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Hey new player here!

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Posted by: Jay.3409


just bought this game, hoping this will be that game, that i sit home 10hours a day and grind lol…

some few q/a

1 – Which server has alot of players pvping?/leveling/wvw
2 -Are ranged classes op? like mages,archers

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: Jay.3409


also how will i be able to change my build,class later on?

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Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

1) are you in NA or EU because the servers are different depending on your area, I know for NA one of the biggest servers was always Blackgate…if that’s what you’re looking for

2) each class is strong in a different game mode…except for necromancers don’t be a necromancers they always get the short end of the stick. For PvP most matches are point capture so a more defensive build is usually used, but here are builds for each area of the game http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki.

3) You cant ever change your class but changing your build is very easy once you unlock all the traits from either doing certain events or buying them with gold and skill points, neither of which is too difficult.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)

Hey new player here!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jay.3409


im from Na and is blackgate still the biggest? btw which class exceeds at fast leveling? not necro lol

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Posted by: oRx.9584


Hi Jay, and welcome to Guild Wars 2!

Regarding the server, it matters very little; it only really matters for WvW (World Vs World – Server wars). If you don’t bother joining a NA server, Ehmry Bay would be very glad to have you on our side!

If you want to make a difference and make your effort count, join us! To stop with the propaganda however, join whichever server you like really.

Guild Wars 2 is very balanced in terms of PvP especially, so no class is really “OP”; go with whatever you like the idea of! If you need help with anything in-game, let me know, I’ll help you out as much as I can! I’ll add you as a friend in-game aswell, later today.

Also, builds can be swapped within a minute, from fully damage oriented to a complete bunker one, so dont worry.

Summa sumarum: Join whatever server you like the sound of (Ehmry Bay welcomes you!), grab whichever class you seem to enjoy playing, kick kitten in-game!

Hope to see you in action soon!

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: Jay.3409


thanks!, my final question.. which class has the most fancy spells? like any range and melee..

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: Exciton.8942


First of all, remember server you chose only matters in terms of WvW. For PvP and PvE, you can get the same experience by residing in any server.

BG is overall the strongest WvW server but it seems all 3 TierOne NA servers(BG JQ TC) focus on a balance between them. So joining any of them shouldn’t make too big a difference. T2/T3 servers are also worth checking out since play style there is more fight orientated(compared to defend and capture objective in TierOne) and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Leveling wise, it is not too hard for any of the class. But I find leveling warriors and rangers particularly easy. Necros are not bad at all. They are a bit UP in PvE dungeon runs. But they are one of core professions in WvW zerg. They are great in 1v1 and very dangerous in PvP team fight.

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: oRx.9584


Brief breakdown of all classes’ spells:

Warrior – Lots of physical contact, a few blocks, knockdowns (crowd control), immobilize, fear, etc… Revolves heavily around melee combat (there are effective ranged builds also though), basically hits like a truck, looks like a truck, fights like a truck. Fairly easy to learn.

Guardian – Similarly prefers melee combat, with less physical contact use and more magical content. Jack of all trades; great healing, great tanking, great damage (only 1 in a single build though, cant have all at once), less gap closers (leaps, charges), more blocks, a teleport, lots of support to the team. Also fairly easy to play.

Ranger – Known as “pewpewpew” due to the ease of play on the most common build (90% damage from autoattack and skill no. 2). Strong overall, great for solo training (pet tanks it up for you), great range fights (shoots really far), tons of damage, dies quickly however. Good at both condition and raw damage. Skill cap: easiest to play likely, but can be challenging to play certain builds to a full extent.

Thief – This is a personal favourite. Relies on stealth and evades to survive, one of the strongest single target damage outputs in-game, great for roaming in WvW, easy disengaging, surprise attacks, etc… Can do both ranged and melee damage, both equally strong (in PvE more or less melee focus however), quite versatile, lots of viable builds. Can be a bit tricky to start with, but not too hard to learn either. I can help here ^.^

Engineer – No. Sorry, Im a big PvP fan, and no. I hate engineers and they hate me. Joke aside, its a great class, but one of the trickiest to learn (unless turret specced), so Id not recommend it to a started. Lots of weapons, weapon kits, turrets, etc… You’ll hate them the moment you first oppose them in PvP. Guaranteed.

Necromancer – Y u do dis, its a great class. Hands down, its really easy to play, but fun too if you ask me. Sure, PvE players wont love you for it, and you may not be their first pick for dungeons, but in WvW and PvE, my friend will you make them run! Brings in lots of conditions, minions, fear (crowd control), heavy power damage, vulnerability and AoE attacks. Great class overall, but a bit suicidal at times (can kill yourself with it lol). Very fun to play imo.

Elementalist – Not a class Id pick for my forst, since it has soooooo many skills and options to it, all of which you have to master in order to excel at it, but if you like a bit of a challenge, do pick this! Great class, utilising the four elements to deal heavy damage, control the enemies, support the allies, or just run around blank. The downside is, you usually get 1 or 2 hit by enemies if not built properly in PvP and WvW lol, but the beauty of it is in that aswell. That and how fast you can adapt to whatever life throws at you. :P

Mesmer – Illusions here, illusions there, now you see me, now you don’t, now you’re dead. <- Sums it up. You’ll be hiding behind your illusions alot, dealing great damage, avoiding attacks, annoying player opponents. It’s a winner class imo. Not to mention you’ll be teleporting half of your server around in WvW lol. Pretty fun to teleport 20 people into an enemy tower and just wreck it. ;D

Hope this helped.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Hey new player here!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


Well it depends what you want as fancy
If it’s flashy, elementalist might suit you, it’s also in a very good position right now in all mode
Mesmer is fancy for the fact that it’s a very different gameplay from what I’m usually used too
Engineer is also interesting to play with and so is thief and necro.

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: Seera.5916


Elementalist – Not a class Id pick for my forst, since it has soooooo many skills and options to it, all of which you have to master in order to excel at it, but if you like a bit of a challenge, do pick this! Great class, utilising the four elements to deal heavy damage, control the enemies, support the allies, or just run around blank. The downside is, you usually get 1 or 2 hit by enemies if not built properly in PvP and WvW lol, but the beauty of it is in that aswell. That and how fast you can adapt to whatever life throws at you. :P

GW2 is my first MMO. I played warrior mostly during the last beta weekend event (my only one). Probably got to about level 10 or so. I didn’t leave Queensdale (I chose human for my warrior). Got my feet wet with that class.

Launch day comes and I choose Elementalist. Because it was hard. I figured I would learn fewer bad habits and learn mobility more playing on an Elementalist than I would on the Warrior.

And from what I’ve heard NPE does affect what level you get your attunements so it’s not all at once like it was when I started.

If it had been too long, I would have just created a different character and gone back to the ele when I had more skill.

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Posted by: Dante.8456


Go for elementalist. It is a class that is useful in all game modes. It doesn’t matter that its hard because as your gonna be taking your time levelling your first character you will get to know the class mechanic very well. It is also currently joint top class in PvP (along with engi). As you intend to grind this 10 hours a day (hypothetically) you will pick it up in no time. Its got great ranged flashy spells but can also go melee if you spec right.

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

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Posted by: Paulus magintie.7432

Paulus magintie.7432

Elementalist – Not a class Id pick for my forst, since it has soooooo many skills and options to it, all of which you have to master in order to excel at it, but if you like a bit of a challenge, do pick this! Great class, utilising the four elements to deal heavy damage, control the enemies, support the allies, or just run around blank. The downside is, you usually get 1 or 2 hit by enemies if not built properly in PvP and WvW lol, but the beauty of it is in that aswell. That and how fast you can adapt to whatever life throws at you. :P

GW2 is my first MMO. I played warrior mostly during the last beta weekend event (my only one). Probably got to about level 10 or so. I didn’t leave Queensdale (I chose human for my warrior). Got my feet wet with that class.

Launch day comes and I choose Elementalist. Because it was hard. I figured I would learn fewer bad habits and learn mobility more playing on an Elementalist than I would on the Warrior.

And from what I’ve heard NPE does affect what level you get your attunements so it’s not all at once like it was when I started.

If it had been too long, I would have just created a different character and gone back to the ele when I had more skill.

I played Ele in the beta because I liked the idea of being the avatar, its now my only lvl 80 and my main character. I rarely used anything other than Sceptre/Dagger combo but coming back to the game has forced me to use the Staff and found a new love for the weapon so I switch between them both depending on what I am dealing with.

Easily my fave class.

Hey new player here!

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Posted by: metaldude.4132


Welcome! And don’t let anyone fool you
Play with whatever you like as long as you enjoy the game thouroughly

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.