(edited by Arccai.4870)
Highest pow/pre/critdmg gear?
All lvl 80 exotics have the same number of stats, so yes that is the best gear.
Ascended gear WILL be better but atm there are only ascended rings/accessories (i think) and back pieces. No actual armor.
Yes, lvl 80 exotics of the same type have the same stats, but can be obtained in various ways. You can craft them (if your crafting skills are 400), use dungeon tokens, use karma, or buy off the Trading Post.
Thanks alot for the answers,
Hmm i might have to check this out myself, but cant hurt to ask in the meanwhile.
What kind of upgrades is most effective to reach Power/Precision/CritDMG as high as possible?
For accessory/amu/ring.
Exquisite Ruby Jewel , correct? nothing higher exists?
25 Power
15 Precision
3% Crit DMG
And the pieces for armor. What i believe is Ruby Orb? (same there, if you know any higher that exists, do tell)
20 Power
14 Precision
2% Crit DMG
And so heres my question, there are 6 armor pieces total. Making the end result look like this (through upgrades only)
120 Power
84 Precision
12% Crit DMG
Is there anything (superior runes etc) that makes the end result gets any higher than this? (of the 3 bonuses)
I seen the value of some runes, gotta be for a reason right?
But higher than this?
Anyone knows?
Appreciate it!
(edited by Arccai.4870)
no runes will give you more power, precision crit damage. Some runes may give you More stats overall (divinity) or possibly more damage (scholar, infiltration, ETC) but ruby orbs will be the most power, precision, crit damage.
There are also 3 piece of ascended gear that have power/precision/crit damage
1. the book of secrets – backpiece. Power/prec/crit damage + power/prec/crit damage
2. Crystalline band – ring with p/p/c + p/p/c
3. Red Ring of death – ring with p/p/c + p/p/c
Thanks for that infomation, i had to make sure since theres no further steps after lv80, why not get the best directly if u have the money hehe
(edited by Arccai.4870)
Five superior runes of the ranger will give you this:
165 precision
8% crit damage
I am not sure what you are trying do, but the 165 precision will give you a hefty boost to your crit chance. Depending on the rest of your build/armour/weapons this can be more useful than the 120 power and 84 precision from the 6 ruby orbs…
Hmmm u might be right. I will get alot of damage from the weapon anyways, and theres no limit of how much power i actually need, but precision there is. I would be happy with 60% crit chance, maybe it would be smarter.
Lets see , ill trade away
4% Crit DMG
120 Power
For 81 Precision.
When looking at it, it dosent seem like its worth it, but the more crit, the higher dps i get, and not to mention i do get a huge damage boost from any exotic lv80 staff anyways.
I might be going that way instead, thanks for that info.
Appreciate it.
(edited by Arccai.4870)
Ah, my bad, it takes up 5 slots only, so ill still have 1 Ruby.
Power : 120
Precision : 84
Crit DMG : 12%
Power : 20
Precision : 179
Crit DMG 10%
Hmmmm, anyone wanna recommend?
Im thinking, those 100 extra power wont do much of a difference anyway because of the damage from weapon.
And 2% Crit DMG? is it noticeable?
But, the huge difference in Precision.
Hmm maybe im blind, or is it obvious what to choose?
But then again, if i do get 60% crit or around that, without those runes, ill might aswell just go with scholar runes, that adds 185power/10%crit dmg.
If i have enough crit chance, why not focus on raw power only? it feels like i crit all the time with even 48%.
60% would be almost everytime, atleast it feels that way, and without power, the crits wont do so much anyways,
Because of the way power actually works. I haven’t done the math, but I know very well that even though my attack says 3000, I don’t do anywhere near that on a regular hit. 100 extra power won’t do much of anything. I would take the crit over that any day.
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Something to keep in mind …
To benefit from crit damage, you first need to hit a crit, At 60% or more crit chance you are hitting crits 2 out of 3 times. This good, and if you use a weapon sigil that triggers off of crits, then you have good synergy to do some serious damage.
And what Sigil would that be? I was thinking bloodlust at first for 250 extra power at 25 stacks.
Hope you dont mean anything that runs by condition damage, because i dont focus on that since im a staff user, and theres only 1 skill that runs by that. Im already settled what gear im gonna use.
