How do Skins work exactly?

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrian.4083


I purchased the Phalanx Heavy Armor Skin for my Warrior. I thought these would skin whatever piece of armour you had equipped but it doesn’t seem to work that way.

Anytime I purchase a better piece of armor, and equip that armor it replaces the Phalanx Heavy Armor Skin and costs transmutation charges.

How do you purchase better pieces of equipment and apply those stats to the Phalanx Armor Skin without paying transmutation charges every time you purchase better equipment?

Right now, to me, it looks like you have to wait until you’re at the highest class level and have the best armor available that the game has to offer before you go and buy a skin. That doesn’t seem right. Surely I’m mistaken. Can someone please explain this to me?

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

Well I mean… I have a Legendary skin on most of my sub 80s right now. If you’re willing to spend transmutation charges your level 1 can have whatever skin you fancy which is in your wardrobe. Otherwise, you use the base skin with the stats you want.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrian.4083


Thanks for the answer Lilith. So to see if I got this straight, you’ve stuck with the Legendary Skin for quite a few levels. So your armor has remained at the same stats since you placed the Legendary skin on?

Wouldn’t that be inadequate protection if you skinned level 5 armor?

I guess what I don’t understand is how do you upgrade the stats of the armour without removing the skin?

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

I spend transmutation charges like crazy. I will upgrade gear and skins every 10 levels, often I will not keep the same skin on a character for more than a week. (Cough 18 characters cough)…. I don’t mind spending charges because I’m not destroying gear to do so. I’m just… upgrading. Plus, you can farm charges in game. So that’s cool. You can’t upgrade the stats without removing the skin because it’s an entirely new weapon or armor piece. You have to spend a charge to re skin it or keep the skin that it has (sometimes not a bad thing!)

Charges are something you’ll want lots of, if you care for fashion and looking good while leveling.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


A new weapon has its own stats and own appearance. To keep the stats but change the look you can pay a transmutation charge to apply a different skin to that weapon. If you then get a new weapon with better stats it has its own look. To change the look of this new weapon you must pay a transmutation charge to apply a skin to it too.

So unless you have many transmutation charges, or are willing to buy them, it is a waste to use the charges on transmuting armor and weapons on heroes that are leveling and getting new stuff every 5 levels or even more often.

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrian.4083


Well I sure appreciate all the help. I think I understand how this works now thanks to your efforts.

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrian.4083


Actually one last question. If I want to stash this skin in a safe place until a little later on, I would imagine the bank would be a good choice. I’ve never used the bank, is there any trick I should be aware of to help me store this skin?

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


You can access your bank from a bank location, a crafting station or a special bank access thingy. When the bank panel opens up there used to be the bank where you can store stuff and the collections section where crafting stuff gets stored from your inventory when you “store collectables”. Now there is an additional tab showing the skins you have unlocked. To unlock skins from armor and weapons in game you can salvage them or right click on the items or equip a hero with it. You can also buy skins from the Black Lion Trading Post or as rewards for achievements, etc.

How do Skins work exactly?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrian.4083


You can access your bank from a bank location, a crafting station or a special bank access thingy. When the bank panel opens up there used to be the bank where you can store stuff and the collections section where crafting stuff gets stored from your inventory when you “store collectables”. Now there is an additional tab showing the skins you have unlocked. To unlock skins from armor and weapons in game you can salvage them or right click on the items or equip a hero with it. You can also buy skins from the Black Lion Trading Post or as rewards for achievements, etc.

Thanks. I need all the help I can get right now…lol. This being a newb is painful lol.