How do people make so much Gold?
COF p1 your welcome.
I know that feeling. Usually I need 2-3 days to earn 1 gold. I’m doing events, world bosses (dragons etc.), sometimes dungeons. By doing dungeons you can earn 50 or 60 silver for 1 dungeon run (+ a few silver for items from mobs to sell) so you could try do dungeons 2/3 times per day if you dont want to farm so much. Sell crafting materials on trading posts (it’s a good way to earn some money).
So ya, that’s my way to do it (slow way :< )
COF p1
your welcome.
:-) So basically level up to L70 and just run it whenever you can?
Any tips for making money in the mean time? If I get maulled in wvw (happens more times than im proud to admit) then its costing me quite a percentage of the moeny i do have to repair my gear. Basically I spend most of my time doing dailys, buying high level crafting bags and selling the content hoping to get about 80 silver-1g out of it.
I know that feeling. Usually I need 2-3 days to earn 1 gold. I’m doing events, world bosses (dragons etc.), sometimes dungeons. By doing dungeons you can earn 50 or 60 silver for 1 dungeon run (+ a few silver for items from mobs to sell) so you could try do dungeons 2/3 times per day if you dont want to farm so much. Sell crafting materials on trading posts (it’s a good way to earn some money).
So ya, that’s my way to do it (slow way :< )
Id love to get more than one dungeon run done a week but I have problems finding people to run AC or CM atm. Sad Face etc.
1) Sell your T5 & T6 crafting materials. That’s a very large source of income.
2) Sell your Mystic Coins. Unless you know that you’ll need a bunch for the Mystic Forge in the near future, you can always sell coins for quick cash.
3) Farm the CoF (Path #1) dungeon.
4) Play the BLTC stock market. [i](I personally find this extremely irritating and not profitable, but dedicated people can make tons of money this way.)[i]
5) Kill as many of the Daily Bonus Chest open world zone bosses each day. Getting a guaranteed rare from every kill and potentially a 2nd rare will really start to add up.
There are some other ways, but these seems to be the most common.
Can you Farm the CoF (Path #1) dungeon when you are under L70?
u’ll get more gold when ur lvl 80 from just farming zones and doing events, since u’ll get t6 mats, lvl 80 exo’s and rares. For now just explore ur way to 80 and enjoy the ride.
U will be making gold fast soon enough.
At lvl 80 u can make about 2-10g easy doing events to cof1.
(afaik cof1 is minimum 75, never tried it below, so dunno…)
If it ain’t dutch,… :P
or they just get lucky, while COF does make you a nice amount of gold if you get lucky and a precursor or a rare pet / skin drops from anywhere then you boost your gold by a fair way same with dye’s if you get abyss’s and celestials you’ll rack up a lot quickly (a guilde’ the other day got 4 abyss dyes, lucky git)
a minimum 75s before all the loot, yeh.
also Beardmonk if you want any help with the mesmer give me a shout i would be happy to help in game, happy to guest too if you need it, also the guild im in tends to Run AC / CM a lot as a multitude of people want the badges so again give me a shout and ill be happy to help if i can whenever the guild goes on a run ill save you a spot.
One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of the time when MMO players talk about doing something in a day that would take most people a week they mean it took them an entire day. They might make 8 or 9 gold a day farming dungeons (or even more), but it’s not because they have some special trick to get that in one run, or even one hour. They’ll be playing for 6+ hours a day, doing nothing but farming.
But also levelling up makes a big difference because even your normal drops, the stuff you just sell to a merchant without thinking about it, will be worth more. It might only be 1s instead of 58c but it adds up fast. Before I got to level 80 the most I’d ever had was about 3g and that took a lot of saving up. Now I could make that in about a week, playing an hour or so a day and just doing whatever, no farming at all.