(edited by Arccai.4870)
Yes, a lot of sigils that trigger off crit do condition damage but these 2 are different:
Superior sigil of air – single target lightening damage
Superior sigil of fire – AoE fire damage
Check them out…
There are also plenty of other sigils that cause effects on crit. Look on the TP to see them all.
Use bloodlust on a different weapon, get the stacks to 25, and then switch to your main weapon. That’s how you maximize.
you can take a look at all the sigils here : ))
you would definitely benefit a lot from the on crit sigils, but you can choose from a ton depending on what weapon and what you want to achieve with them.
a few on crit ones that i’m interested in:
- Blood – life steal and paired with Omnom pies / ghost pies iirc give you decent health return when they do proc. can help with your “survivability” since you’re going all DPS
- Fire – AoE fire blasts are fun. though am sure you do that enough as an ele ; ))
- Strength – applies might which is always nice imo
- Rage – i just love having quickness on. though haven’t tested this and not sure how effective it is
other sigils to think about:
- Accuracy – i am always a fan on since it just adds even more crit chance %, though you have quite a bit already
- Force – just straigh tup 5% extra dmg. may not seem a lot but i feel this is underrated. note i do have to field test this myself
also do note that the ones that stack on kills, they stay even if you swap weapons. however, they end on downs, deaths subsequently, when you travel in and out of zones i believe as well
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Hmmm question about the 2 sigils Bri mentioned, which one does most damage? if im only after 1 target hit.
But i gotta solve one thing at time, i gotta figure out first which runes benefits best on my gears at Lv.80
Power : 0
Precision : 165
Crit DMG : 8%
Ruby Orb
Power : 100
Precision : 70
Crit DMG : 10%
Power : 165
Precision : 0
Crit DMG : 8%
Notice that Ruby Orb keeps it balanced, but im afriad that ill have 60% crit without any runes anyway, because the Lv80 exotic adds plenty itself, and the accessorys/rings/amu etc.
So lets just say, IF i get around 60% without any runes, why keep focusing on crit?
Would Ruby Orb suit most to increase it slighty more and get most Crit DMG out of all runes, + fair amount of power?
or simply going for pure power and 8% crit dmg?
What do you guys think?
(edited by Arccai.4870)
The sigil of air does higher single target damage than the sigil of fire.
Well, if you have a 60% crit chance before adding runes, and you think this is enough, then look for runes that could fill another role. Survivability is always good to have ..
Im old fashioned, i always found mage to be the weakest character in all fantasy games, but have the strongest power because of it.
And therefore to keep their foe in a distance, with brutal power, trying to avoid him to get near you. To trade away that power to be able to survive alittle more means ull be in the middle, wont take as much damage, and wont survive like the warriors. So its just to accept that mage are weak, but we can bring out what other classes cant. So you see my point?
Im gonna focus for raw power, most power of all classes, Berserker’s Exalted set with Scholar runes, no other gear will top that kind of power.
And for Superior Bloodlust, i had no idea you could swap, im gonna have to buy 2 of the same exotic staffs, so it will feel more like switching runes only when swapping weapons. When i got 25 Stacks , click for air rune :]
If i get around 60% crit chance, ill probly go for scholar runes.
Just so you know, that really isn’t too true in GW2. In reality, the elementalist is one of the most fragile and weakest classes in the game. You need to do three times the effort for half the reward compared to almost any other class.
If you truly want one of the strongest classes and make them super-strong but super-weak, you would want a glass-cannon warrior or thief.
Really? I usually 3 hit the enemies in my own level, while i seen thiefs and warriors kinda take their time to take them down.
I agree with LithePanther, and would add a glass cannon ranger to the list of classes that can out damage the elementalist.
With a pure power/precision/crit elementalist you will not be able to solo explore the higher level maps very well. The mobs there hit hard and fast. Even some of the mid-level tougher map areas will be a challenge for you, unless you can play with a group of friends or team up with other players on the map.
Depends how you play :] Thats the beauty with gw2.
Right now im at a Lv75-80 map, with only lv60 gear without any problem, 1 level to go before i gear up with entire 80 exotic gears.
(edited by Arccai.4870)