How do I pvp?

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


Giant ZAPS BOOMS explosions covering your screen, stealth interfering with your nearest target locator, abilities going in the wrong direction. Not being able to see anything.

How do I pvp?

P.S. This isn’t a troll thread I’m level 26 and I really want to try this out but I just get deleted.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


  • Pick a class and study class guides.
  • Get to 80.
  • Acquire or buy traits.
  • Play PvE, get used to all your skills and traits not to think about them in combat.
  • Read PvP intro.
  • Check popular builds for PvP. Experiment and find a role you want to play.
  • Start playing hotjoin arenas.
  • Get better, move to unranked PvP.
  • Get better, move to ranked PvP.
  • Optional: get sick of competitive PvP and move back to cooperative PvE
20 level 80s and counting.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shanks.2907


Giant ZAPS BOOMS explosions covering your screen.

Once you learn what each specific skill is you’ll better understand what each attack does and when they need to be dodged. Not all skills are equal, some are stuns or heavy damage.

It comes with experience.

stealth interfering with your nearest target locator

Thieves and Mesmers are probably going to give you the toughest time. They will stealth, so it’s best to expect it. Thieves will try to backstab you and mesmers will try to reposition to blend in with their clones. Again, experience will help judge your situations.

Stealth drops target though, so you’ll have to target them again when they come back.

abilities going in the wrong direction.

Try turning off auto target in your options menu. In PvP you always want to manually select your target.

How do I pvp?

P.S. This isn’t a troll thread I’m level 26 and I really want to try this out but I just get deleted.

When you get to PvP, make sure you play “practice” games. This will help position you in an environment where you can learn how to play it. Really, experience is what will help you the most. Learning the skills of all the classes is a huge plus. A solid build will help you a lot too.

What class are you playing? It helps to have a good balance of offense and defense. You need stun breakers and condition removal if you want to sustain a fight. A bunker class might be more suitable for you instead of a high dps one.

If pvp is something you really want to get into, bear with the learning curve! You will exponentially get better as you gain experience. Each death is a learning experience that pushes you to get better.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Well this is not classic mmo system where you stay on place and watching spells folowing targets. You must adapt on our combat system
- Its need time to learn what effect on screen are what. Enemies can dodge or sometime even step out from your attack, they can break your stuns, they can reflect your dmg back on you its simply something you must count with.

- First off start practicing on npcs in pvp lobby they are as good as scriptet class npc can be. When you beat them all with minimal harm you are on good way.

- Create all classes and briefly look what their skills and traits do. And what is more important look how those skills looks because every spell have its own unique animation and sound.

- Later go on sites like and look on builds of other classes not only because you can use them but because you can study what build ppl curently runing most of the time, what are they capable of in combat ect so you can prepare your own counterstrategy.

- You will need build. You can be pro player butyou will be just average because your build sux. Creating your own good working build can be for new player very complicated. So go on sites and use some of metabuilds first, study them, learn how synergies between skills traits, runes, ect works. And later you can try your own build perhaps:-)

- You can limited mess on screen a bit by turning off some graphical options. In graphic setting turn off Post Processing and check Effect LOD, also turning off shadows can help with orientation

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


Well this is not classic mmo system where you stay on place and watching spells folowing targets. You must adapt on our combat system

My first mmo haha.

Thank you everyone for the help so far! Looks like I have to get to level 80 first overall.
P.S. I’m a GS, Axe/Shield Warrior.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shanks.2907


Well this is not classic mmo system where you stay on place and watching spells folowing targets. You must adapt on our combat system

My first mmo haha.

Thank you everyone for the help so far! Looks like I have to get to level 80 first overall.
P.S. I’m a GS, Axe/Shield Warrior.

You don’t have to level to 80 before playing pvp but it does help you to learn your class mechanics a bit. While greatsword might work well in pve, i suggest learning to use the longbow in pvp. The bulk of damage on greatsword requires a good deal of effort to set up as it requires your target to stand still. Longbow is very well rounded and axe can deal some good damage.

Here’s a build I put together for you, it should help get your feet in the door.

It’s not a meta build or anything, but I think it’s good for someone learning the ropes. It has sustain and dps so you should do pretty good. Here’s a few pointers that might help.

  • Each bar of adrenalin spent (burst) cleanses 1 condition with cleansing ire
  • Shield 4 (shield bash) stuns the foe and can be used to set up eviscerate (F1 axe burst)
  • Use your elite signet (signet of rage) at the start of a fight for 30s of swiftness, fury and 5 stacks of might
  • Use longbow burst (combustive shot) to create a fire field and longbow 3 (arcing arrow) to blast it for 3 stacks of might
  • NEVER use your healing skill. Healing signet heals for more passively.
  • The three stances (utilities) each give you 1) condition immunity 2) damage immunity 3) crowd control immunity
  • Other worthwhile utilities are dolyak signet, signet of stamina
  • I like the knight’s amulet stat spread, others might prefer celestial or soldier
  • Swap weapons as often as possible. You’ll gain adrenalin, might and proc your on swap sigils sooner.

Hope this gives you a bit of insight of things you can do with your class. Every game you play will build more experience and you will get better as you go. Don’t be afraid to die or even lose, it’s a learning experience. Try and stay on point (either your home node or middle node) and fight with your team.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


Maybe pvp just isn’t for me the whole fighting by face rolling keyboards which everyone seems to do just doesn’t suit it for me.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oxtred.7658


I’m pretty sure someone with less than 10 hours played isn’t experienced enough to judge if pvp is about rolling your face on the keyboard or not. Just sayin’

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Hey there sirjosh!

I figure I cannot write you a complete guide, but what I can do, is show you how to PvP effectively in-game, and help you out abit. So, I offer to you in-game PvP instructions whenever I’m online! I can guarantee you will learn and love it as soon as you get the hang of it (doesnt take long, trust me) So, add me in-game and let’s hop into action asap! ;D

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shanks.2907


Maybe pvp just isn’t for me the whole fighting by face rolling keyboards which everyone seems to do just doesn’t suit it for me.

Don’t give up! It might be overwhelming at first but you will get better. Like oRx said, there are people who are willing to give you a hand to learn the ropes.

You were interested enough in PvP to come to the forums and ask for help. Don’t give up before you’ve even started to enjoy it yourself. It will make it that much more fun when your skill improves and you can be satisfied with how far you’ve come!

How do I pvp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sirjosh.9561


Thanks for the help guys and I’ll be adding oRx shortly.