How do I duel my friend?

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I can’t. But why? It’s the funnest way to practice pvp or kill time waiting for someone else. I love the pvp in this game so much, it’s just frusterating that there are only the two ways to access it.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mariah.4850


Because then it would make the guild wars community be quite upset that an element of WoW got added in to their game! :P

But in all seriousness, it would be a great addition.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kinto.9485


I agree. And while they’re numerous other topics about this, I feel like we must really show that we want it in order to get it. Let ArenaNet know what the community wants. I’m sure they will listen =D.

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How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Volrath.1473


well A-net said duels would not be in game on release but would be implemented some time after, rumors say it will be in a very near future so, cross your fingers

I’m crossing mine

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Omegacomet.7415


well A-net said duels would not be in game on release but would be implemented some time after, rumors say it will be in a very near future so, cross your fingers

I’m crossing mine

I thought they only said it would be in if a lot of people ask for it. So I’m hoping they add it soon

Ronin Elite

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LyricDawnhagen.7803


If they add duels, I only ask that ArenaNet includes a setting in the Options that will allow me to ignore all duel requests.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


… and make random duel challenges a reportable offense.

You want to duel me, you ask - not just throw down the glove at me.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrNobody.4357


Call him, or text him, or write on his FB wall if you prefer, that you are waiting for him outside, down his building.

Really duels are annoying.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Melesie.5723


Or, just make a place in Mists designated for dueling. Mists are just a few clicks away at all times.
In any case, I would like this added as well.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: grebber.5916


Duels would be nice. Like a poster said tho put in an option to deny duels. Sometimes I’m not in the mood

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sulmith Greysin.5124

Sulmith Greysin.5124

duels would be as useful as they are in wow, not at all. dueling comes down to which class is most self sufficient and when you kick someone’skitten who thought they were pretty good, they cry, they’ll pester you, they’ll cause all kinds of drama

no problem with dueling as an option but don’t paint it as useful, it’s not, it’s not useful to duel a thief 1v1 when wvw will see you in multi-player battles most of the time. GW2 isn’t balanced 1v1. Dueling just leads to more forum QQ.

it’s far more useful to simply play every profession and learn what they can and can’t do.

i’ve always seen dueling as a way to exploit the FOTM to grow your kitten

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nightshade.2056


duels would be as useful as they are in wow, not at all. dueling comes down to which class is most self sufficient and when you kick someone’skitten who thought they were pretty good, they cry, they’ll pester you, they’ll cause all kinds of drama

no problem with dueling as an option but don’t paint it as useful, it’s not, it’s not useful to duel a thief 1v1 when wvw will see you in multi-player battles most of the time. GW2 isn’t balanced 1v1. Dueling just leads to more forum QQ.

it’s far more useful to simply play every profession and learn what they can and can’t do.

i’ve always seen dueling as a way to exploit the FOTM to grow your kitten

It would be useful to have a controlled environment to test skills and utilities. if I’m able to smack my friend around a bit he can tell me himself just how effective my conditions are. And of course if he smacks me around I can tell how much of a difference my boons really make.

-Toff (blackgate)
Love and War

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Omegacomet.7415


duels would be as useful as they are in wow, not at all. dueling comes down to which class is most self sufficient and when you kick someone’skitten who thought they were pretty good, they cry, they’ll pester you, they’ll cause all kinds of drama

no problem with dueling as an option but don’t paint it as useful, it’s not, it’s not useful to duel a thief 1v1 when wvw will see you in multi-player battles most of the time. GW2 isn’t balanced 1v1. Dueling just leads to more forum QQ.

it’s far more useful to simply play every profession and learn what they can and can’t do.

i’ve always seen dueling as a way to exploit the FOTM to grow your kitten

It would be useful to have a controlled environment to test skills and utilities. if I’m able to smack my friend around a bit he can tell me himself just how effective my conditions are. And of course if he smacks me around I can tell how much of a difference my boons really make.

I agree

Ronin Elite

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ahwoo.8029


More options never hurt. I’d like to see duels added in the future.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

Dueling is useful for testing builds, just because most fights are team based doesn’t mean its pointless to practice in smaller fights. Anet has stated this will be added just like guild halls and several other interesting but not needed elements. I will be thrilled when we get dueling but for now clearing out the major bugs is a much more important topic for them to work on.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leonardoraele.3725


I would like to have duel added too. But as people said, with option to “auto-deny”. Duels are very very funny with friends, but I don’t like to be spammed with random duel requests for people I don’t know and have no reason to fight me.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stryker.9632


Cause that would put pvp into a purely pvp game……
wait a second, that REALLY makes no sense.

this add for wanting duels is signed by Stryker

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gopher.4562


+1 to adding it. I find it silly that there is no dueling, but I guess smart to get the game out quicker.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Coinspinner.5691


It’s a good way to kill some time while waiting for… well, whatever I’m waiting for.

So +1 for the addition of dueling!

