Hidden tunnel in False Lake?

Hidden tunnel in False Lake?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raife Sabine.6309

Raife Sabine.6309


This question only applies to Order of Whispers agents. In the OoW base accessed by Guutra’s Secret, there is an agent there by the name of Gella who talks of a tunnel entrance under the water of False Lake on the western shore (assuming it IS under the water, because he does say “…take a swim…”) in Lornar’s Pass. Supposedly it leads to a valuable reward. Does ANYONE know where the tunnel entrance is, and can point me to it? I have been unsuccessful to find it, and it is ticking me off… Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Raife Sabine

(edited by Raife Sabine.6309)

Hidden tunnel in False Lake?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461



Hidden tunnel in False Lake?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


it’s under some seaweed.. it’s actually kinda hard to recognize after looking at the photo 5 times and still somewhat hard to get into z__z

there’s an achievement for feeding a giants pet while you’re up there. . . so you might want to get that, i forget what it’s called

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

Hidden tunnel in False Lake?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Berelious.3290


cheshirefox, it’s called Beaker’s Empty Belly, and you get 10 AP from it, as well as what you get for completing the JP.

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