve never really played a traditional MMO or at least games with the holy trinity. so it’s interesting how gw2 plays out.. cause it’s more of an everyone take care of yourself, but also support one another type deal. but as far as dungeons go, or where “teamwork” is needed, it’s quite fun and exhiliration, especially when you make it through a tough encoutner!!D

hopefully will be seeing both of you more in game soon ; )))

and again, /salute @ Glitch! lol

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Helping New Players/Helping New Players With Dungeons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


What have you done?!
This thread is alive again!

This thread will never back down will it?