Hi Ranger Tips
Quickening Zephyr .. HOLY MOTHER OF KITTENS !
Get it ASAP, then a Longbow .. you have become an ozom artillery machinegun of kick-kittyhiney !
edit: Yeah, like Drake said. Better go to the Ranger fora instead.
(edited by HawkMeister.4758)
You;ll probably get better advice in the Ranger forum itself, but I’ll give you a couple of quick tips…
1. Choose your pets carefully. Each pet family type (feline vs. ursine vs. porsine vs. raptor, etc.) has different base stats as well as different skills to use. Be sure to choose pets that will synergize with and augment your own base abilities.
2. Stay on the move. This really applies to all classes, but the Ranger is no different. Just because you have a pet, that doesn’t mean you should send the pet in and stand in one place. Keep on the move.
3. Unless you are using an ursine pet (bear), don’t expect your pet to be able to tank, try to keep aggro yourself. This will make point 2 that much more important, but it will also reduce pet damage output due to the pet having to chase down the target. If you do this, consider taking pets that have gap closers.
4. Remember that you can have two pets on land and two under water, and you can swap between your two pets even during combat. This means that if your favorite pet dies in combat, you can still summon out the second one to help you. I don’t remember for sure, but I think the summoning/swapping cooldown timer is shorter if the pet is still alive, so consider swapping just before the pet dies.
As I said, you can probably get better advice in the ranger forum, but that should at least help get you started a little. If you want anything more specific it would be helpful to know what specific aspects of the class you want advice on, but again the ranger forum would probably get you better information.