How do i start making legendary equipment?

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hades.4513


So i just reached lvl 80 (elementalist – tempest). I want to start making legendary equipment( legendary, armor, legendary weapons or legendary back items) as soon as i can. Do i start with legendary weapons. armor, or back item? How do i start?

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Here you go:

For armor, you Raid.
For back items, either Fractals or PvP
For weapons, you can purchase, craft with the Legendary Collection (for Precursor), or wait for a drop (Precursor) and craft.

Good luck.

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Tanner Blackfeather.6509

Also, remember that Legendary gear is not more powerful than Ascended, so if it’s Best in Slot you’re after, there are a lot easier and cheaper options than legendaries.

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


For legendary weapons I strongly recommend you make the first step being absolutely certain which weapon/s you’re going to use most for the entire time you’re playing GW2.

If you’re worried about meta builds and always using what’s best/most popular consider that updates and new ideas from the community can shift which weapons are best to use. In that case you might be better off making ascended weapons. They have the exact same stats, but if you need to make a new weapon it’s a lot cheaper and easier.

If you’re not concerned about the meta but like to change your weapons around or haven’t decided on a favourite yet you should do that before you start making a legendary.

Whatever the reason you don’t want to find yourself with a soulbound precursor and a legendary-specific gift and no desire to keep the finished weapon. Especially if it’s one of the new legendaries which can’t be sold.

For weapons, you can purchase, craft with the Legendary Collection (for Precursor), or wait for a drop (Precursor) and craft.

Or for the pre-HoT legendaries you can buy the precursor and then craft the legendary with it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hades.4513


Thanks for all the useful replies!! I am going to make ascended, but i thought legendaries would just look cool. As for the legendary i would make, i have already decided on nevermore.

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maethor.2810


I recommend checking out GW2Efficiency to help get started.

Go to Crafting, and type in what you want to craft (Legendary Armor Piece for armor, name of any backpiece or legendary). It will give you a shopping list of all the materials you will need for the item and a step by step guide on crafting it. Just the first generation legendaries, as previously mentioned, you can either obtain through the collection or by buying it.

You can create an API Key for the site through your ArenaNet account if you want to use the “Use Own Materials” feature, which will subtract whatever is in your own account from the shopping list so you have a more real-time view of what is needed.

~Signe Grimsdottir | Wynne Everheart | Magiere Massing~
The Archivist’s Sanctum [Lore] – Just Us Grown-Ups [JUGS]

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


I would think a new(ish?) player would find a legendary, and even ascended gear, rather expensive. I’ve been playing since launch, though not as focused/hardcore as many, and just this weekend had my first precursor drop. I looked up on GW2Efficiency what it will take to make the legendary, and I have a lot of work/collecting to do.

Likewise, I’m 2/3 through making ascended armor of each set and have made a few ascended weapons, and getting those materials together is expensive — not including crafting to 500.

So ascended is a good goal, but if you look into the requirements and look into your material storage, you might consider being happy with exotic gear while you build up your stock.

How do i start making legendary equipment?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It depends on the player. If I remember correctly the first legendary weapon was made just over a month after the game came out. For some people that was literally their entire goal – get game, get to level 80, make a legendary.

It is a big job and it definitely can seem daunting. I’ve made 2 and both times when I put together a list of everything I needed, even after checking off the stuff I already had I felt somewhat overwhelmed with it. But some people really like having a big, long-term goal to work towards.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”