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Venn.8931


This game isn’t balanced like a fighting game for 1v1. I don’t think any MMO has actually pulled that off. Wanna go 1v1? Go to WvW, find a loner, and start a fight. It’s what I do.

It’s way more interesting than the environments I’ve seen in cities where it’s just mindless duels that litter the streets.


How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stx.4857


Gotta have duels!!!!!!


2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mazcrom.5871


duels = good, but wont make or break the game for me…nice addition though.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stryker.9632


walk over to his house and punch him in the face, first one to be knocked out looses.
easie peesie

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex.9432


PvP ranked mode. (By Proffesion)

Oh here’s another fun idea… FFA TOURNAMENTS.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerpogz.3412


YES, I want ArenaNet to add duels in the game ! It’s a really good way to practice your skill combos.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Masher.8051


+1 to adding duels.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

If they add duels, I only ask that ArenaNet includes a setting in the Options that will allow me to ignore all duel requests.

I agree with this! I wouldn’t mind a casual duel amongst guild mates, but when some random weirdo starts spamming duel requests, it gets quite annoying. Either that, or reserve duel requests in a special area of The Mists.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I rather see they implement a 1vs1 arena type deatmatch thing,whoever wins first from xx rounds wins.Where players can actually test their skill and earn some glory.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkness Playa.2658

Darkness Playa.2658

Duels would be awesome because they allow fighting and Gear and build has an influence

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrix.7036


I really hope that there will be some sort of arena type thing inside guild halls. Something that allows you to test things in larger groups (as in everyone that crosses this line can attack anyone not in their party). One can hope I guess.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dungfish.7509


I rather see they implement a 1vs1 arena type deatmatch thing,whoever wins first from xx rounds wins.Where players can actually test their skill and earn some glory.

I would love duels implemented, but nothing like this. As people have said the game is not meant to be balanced 1v1 and giving rewards for winning 1v1 combat will be exploited like crazy.


How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slaunyeh.9852


Because then it would make the guild wars community be quite upset that an element of WoW got added in to their game! :P

We also have trees, just like WoW. I’m just sure I see the problem.

And yes, a “decline all duel invites” option would be mandatory.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bahamut.7029


oh ye … i’d love to duel my weak un-skilled “pvp wise” friends and pawn them !!!!!!!!!!! would be great ! and then i’d rub it in their faces !!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charr , Blood Legion Warrior \m/
Tumblr:The Bahamut

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

If you are really desparate to fight your friend then have both of you que into the same spvp (i think that is what they are calling those quick matches where you hold the points first to 500 wins) server at Island of the Mists. Find one that is not anwhere near being full and tell your friend which server number you picked. Look on the left side of the list of servers for those numbers. Both of you should end up in the same battle and then cycle through the battles together. Half the time you will be on the same team the other half you will be on opposing teams and then you may both go to a prearranged meeting point to duel or just fight it out normally with the group. If you find a very empty server it should be possible to find some very secluded spots to duel and none will care. I have only done this once so I hope that it wasnt just a fluke.

For me because you want it is reason enough that it should be in the game. It changes nothing and would be no less useless a function then dancing for example. Both are forms of entertainment that some players like and others couldnt care less about. And ya an option to not be hassled by out of the blue duels would be a must.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LameFox.6349


This game isn’t balanced like a fighting game for 1v1. I don’t think any MMO has actually pulled that off. Wanna go 1v1? Go to WvW, find a loner, and start a fight. It’s what I do.

It’s way more interesting than the environments I’ve seen in cities where it’s just mindless duels that litter the streets.


If I find a loner in WvW, he either runs away or has backup in the huge majority of cases. To get one alone I basically have to hide up a hill and literally jump on him so I’m in range to cripple/stun/etc. It’s a pretty slow way of doing things, especially with hours in queue to get there.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I rather see they implement a 1vs1 arena type deatmatch thing,whoever wins first from xx rounds wins.Where players can actually test their skill and earn some glory.

I would love duels implemented, but nothing like this. As people have said the game is not meant to be balanced 1v1 and giving rewards for winning 1v1 combat will be exploited like crazy.

@ venn,the game Is balanced,it all depends on your build and skill,and again..this would really let people test their skill and get more experience in fighting different types of classes 1vs1 and making them learn what skills,weapons traits would be best for fighting against another class.

It gives players the opportunity to really test their skill instead of randomly zerging,and giving the players some glory points for it instead of doing it for nothing,or any other reward they can come up with would be fine.People always try to exploit everything,like afk leechers for instance.Btw they already have a 1vs1 in Gw1.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jolson.9583


A duel feature must be accompanied by an option to ignore duel requests.

the random generation of numbers is far to important to be left to chance.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vindrael.4961


+1 for adding duels to the game. It makes sense, in an RP environment you should be allowed to pick a fight with one of your mates. It’s also useful for testing PvP builds, as others have stated.

I’m actually somewhat surprised this wasn’t a feature at release, but meh. I hope they add it.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for your feedback, but this subforum is for Players Helping Players so will be closed. More forum sections appropriate for this topic will be opened in the future. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!