There are also a few tricks you can use. Sell any crafting materials you’re not going to use, always check the TP before selling to a merchant and learn when it’s better to salvage an item than sell it and when you want to use a better kit to get the upgrade (some are worth more than the item they’re attached to).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’m playing for a little more than one month now and when I hit lvl80 (amazingly fast) I didn’t have more than 2g. But then I went to Southsun … now I got 30g only selling greens/blues to vendor and the yellows in TP. Didn’t sell any crafting mats, didn’t farm 24/7 but rather played 1-2h each day. Oh, I also bought me some bagspace and a full exotic armour from the profits I made on Southsun …
… so my advice is to use the opportunities when they show up. Dragon Bash coming up, I’m sure there’s also some good opportunities to make some g WITHOUT ending in boring grind. Have fun!
Ow and a really good tip is to check the sigils and runes on greens before selling them to a vendor. Some runes and sigils on greens are worth 10s or more while the weapon or armor piece only sells for 1,8s. Same goes for selling weapons and armor on the tp. Some runes and sigils will sell for more than the bltc price for the armor is (although this is more with exotics).
If it ain’t dutch,… :P
The most money you make is not with items like armor or weapons, but with all these crafting materials, or the different kind of bags. Never sell them at an NPC and always look what they give at the Trading Post. Also harvest all wood, ore and herbs, and always look for what you can sell that .. at the moment a lot stuff sells for good prices.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
COF p1
your welcome.
Just make sure you’re a braindead Zerk Warrior. Oh, and don’t forget to ping your gear!
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
COF p1
your welcome.
Just make sure you’re a braindead Zerk Warrior. Oh, and don’t forget to ping your gear!
And never answer back seriously,
on topic lol, if you are not level 80 yet then you are not going to make lots of gold, best just saving what you can and once you hit 80 you will have less work to do.
Until level 80, you don’t make a lot of gold. It took me months to get 100 gold, especially since I was leveling 8 professions and then gearing them up. However now that that is done, my bank balance is rising at a nice rate. Access to all of the map and no real expenses means money starts to really come in. (This assumes you don’t do a lot of PvP and don’t spend a ton of money in WvW).
I seem to be averaging about 2-3g when doing all paths of a dungeon(kill anything that drops loot) so I guess that is around 1g per path. For a while I was actually wondering where these big chunks of gold were coming from(I usually keep only around 1g on any character so if a character has 2g4s I would move 1g into the bank). :P
This is with lv80s. Keep in mind that dungeon rewards will scale with level. Random loot you get will also scale with level. For example a lv80 masterwork gs will vendor for around 74% more than a lv40 masterwork gs.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
I think your first mistake is crafting items.
Sell all your mats
I make a lot of gold running dungeon paths. If I want nice armor, I use karma or dungeon tokens. The gold is saved.
I typically sell my T5 and T6 mats. All of them, including gems, food, whatever. That had made up for 65% of my total overtime wealth.
Crafting is nice if you want to power level, but typically it’s cheaper just to buy them outright, and if you constantly sell mats, you’ll have the coin.
Don’t use anything but basic salvage kits unless you have BLKs for rares. Salvage all blues and under, just sell green’s to the merchant outright unless the profit on the TP is higher than the merch value. If you check for every one, it adds up.
Also, if you really want a lot of gold fast, there’s a super simple way to do it that’s built right into the game, and is probably a lot more common that people realize: spend 10 bucks on gems and convert them to gold. poof, you are wealthy.
first) anyone saying they get more than 10g per hour is only able to do so because they already have 1000+ gold, and they do it by playing TPWars instead of GuildWars. and when they say “30g/hour”, they mean “spend 1 hour picking up 100g from the TP (only 30g of that is profit), place dozens of sell orders, place new buy orders, sign off and wait till next day”
second) at most, CoF path 1 can net you 10g/hour, and I’ll tell you now that it’s incredibly boring. I’d sooner TP flip for 30 minutes (maybe 10g/hour), then play the game for 30 minutes (maybe 1g/hour) than do an hour of CoF runs.
