How do people have so much money?

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


My question is: how the hell people who acquired legendary weapons, got HUNDREDS (300 gold or even [much] more)? They farmed orr events, you would say? Hehe, quick math: for 300 gold. 300g=30 000 silver
30 000: 1.7 (you get 1.7s per event? can’t remember) = 17.6k events to do. Let’s say you find some ori/orrian, which have few hours respawn (around 2g per day, let’s say). Ok, so maybe guild gave you some gold… if it has around 30 members, then everyone had to give at least 10g! Play market? Then you’d have to buy million of millions (stop! not buy, just order them) items: runes, sigils etc. cuz profit is usually few silver/copper. Any other clues?

I am struggling with my 5 gold. Farming oris/wood and selling it. 1g per day (or less). Not cool. Tried to play TP. Not cool, people keep undercutting you by 1 copper OR price lowers with next day, so you lose money. I am, when I can, placing 4 rare greatswords hoping for Dusk or Dawn, which are totally mad expensive, and I WILL BECOME RICH MWHAHAHAHAHA. So, if you want to have legendary, you must…erm, have guild…not worth effort if you are solo farming (unless you have no wife/gf/job and sit in home 24/7).

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How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kietay.2345


Welcome to capitalism. I am willing to bet almost everyone who already has 100 gold has it because they are clever and know how to play the market. That or they just got lucky and found a few really good items and sold them.

With a market, even as basic and horribly interfaced as the GW2 market, the more money you have the more money you will make each day.

Also you can just buy a billion gems and turn them into gold if you want.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Josher.9612


Yup…the cash shop allows people to pay to win the fashion game. Enter CC#, buy gems, convert to gold, buy 80G legendary weapon from the TP=)

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Looria.8019


I know one guy who already got commander and has another 100g on his account. He already spent around 360 pounds on the game via gem shop.

Guess thats your answer.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kasama.8941


A lot of it has to do with being good at reading the auction house. Buying items that you either can predict will go up in price, or buy items that you can turn into higher value items in the mystic forge. But people go mostly for karma first, since you need 525.000 karma for a legendary, so you will have plenty of time to get gold next to that..

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


I am poor student don’t exptect that I will spend 1000$ for gems! But…it’s the only way to be rich…
My tips to be rich:
-be rich in real life, earn 2k$ per month.
-be lucky.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


My brother got a Dusk the first time he used the Mystic forge. New lvl 80 and he immediately got enough gold to buy all his lvl 80 gear.

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How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I got a little bit more than 100g currently with just farming events and dungeons. Its possible. No trading or exploiting since I hate those kind of people.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


I got a little bit more than 100g currently with just farming events and dungeons. Its possible. No trading or exploiting since I hate those kind of people.

You “hate” people who trade? o.O

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in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Swagman.9013


A good bit came from people that understood how things worked before the masses, maybe got some info from the closed beta.

There was a post on reddit about how the mystic forge had a ~33% chance to spit out the pre req exotic weapon by combining 4 of the same rares. I’m sure people knew about this well before this person and were stockpiling the weapons.

Of course that person was so kind as to inform the general population after he filed a bug report and the chance to get a pre req wep via mystic forge was nerfed into the ground.

I’m fairly certain there is many dusks and other pre req exotics just sitting in people’s banks waiting till the prices are good enough to sell.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


Nevermind, I will spend all my earned gold to buy rare greatswords.

Ah ye, forgot to add that tip to my previous ones:
-use exploits.

Wanna be rich? So be rich in real life, or just find new exploits. I am 100% sure that one of exploiters is controlling dusk/dawn prices. He might sell one by one (cuz he exploited and now has 10 dusks) or buy those, who are for 90g and re-sell them for 290g (dusk price is now…299 gold hahahahahha). Who care’s about exploiters…

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


FYI buying low and selling high is not an exploit.

It’s one of the most basic strategies in any economy, real or virtual.

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How do people have so much money?

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Posted by: akuzum.5263


I got a little bit more than 100g currently with just farming events and dungeons. Its possible. No trading or exploiting since I hate those kind of people.

You “hate” people who trade? o.O

I guess, he just wanted to emphasis the “exploiting” part but a little grammar problem. Just an honest mistake…

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I think lejean was referring to the people that figured out you had a 1/3 chance to get a dusk/dawn from mystic forge and made a kitten load of them. And since the chance is now like less than 10% I’d say it is some form of exploit.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Playing the trading post and collecting and selling vendor trash, hello! Gosh!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


I think lejean was referring to the people that figured out you had a 1/3 chance to get a dusk/dawn from mystic forge and made a kitten load of them. And since the chance is now like less than 10% I’d say it is some form of exploit.

I’d say that if they continued doing it after being officially told that it’s bugged it would be an exploit.

But do you know how many times you would have to use the forge to get an accurate breakdown of the % chance to get a Dusk?

You can’t just do a couple of tries and figure out the percentage. If I tossed a coin twice and it came up heads each time that wouldn’t mean that there’s some problem with the coin and that it has a 100% chance to land on heads. It means I’ve done a stupidly small test and gathered no meaningful data. Which in turn means I cannot draw any conclusions from it.

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in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
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How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Icy runestones are… 1g each… -_- Chances for obtaining an exotic needed for a legendary are probably high enough where I’m probably just better off buying from the TP instead of forging 4 exotics in the MF.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cerise.9045


I gambled all my money on some random crafting material when the game came out. I bought hundreds of them.

One week later all those crafting items went up in price by 2000%, so I multiplied my money by 20.

Now I make money by flipping high profit items in batches of 250.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Swagman.9013


People had no concept of prices in the first couple of weeks when the game came out. Remember how cheap the rare greatswords that weren’t berserker we’re selling for before people realized the value of globs. If it had healing on it the thing was being sold for just a few silver.

Like I said people who had more knowledge of the way the mystic forge works were buying them up most likely. The guy on reddit posted kitten where he had like 5 dusks.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Gold buyers, working the market (mainly exploiting), botting and hacking. I’m pretty sure if ANet investigates most of these high gold transactions they would probally find one of these causes.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cerise.9045


Super commonly known way to make infinite money without exploiting coming up now pay attention. This is the easiest way to make money and as long as you’re doing it with a fast moving item it’s extremely low risk. Try this with slow moving items at your own risk because you could wake up the next day and see the item dropped by 10 silver or nobody is buying your stock or both.

This method is called “flipping” and all the cool kids are doing this in extremely large quantities and it’s the easiest thing ever so why aren’t you doing it?

step 1 ) find a random item on the trading post, lets say large fangs
step 2 ) look at the highest buy order for the item, lets say for the fangs it’s 45 copper
step 3 ) look at the highest sell order for the item, lets say it’s 60 copper
step 4 ) to figure out what you’ll actually earn multiply sell price by .85, so it is 51 copper
step 5 ) subtract the buy order price from the sell order price, if it’s 0 or a negative number, go back to step 1, in this case we’re in luck! . 85*60-45 =6 whole copper! so keep going to step 6
step 6 ) place a buy order at the lowest buy offer for like 10 of the item you found, the fangs would cost us 4 silver 50 copper
step 7 ) wait for the buy order to be filled, if it takes too long go back to step 1, since fangs move at light speed go to step 8
step 8 ) retrieve all your bought items from the TP, then make a sell listing for them at the lowest sell listing Do not undercut, you’re ruining profits for everyone including yourself. The trading post uses a filo system which means if you’re the latest person to list an item, your items will sell before the people who put the items up before you! If you match the lowest seller your items will sell just as fast as they would when undercutting because of this system. Since your items won’t sell faster when undercutting, there’s no benefit to doing it
step 9 ) wait for the items to sell, if it takes too long you just found a slow moving item go back to step 1, since fangs sell lickity split, they should be gone before you switch to the pickup tab
step 10 ) congratulations you just made 60 copper without moving a single step away from the trading post NPC! Bask in your new riches.
step 11 ) go back to step 6 and repeat 6-10 about a million times or until you get carpal tunnel syndrome
step 12 ) you are now rich, watch as people accuse you of being an exploiters as they fly into a jealous fit of rage once they see all the money you made off humble large fangs

(edited by Cerise.9045)

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I dislike wall street-like “playing the market”, I’d rather play, you know, the game.
Similarly I don’t buy gold with gems, I appreciate those who do tho so they support development and I get more content thanks to them.

I’m never rich but I never feel like I should be.
It’s actually interesting that for once you don’t get rich very easily and sitting on a wagon of gold after a few weeks.

I still believe though, that there should be more interesting ways to make money by playing the game.
Fishing for example, I hate to say it but I liked fishing in other MMOs and I’m sad there isn’t in GW2, I’m very jealous of NPC fishermen.
Farming too, perhaps, having a little farm with animals and plants in your home instance would be cool.
Digging with a shovel for treasure? Skinning animals?
I would also love to repeat Hearts.

And finally, I believe there should be a way to convert karma to cash.
I love DEs and all their chains, they are very interesting, but I couldn’t care less about karma rewards: I want money.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jamescowhen.1562


Playing the TP nets you easily 100g over the last 4 weeks.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Well, there were also times where items were ENORMOUSLY underpriced. Rags and Tattered garments were going for a handful of copper and people used that to make hundreds of gossamer and sell for 10-20x profit.

So ya, people got really lucky playing the market really early. Some might have used broken points in the game. I’m not going to say that they did or didn’t. Either way, ANet let them keep the money and items, so obviously they’re golden.


How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kargion.6352


In all mmo’s the people with the most money are market players. You have to want to do that to get fast cash.

Otherwise its a journey to get alot of money. At 80 in a few days i can get 2-4g just from selling EVERYTHING. So not bad but not great. Also right now market is high in some parts for the actually amount of money thats out there. So the more you buy for a too high price the more your force the market price up over all. Everyone who uses the TP effects it, so think next time before you buy over priced items.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zerospin.8604


1. TP + Forge = Making lots of gold without even going out of LA! My favorite. I’ll let you figure out the details

2. Farming events with +MF gear = selling lots of items, including rares = lots of gold.

3. Farming certain mobs for their drops and selling these on TP = lots of gold.

If you combine these methods you can make multiple gold per hour.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

You need to have money to make money—that’s pretty much how it is in real life and in the game, unfortunately.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • Use a Master’s Salvage Kit, Mystic Salvage Kit, or Black Lion Salvage Kit to salvage rare (yellow) items that are level 71 or higher—they can give Globs of Ectoplasm that sell for around 18 silver each, and are one of the most important crafting materials in the game.
  • Vendor fine (blue) and masterwork (green) items. They’re not worth salvaging. Level 71+ blues sell for a little under a silver, while greens sell for a silver and a half. While you might get lucky and get orichalcum or gossamer from them if you salvage them, just vendoring them will give you enough money to just buy the gossamer or orichalcum you might have gotten by salvaging them all.
  • Salvage white items with a Basic Salvage Kit. The silk or mithril you’ll probably get is worth more than their vendor price, and you can still get lucky and get orichalcum or gossamer.
  • Once you have a few gold, buy low and sell high. It sounds ridiculous and it sounds risky, but if you’re holding onto your gold it’s not doing you any good. Even if you continue to farm or run dungeons, take the time to buy and sell and turn your gold into more gold.

EDIT: As zerospin says above, you can make a ton of money using the Trading Post and the Mystic Forge… if you’re lucky. If you’re unlucky, like I am, you’ll just end up with a bunch of magic find maces, tridents, and warhorns that nobody wants. You should only try playing around with the Mystic Forge if you’re not saving up for anything in particular, because it’s easy to lose all of your money in that thing.

(edited by Agent Noun.7350)

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


I’ve started playing the market myself (alt tabbed while things sell).

The key is finding items which are constantly bought. e.g. lvl 35 is the first yellow weapon / armour – I think you will find a lot of people buy a set from the TP. Plus this is less obvious than the crafting materials which most people try to profit from.

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in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


Thanks you all for tips, but I tried most (if not all) of them:
-I am always selling blue/green crap and salvaging yellows by my mystic kit or bl kit. NOTE: salvaging yellows is RNG: one time I got 50s profit, another time got 50s money loss…and rare items are…well, they are rare to drop. I have around 80% MF or so (depends if I died and my sigil resets hehe).
-I was uhm…flipping. I focused on sigils and runes – they took LOOOOOONG time to be bought (i placed orders), and most times I was undercutted by 1-10000copper lol (yes, here are noobs who undercut you by 20silver).
-farming events…tried to farm, but 1.7s isn’t enough for me… and mobs get killed just before I cast my The-Fastest-AoE-skill-ever (usually berserker, as it does decent aoe dmg) on group of mobs. Ah yes! And I am collecting every bone they drop (no, not crafting materials, just those…skulls), stack of them is worth 25s I guess.
-tried to farm dungeons: I’ve met some pugs (my guild is lazy) and in every group I was losing at least 6silver (or much, much more).
-I tried to farm those t6 matts, too. ANet thinks: "no! don’t let them farm, cuz they will become rich! Let’s add diminishing return to farm. And diminishing return to dungeons. Ah ye, and to events. And million other things with DR.
-I tried to farm orichalcums/ancient woods: oris are bugged and don’t spawn after ~6h… and farming those nodes every day, 3 times in one day, is not fun. It’s boring like hellll. Of course I was collecting T5 woods and mithrils to convert them in the mystic forge to ori/ancient wood…of course, sometimes I was getting 10orichalcums worth 20s+ from 250 mithrils worth around 50s.
-I tried to put 4 rares to obtain exotic. RNG, big risk. i lost more than I gained.
-my artificing is big loss. It is better to sell mats, than items from those mats.

My idea is to try new mystic forge recipes…you know, those undiscovered. And if I will discover my recipe, nobody will know that MWHAHAHAHA.

So playing TP is waste of time, events too, forge is waste of gold, crafting is total crap and totally useless why did I even lvl it… I must find new exploit xDD

NOTE: Well done ANet, you are FORCING us to buy those gems by our in real life money, cuz here is no good way to obtain gold. In every other MMO I had thousands/millions gold (in guild wars 1 I had 2 million platins, because I was farming everything like mad and it was 1000% worth effort – in GW2 nothing is).

BTW: don’t write things like: “week ago”, “in first days I bought…”, “month ago bla bal”. Who care’s about past? It changed so much that it HAS NO USE in current TP state.

(edited by lejean.9615)

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Honestly? Playing the trading post takes a certain degree of dedication. You can’t just try it two or three times, lose some money, and declare it impossible. It clearly isn’t, because there are people making huge amounts of money doing it.

I see you’re a Mesmer, which I am, too. We have a horrible time farming events. What works for me is taking Illusionary Persona (30-point Illusions trait) and farming using only shatters. You have to run into the middle of the swarm of enemies and use Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration in quick succession—ideally while doing Blurred Frenzy so you don’t get hit. You’ll tag most of them pretty well. None of our ranged AoEs are fast enough or do enough damage to tag things.

And anyway: if nothing that’s bought with gold is “worth effort,” why are you bothering to do it in the first place? Just play the game, don’t spend money like crazy, and let it slowly accumulate. Once you have a full set of exotic armor—or even rares, exotics aren’t that much better—you don’t really need money for anything other than vanity items, repairs, and waypoints. And if you’re actively playing the game, you’ll be making more than enough money to cover your repairs and waypoints, so just let the rest pool up.

Buying gems to turn into gold, by the way, is an awful idea. You get a very small amount of gold for your dollars, and if ArenaNet really wanted that to be a viable way of making money, the exchange rate wouldn’t be as awful as it is right now.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


The people spouting about how playing the market is exploiting and that the only way to make gold is by buying gems is kind of disappointing. It’s just bordering on pettiness. Gold is not hard to come by in this game.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Well, there were also times where items were ENORMOUSLY underpriced. Rags and Tattered garments were going for a handful of copper and people used that to make hundreds of gossamer and sell for 10-20x profit.

So ya, people got really lucky playing the market really early. Some might have used broken points in the game. I’m not going to say that they did or didn’t. Either way, ANet let them keep the money and items, so obviously they’re golden.


This. This. This. This.

You guys may not realize it, but there is massive profit to be had in salvaging. I’ve netted almost 200g legitimately without undercutting anyone by doing exactly this. Granted it does take a LOT of clicking (I’ve salvaged almost 300k items to get to this point which has skyrocketted my Achievement Points to nearly 4500), but if you’re willing to trade one grind for another that you can do during downtime — this is the way to go.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Super commonly known way to make infinite money without exploiting coming up now pay attention. This is the easiest way to make money and as long as you’re doing it with a fast moving item it’s extremely low risk. Try this with slow moving items at your own risk because you could wake up the next day and see the item dropped by 10 silver or nobody is buying your stock or both.

This method is called “flipping” and all the cool kids are doing this in extremely large quantities and it’s the easiest thing ever so why aren’t you doing it?

step 1 ) find a random item on the trading post, lets say large fangs
step 2 ) look at the highest buy order for the item, lets say for the fangs it’s 45 copper
step 3 ) look at the highest sell order for the item, lets say it’s 60 copper
step 4 ) to figure out what you’ll actually earn multiply sell price by .85, so it is 51 copper
step 5 ) subtract the buy order price from the sell order price, if it’s 0 or a negative number, go back to step 1, in this case we’re in luck! . 85*60-45 =6 whole copper! so keep going to step 6
step 6 ) place a buy order at the lowest buy offer for like 10 of the item you found, the fangs would cost us 4 silver 50 copper
step 7 ) wait for the buy order to be filled, if it takes too long go back to step 1, since fangs move at light speed go to step 8
step 8 ) retrieve all your bought items from the TP, then make a sell listing for them at the lowest sell listing Do not undercut, you’re ruining profits for everyone including yourself. The trading post uses a filo system which means if you’re the latest person to list an item, your items will sell before the people who put the items up before you! If you match the lowest seller your items will sell just as fast as they would when undercutting because of this system. Since your items won’t sell faster when undercutting, there’s no benefit to doing it
step 9 ) wait for the items to sell, if it takes too long you just found a slow moving item go back to step 1, since fangs sell lickity split, they should be gone before you switch to the pickup tab
step 10 ) congratulations you just made 60 copper without moving a single step away from the trading post NPC! Bask in your new riches.
step 11 ) go back to step 6 and repeat 6-10 about a million times or until you get carpal tunnel syndrome
step 12 ) you are now rich, watch as people accuse you of being an exploiters as they fly into a jealous fit of rage once they see all the money you made off humble large fangs

Also thanks for the heads up on how it works. I’ve flipped well over 500k items on TP and have thought it was random this whole time. Definitely useful information right here.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: krojack.4920


Yup…the cash shop allows people to pay to win the fashion game. Enter CC#, buy gems, convert to gold, buy 80G legendary weapon from the TP=)

Last time I bought gets and converted it to gold it was 1600 gems ($20 worth) = 3.5 gold. At that rate:

1,600 gems for $20 (80 gems/$1)
80 gold = 36,560 gems = $457.

I think my math is correct. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

Buying gold using gems has to be the biggest mistake anyone could make. I spent my gems on expanding bank slots which works for all characters seeing as your bank is shared.

Also as someone said, you could have found a legendary and sold it to make a lot of gold. Well whoever bought that item made the gold somehow.

I’m starting to see more and more people running around with that “Champion” title. I’m not sure if I want to feel sorry for them for spending 100 gold on a TITLE or wonder how they even got that gold whether it be botting or though lots and lots of PvP.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


I want to buy an 80G legendary. Sounds like a bargain.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vjek.4270


ArenaNet sells gold for real life $$$, via gems.
You can buy approximately/almost/just about/pretty much/all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.
The Trading Post has a listing fee.

The circle of profit is complete.

But don’t worry, GW2 is not pay2win. Nope. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

(edited by vjek.4270)

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


You can buy ~all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.

Pretty sure that’s a no.

The ~ means approximately. I’ll edit though, just for you, Tradewind.

Except you can only buy a small fraction of what’s available in terms of gear through the TP. So, still no.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


You can buy ~all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.

Pretty sure that’s a no.

The ~ means approximately. I’ll edit though, just for you, Tradewind.

Except you can only buy a small fraction of what’s available in terms of gear through the TP. So, still no.

Just so we’re clear, you think there are more soulbound on aquire / account bound items in the game than non-bound / soulbind on use items?

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vjek.4270


… Except you can only buy a small fraction of what’s available in terms of gear through the TP. So, still no.


Right now, every blue item, every green item, every yellow item, and every exotic item, both dropped and crafted, available in the game is listed on the Trading Post.

What small fraction are you referring to?

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


@Jestunhi, sure let’s argue semantics. That’s clearly going to help.

You cannot buy karma gear, cultural gear, any dungeon gear through the TP. Are we actually arguing over the concept here that gw2 is or isn’t pay2win?

Stop making excuses and go earn some gold like the rest of us do.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


Here aren’t, for example, 95% of named exotic weapons like Foefire’s Essence, Peril, Immobulus, Volcanus and much much more, so not every item. The problem is, they would be expensive like hell.

On topic, I’d try to salvage items for matts, but kits cost silver, too!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I got a little bit more than 100g currently with just farming events and dungeons. Its possible. No trading or exploiting since I hate those kind of people.

You “hate” people who trade? o.O

I guess, he just wanted to emphasis the “exploiting” part but a little grammar problem. Just an honest mistake…

Its not a mistake. Traders add no value to the economy since we have a trading post accessable from anywhere. Traders do no creation of value in this game. All they do is making stuff more expensive for people who want the item for personal use.

Its not like in real life where traders make life easier for you, eg. getting milk from the farmer to your local store. No they just buy up what they deem being to low and sell for higher.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tallenn.9218


I am poor student don’t exptect that I will spend 1000$ for gems! But…it’s the only way to be rich…
My tips to be rich:
-be rich in real life, earn 2k$ per month.
-be lucky.

2k per month is rich?

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: illgot.1056


Buy gold from gold sellers or use earlier exploits which never got you banned.

If you had a leg up from either of those or had access to the TP the first week or so before it opened for everyone, you could easily have made hundreds manipulating the market.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


@Jestunhi, sure let’s argue semantics. That’s clearly going to help.

You cannot buy karma gear, cultural gear, any dungeon gear through the TP. Are we actually arguing over the concept here that gw2 is or isn’t pay2win?

Stop making excuses and go earn some gold like the rest of us do.

I’m sorry, I thought you were replying to this: “You can buy approximately/almost/just about/pretty much/all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.”

That is discussing the proportion of the ingame items which can be sold on the TP. Note “the entire game”, not “just end-game”.

So that’s what I was talking about too. What exactly are you talking about if not the content of the post which you quoted?

Not to mention that nothing in my post fits any definition of an excuse and I have yet to complain about the speed of earning gold… so you have managed another reply that makes no sense given the rest of the discussion.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


@Jestunhi, sure let’s argue semantics. That’s clearly going to help.

You cannot buy karma gear, cultural gear, any dungeon gear through the TP. Are we actually arguing over the concept here that gw2 is or isn’t pay2win?

Stop making excuses and go earn some gold like the rest of us do.

I’m sorry, I thought you were replying to this: “You can buy approximately/almost/just about/pretty much/all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.”

That is discussing the proportion of the ingame items which can be sold on the TP. Note “the entire game”, not “just end-game”.

So that’s what I was talking about too. What exactly are you talking about if not the content of the post which you quoted?

Not to mention that nothing in my post fits any definition of an excuse and I have yet to complain about the speed of earning gold… so you have managed another reply that makes no sense given the rest of the discussion.

Karma gear is end game only now? Cultural gear has 3 tiers starting at level 30 etc. If end-game gear isn’t the point of this then what is? You need to buy gold to afford the 50c-1s buyouts on leveling gear? The gross exaggeration of people on the “pay2win” warpath is just pathetic. That’s all.

As for the excuse, not directed at you specifically, but there are many people here making excuses for it. Being “pay2win” having to buy gold with gems just to make money or that the only way to make gold is to spend all day playing or exploit the system. It’s just sad how quickly people give up. Despite someone explaining how you can make gold by literally doing…nothing.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


The point was in his post. I’ll copy & paste it again: “You can buy approximately/almost/just about/pretty much/all items in the entire game from the Trading Post.”

Either way, I certainly agree that gold is not hard to come by, nor are RMT’s require to get it.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Unless one of you is going to provide some actual data, lets agree to drop it?

Neither of you has anything to back up your claims.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vjek.4270


… Being “pay2win” having to buy gold with gems just to make money or that the only way to make gold is to spend all day playing or exploit the system. …

Nope, it’s not the only way. Just A way. Just like buying gems. With real money. And then spending them.

How do people have so much money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


Once my Tailor crafting got high enough, I was able to turn a small profit. But, because of the scarcity of craft items out in the world and I could not seem to collect enough of the right things, it took my putting real money in, before I got any money out. But as craft items are dirt cheap (thanks bots!)** it wasn’t too bad.

A couple quick and dirty rules:

I never craft or sell anything there is a ton of.

If there two or three items selling at a ridiculously low price, I will set a price far above that. Once those items move, I’ve noted that buyers will meet my price – even if I have to wait two or three days – as it is fairly reasonable, without giving the item away. This also “normalizes” the economy somewhat, by making current market value of a quality item something other than a few coppers.

I’ve found items with survival stats sell better than items with damage stats (thanks super squishy Eles!)

**The author of this post does not endorse botting, farming, gold selling, flooding the market with cheap goods, or other practices that violate the terms of service, circumvent the developers intent (stated or implicit) destabilize the Trade Post and/or the economy, or generally lessen the enjoyment of the game for other players. This author diligently reports such illegal activities, and would not knowingly, directly or indirectly, engage in practices that benefit the practitioners of such illegal activity.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”