HoM Help - Guild Wars
I’ve given away all my stuff over the last two years so I can’t help you there, but is feather farming still worthwhile there? I used to do that to make good money. Also I did the daily Zaishen quests.
Try doing PvP. The keys you get are worth either selling or to open the chest, towards that title and also to work towards other titles, such as sweets.
The most I do now on Gw1 is solo UW for ectos then sell them if people are still looking for them. Not sure about the feather farming anymore. I also haven’t tried a challenge in years. If you would like, I could try to assist in game. I’d need a few to get back in the swing of it though.
Hi I wan’t to fill upp my HoM with more points, I currently have only 7 points. My character is really crappy and I’m really a noob at the first guild wars. I’m currently trying to do Glint’s Challange, to get some hero armor.
However I have crap gear and not the right henchmen, if someone would like to help with this and or other stuff to get som more HoM points. It would be greatly appriciated. =)
What type of character profession are you playing?
I have a nice Water Ele build that I used to use to “solo” Glint’s Challenge with heros. Got a TON of armors with it when I was doing it….but it’s been a while.
Here’s a link to my OLD wiki page with a few builds. I don’t have the link code for the Glint’s build though. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Jfarris964/Builds
Logic will never win an argument on the forums…..only a sense of entitlement will.
Never play one game just so you can look cool in a different one. Play GW1 because you enjoy it. I have GWAMM and 50/50, and I can say without hesitation that it was not worth it.
I can recommend playing the Guild Wars: Nightfall campaign. You will unlock many heroes, which make playing other areas of the game significantly easier. Don’t forget to unlock skills for your heroes to use, to make them that much stronger. (Nightfall offers far better opportunities for this than Eye of the North.)
While I hate to recommend spending real life money, if you have money to spare you can look into the mercenary pack.
With this pack, you can use your own level 20 chars as heroes. They can be outfitted with good gear and weapons, you can select what skills and attributes they have, it allows you to activate their skills when you wish and it allows you to make up a hero party with exactly the profession mix that is best for you. This does mean you have to level up those professions to 20, but that doesn’t take long and if you go that route, imo it’s well worth it.