How Do Dyes Work?
All Unidentified Dyes have the same chance to drop Common, Uncommon or Rare dye, no matter where the dye was obtained.
Named Dyes are bound to that character once they are used, so make sure the colour is one you want to keep on that character before using it!
You can sometimes get Unidentified Dyes from harvesting plant nodes (seems to be about a 1/10 chance). This is why I harvest any and all plant nodes I come across.
It doesn’t matter where the unidentified dye comes from.
It is not impossible to get a rare dye in low level areas. I have never noticed any one area having a higher drop rate of unidentified dye vs any other.
Hope this can help you:
I have noticed my lower level alts get more dye drops for some reason. I seem to really churn the dyes out in my 30’s and 40’s and almost never see them on my 80’s even in scaled down content. I had a great string of dyes on my Necro, really nice colors like Oxblood and the like. Today I just got Far Mountain on my 7 Engineer, though. Maybe I just had RNG on the Necro.
I never get good colors. I can’t ever restrain myself from identifying them either.
Most of my dyes seem to come from plant nodes. It does seem like lower level characters find more in loot though.