How do I get to Laughing Gull Island?
go to Lion’s Arch and out to Bloodtide Coast through the exit by Bloodcoast Ward Waypoint (which is by Fort Mirriner). from the start waypoint, head south and over a bridge to Stormbluff Isle. grab the waypoint there, and head down the hill to where all the skelk/skale (forget which) are in the shallow water. look across the water to the land. that is Laughing Gull Island.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
On the map below the lion’s arch, the island is on the center, you have to swim to there
And on the Island, go left from the WP till you see a hill, climb it up and follow the road to get inside the taidha location
Or just follow people from the WP, they will go to the taidha location too most of the time
Hope you enjoying the game
* Event Timer (including HoT Meta), Daily, WvW, Pact Supply, Account. Trading Post, etc:
* Google Playstore Link
(edited by akenoyuki.8210)
Thanks a lot for the help guys! Managed to get there but sadly no one was doing the event. Might need to just wait until a group appears.
That event is on a timer, so you have to wait until it starts before you can do it.
There are various sites that will tell you what events are happening: