How do YOU make money?

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mnguyen.5142



Like many people, I am shooting for the human cultural tier 3 armor; and as we all know, that beast of an armor costs 119G for a whole set. Although I don’t really agree with the price, I’ve been saving up to get my hands on this.

Currently I have 12.6G, mainly from exploring maps, doing hearts and completing dungeons. I’ve started since the headstart launched (so about 2 weeks) and this is what I got. I have been slowing down on exploring because it’s too time consuming and am just doing dungeons now, occasionally selling on the trading post when I get good drops. If I have a good day, I make 1.5-2G a day.

What do you guys do make your money, and how effective is it?

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

(edited by mnguyen.5142)

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Feywray.4351


Good question, but I doubt any one is really making any good money with the auction house being down all the time, since that’s where most of your income comes into play in MMO style games.

How do YOU make money?

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Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Eh i blow more money on the ah than i make as most of the items i could sell cost half the price if im lucky of the mats that go into it as im a crafter.

How do YOU make money?

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Posted by: Kermit.3691


I don’t remember where I heard this, but somewhere, there was a discussion going on about the cost of leveling up crafting, especially in these early days of the game when folks are still figuring out how hard it is to actually gather/craft and such – as such, when the auction house is up, it sounds like your most reliable source of money might be in crafting mats for the near future

in short, because many people playing the game are still figuring out how hard crafting is, many of them don’t know what mats should be worth, so you can probably afford to sell high for awhile

when things stabilize, you’ll find more reliable ways of making money off the TP I’m sure

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Trizz.7543


The thing is how to SAVE money, for example,traveling on foot, not dying, and don’t repair armor, and hope that you get better armor to replace your broken one.

Proud member of Subterfuge Gaming

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cutter.4501


Good lord, at level 60 I’ve barely scratched making 2g. I understand they don’t want a glut of excess gold around but this is ridicurous.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crimsony.2514


Mainly I just play the game, avoiding “defeated” state, unneeded purchases and map travel as much as possible. It’s certainly not as fast as, say, playing the market or farming copper, or whatnot. But I have fun playing the game.

Harvesting and joining in with random nearby events are both important. And be sure to keep your eyes open for hidden areas that contain chests, I think most of them are unmarked.
In 100 hours (wat?! >_>) I’ve made enough gold for 3 inventory expansions, two bank tab expansions, an extra character slot, a few dozen cheap dyes, 10 or so minis, and 200 gems beyond that.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: khagan.2549


I’ve found that I’m better off vendoring gear that drops and buying mats for crafting from the auction house. I see people selling most everything on the auction house for the vendor price, so they are basically paying to lose the auction fee. Salvaging is a losing proposition. The mats are worth less than the price of the salvage kit and the piece you’re salvaging!

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yaos.4528


I go out, kill lots of monsters, and then put up sell orders on the Trading Post. Originally I was filling buy orders, but I forgot there’s a million or two people looking through the Trading Post and switched to sell orders and every highly traded commodity sells very quickly. Due to the huge influx of materials salvaging stuff is no longer worth it even if there is a slotted item; you’re better off vendoring salvage items and terrible armor/weapons instead of salvaging and then buying upgrades off the TP.

How do YOU make money?

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Posted by: Azkar.6018


Originally I was filling buy orders, but I forgot there’s a million or two people looking through the Trading Post and switched to sell orders and every highly traded commodity sells very quickly.

Agree 100%. I almost never blindly fill buy-orders or sell-orders, when I’m using the TP. You can almost always put in a custom order, and make some extra coin. I’ve been finding they’re filled before I have a chance to switch over to the pick-up tab.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Always do a buy/sell order. Sometimes depending on how you do it they get fulfilled just as fast. Price the buy/sell order with how long you are willing to wait for something to be sold/received. However pricing too low for some items you may never get the order fulfilled. It would be interesting to find out when the timeouts for buy/sell orders are. Hopefully there are some in place. Otherwise orders will be all over the place with massive amounts in the extremes for a while.

Also identifying what the market wants at the moment helps. Tier 1 mats are in high demand. Tier 2 Basic mats are a bit oversupplied at the moment. Tier 2 fine mats looks to be ok at the moment. This is likely to change.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

(edited by anzenketh.3759)

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadow.6018


Originally I was filling buy orders, but I forgot there’s a million or two people looking through the Trading Post and switched to sell orders and every highly traded commodity sells very quickly.

Agree 100%. I almost never blindly fill buy-orders or sell-orders, when I’m using the TP. You can almost always put in a custom order, and make some extra coin. I’ve been finding they’re filled before I have a chance to switch over to the pick-up tab.

Care to elaborate on that a bit?

How is putting in a custom sell or buy order better?

I mean…..if the lowest copper ore is selling for 20c…..why would I place anything lower or higher? Any lower and I lose out, any higher and I dont sell.

Ditto for buying, although there I can see putting in a buy order for a lower amount than the lowest selling one and hoping someone bites.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Premium.4075


Originally I was filling buy orders, but I forgot there’s a million or two people looking through the Trading Post and switched to sell orders and every highly traded commodity sells very quickly.

Agree 100%. I almost never blindly fill buy-orders or sell-orders, when I’m using the TP. You can almost always put in a custom order, and make some extra coin. I’ve been finding they’re filled before I have a chance to switch over to the pick-up tab.

Care to elaborate on that a bit?

How is putting in a custom sell or buy order better?

I mean…..if the lowest copper ore is selling for 20c…..why would I place anything lower or higher? Any lower and I lose out, any higher and I dont sell.

Ditto for buying, although there I can see putting in a buy order for a lower amount than the lowest selling one and hoping someone bites.

You put in order for buy 15 and then u sell for 22 or 23, they go so fast with so much demand it goes up and down so rapidly, it will never stay 20c flat for long.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Care to elaborate on that a bit?

How is putting in a custom sell or buy order better?

I mean…..if the lowest copper ore is selling for 20c…..why would I place anything lower or higher? Any lower and I lose out, any higher and I dont sell.

Ditto for buying, although there I can see putting in a buy order for a lower amount than the lowest selling one and hoping someone bites.

On selling that all depends on the number of sell orders and the item and the demand for the item. If there is only 10 or 100 or even depending on the item 1000 it will sell if you place it at a higher sell price but not too high. The question is how long will it take. Remember this is a gamewide market that has had 400 concurrent users. At any given period of time 1000 orders for a highly traded item (like copper). Can go buy in a flash. Sometimes when selling going lower will actually make you more money faster. Depending on the item and the quantity that you have and a bunch of other variables. For example say copper was selling at 20 bronze with 500000 sell orders. When it really is only worth 10-15. Copper is relatively easy to obtain but most people have passed the copper mining areas so they don’t do it. So you go and get copper. Then put it on the trading post for 18 or so when lowest sell is 20. Your order will get fulfilled first for those that want it now and don’t want to “Hope someone will bite”. Thus making you more money faster because you don’t have to wait for all the other orders to be fulfilled first.

As for buying it is much more cut and dry. Doing a buy order a little less then the lowest sell order will typically get you the item as fast on highly traded items but cost less. Again depending on the item and supply. Reason for this is you become the highest buy order.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aphasia.1803


Like many people, I am shooting for the human cultural tier 3 armor; and as we all know, that beast of an armor costs 119G for a whole set. Although I don’t really agree with the price, I’ve been saving up to get my hands on this.

Currently I have 12.6G, mainly from exploring maps, doing hearts and completing dungeons. I’ve started since the headstart launched (so about 2 weeks) and this is what I got. I have been slowing down on exploring because it’s too time consuming and am just doing dungeons now, occasionally selling on the trading post when I get good drops. If I have a good day, I make 1.5-2G a day.

What do you guys do make your money, and how effective is it?

Well you have another option, that is to use real money and get gems and sell/trade em for gold.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lolan.1097


I myself have made good money (50G+) just by buying and selling on the TP.
Made 10G by placing an buy order for iron ore (10k) and some other stuff that’ll earn you good gold

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Yeah I’m pretty broke, but if you follow some of the basic tips money does accumulate (al be it somewhat slowly). AH is probably your best bet in the long run, but I’m not sure if prices have fully stabilised yet.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tomed.9168


-Salvage underpriced level 70 Rare/Exotics for Ectos
-Salvage underpriced armors/weapons with Runes/Sigils that will sell for more than the item
-Place buy orders for mats lower than the going rate then resell.

Profit margins are pretty low in all markets that I’ve found but you can make decent gold if you just sit there and refresh a lot. However due to how the GW2 item system works and how the Trading Post guides the seller you probably won’t find any ludicrous deals like in Diablo 3.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PinkRage.5120


Like many people, I am shooting for the human cultural tier 3 armor; and as we all know, that beast of an armor costs 119G for a whole set. Although I don’t really agree with the price, I’ve been saving up to get my hands on this.

Currently I have 12.6G, mainly from exploring maps, doing hearts and completing dungeons. I’ve started since the headstart launched (so about 2 weeks) and this is what I got. I have been slowing down on exploring because it’s too time consuming and am just doing dungeons now, occasionally selling on the trading post when I get good drops. If I have a good day, I make 1.5-2G a day.

What do you guys do make your money, and how effective is it?

Well you have another option, that is to use real money and get gems and sell/trade em for gold.

Are you serious? Selling Gems to get Gold is a total ripoff. 100 Gems for 50 Silver, as to 1 Gold for 400 Gems.

[iLy] is now recruiting.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


I personally hate playing the ‘market’ in MMos because it often damages the game in the long run, forcing the prices on many items to go insane. As for me making money, I sell dyes, exotics, sigils and crafting materials.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aphasia.1803


Like many people, I am shooting for the human cultural tier 3 armor; and as we all know, that beast of an armor costs 119G for a whole set. Although I don’t really agree with the price, I’ve been saving up to get my hands on this.

Currently I have 12.6G, mainly from exploring maps, doing hearts and completing dungeons. I’ve started since the headstart launched (so about 2 weeks) and this is what I got. I have been slowing down on exploring because it’s too time consuming and am just doing dungeons now, occasionally selling on the trading post when I get good drops. If I have a good day, I make 1.5-2G a day.

What do you guys do make your money, and how effective is it?

Well you have another option, that is to use real money and get gems and sell/trade em for gold.

Are you serious? Selling Gems to get Gold is a total ripoff. 100 Gems for 50 Silver, as to 1 Gold for 400 Gems.

Wait … so you can buy 400 gems for 1 gold and then sell 100 gems for 50 silver? Thats a good way to make money. Buy gems with gold first then sell gems back for twice the price and double your money.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rervilo.3647


Like many people, I am shooting for the human cultural tier 3 armor; and as we all know, that beast of an armor costs 119G for a whole set. Although I don’t really agree with the price, I’ve been saving up to get my hands on this.

Currently I have 12.6G, mainly from exploring maps, doing hearts and completing dungeons. I’ve started since the headstart launched (so about 2 weeks) and this is what I got. I have been slowing down on exploring because it’s too time consuming and am just doing dungeons now, occasionally selling on the trading post when I get good drops. If I have a good day, I make 1.5-2G a day.

What do you guys do make your money, and how effective is it?

Well you have another option, that is to use real money and get gems and sell/trade em for gold.

Are you serious? Selling Gems to get Gold is a total ripoff. 100 Gems for 50 Silver, as to 1 Gold for 400 Gems.

Wait … so you can buy 400 gems for 1 gold and then sell 100 gems for 50 silver? Thats a good way to make money. Buy gems with gold first then sell gems back for twice the price and double your money.

PinkRage worded it wrong. Its closer to 1 Gold = 400 Gems and 400 Gems = 50 Silver. So no. It’s not a good way to double your money. It’s a very bad way in fact.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DABhand.2079


Myself im currently exploring all the low areas as the rewards are nice but random.

One thing to make is the Strawberries and Biscuits from cooking it gives 30 minutes of +10% Magic Find, great for finding some unique stuff out in the world, especially from looting and gathering and its low down in the cooking skill also (iirc 75 skill needed and level 15), to get that you need to make buttermilk biscuits (1 Glass of buttermilk, 1 Butter, 1 Bag of Flour, 1 Packet of Baking Powder), then to make the Strawberries and Biscuits (1 Buttermilk Biscuit, 1 Strawberry, 1 Bag of Sugar). And it stacks with any trinket gems you have equipped.

There is better later on like Yam Fritters at level 30 with 18%, and up at the top Chocolate Omnomberry Cream (yes thats what its called lol) with 40% Magic Find.

Obviously with this you get rare stuff easier and then in turn with Trading post going you can sell them, I got 5 rare dyes last night after using my first one including Hot Pink, yes the olde Hot Pink is back in fashion >.<

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eupholax.7025


If is cosmeticics you want go and save money for tier 3 but you can get much better armor on the trading post for example I did want tier 3 human heavy chestplate but it costs 30g, I got better exotic armor on the trading post for 4g. So for the full set instead of 100+ g for racial armor I’m buying better armor for less about 4g a piece.

How do YOU make money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eupholax.7025


If you want to make money look at the trading post for valuable items, vials of thin blood are worth about 1s apiece and they are a relatively common drop for skale in lvl 15 to 25 areas