third) hang in there, the first 1g, 10g, 100g, etc. is always the hardest. having lots of gold leads to even more gold via investments and trading. sell all crafting materials you don’t use. karma can be converted to gold (about 22k karma → 1g via orrian boxes). dungeon tokens can be converted to ecto then sold for gold (about 133 tokens → 1g). even soulbound exotics you are sad you get instead of a non-soulbound exotic can be converted to gold (throw 4 into mystic forge, get 1 random exotic out, sell it)
fourth) it can sometimes be a good idea to make predictions for what will change in the game. for example: Anet has always kept ecto prices around 30s, and they were down to like 18s before the patch today, so I figured they would increase that value soon, and now they are are up to 25s. I personally think they will go up even more, but not enough that you can make a profit by buying now and selling then. If you think something is going to increase in price in an upcoming patch, buy some of it.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Before you reach level 80 it is harder to get a large amount of gold so before thinking about money I would focus more on getting to level 80, although too much of that doesn’t make the game any better Enjoy the game, and get to 80 asap!
When you are lvl 80, do all the world bosses and either salvage high lvl rares or sell them, this is the easiest way to get some money! Crafting is the worst way to get money I guess…
And always pick up everything you can! And sell anything you dont need!
I have a question about Mats / Ectos / mystic coins:
If one does not plan to craft a legendary, should he hold on to any T5, T6 mat, or ectos, or coins? If i remember correctly, ectos are also needed for the accessories that are bought with laureals, correct?
My goal is to make some gold also, so I can afford expensive runes and sigils.
Thank you.
People have listed lots of good suggestions above. It’s worth noting that, until you start adventuring frequently in level 80 zones, your income will be nowhere near the levels people are quoting. As a (very) slow player myself who’s still getting his characters through the level 25 – 40 zones, expect your income to be in coppers with the occasional silver. Once you reach level 80 zones, however, you’ll start getting loot that, on average, is worth anywhere from 75 coppers to 2 silver. Fine crafting materials dropped from mobs sell for 20+ silver. And chances for Rares/Exotics increase, meaning you’ll get the occasional pleasant surprise that can net you Ectos or a gold or more (if you get a valuable Exotic, or one with an expensive rune/sigil).
Even if you’re going through a level 80 zone casually, I imagine you’ll earn enough in drops to earn a minimum of 50 silver to 1 gold a day. Dedicated farming can earn you much more.
In short, at level 42, don’t worry too much about money. Your expenditures at that level shouldn’t be in the range of gold.
By not spending money. That’s it basically.
If you can’t make money in this game, you have a spending problem. Furthermore, at lvl 42, not having money is normal.
Probably you’ll also have a ton of materials in your bank, sell out some of those and you’ll make a pretty penny.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
People have listed lots of good suggestions above.
It’s worth noting that, until you start adventuring frequently in level 80 zones, your income will be nowhere near the levels people are quoting.
As long as you don’t compare everything to CoF Path 1, you can even make some nice money in lower level zones, if you constantly harvest everything and sell all mats you get from that and from mobs.
For example i started a new character a few days ago , i did so far 4 starter Zones and Gendarran Fields complete, and was a little in Lornas Pass. After 20 hours played i had at least 17 Gold and i had constantly bought new Items every 5 levels.
Also i was harvesting a lot in Dredghaunt Cliffs the last weeks, and if i sell everything that also can give me 2-3 Gold per hour, and thats not much less than i get when i farm in Level 80 zones, especially since prices of T5 mats are now under 1 silver and also Blood and Fangs have gone down with the Karka-Event.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
…crafting items then selling them…
There’s your problem.
Don’t craft. If you want the extra XP, go ahead. But if you want money, just sell the gathered materials on the TP.
Gather everything you see.
Check the prices of basic mats. If you get an item drop that you can vend for 1s10c and the mats it salvages into only sell for like 20c, sell it don’t salvage it. Conversely, if it salvages into a mat that sells for 50c and you can vend it for less, salvage it and sell the mats. Remember that you can salvage an item and get more than 1 material or even a rare material.
Don’t waste money on the TP on gear. You can buy blue gear every 5-10 levels just to keep yourself topped off. This is plenty sufficient for PvE.
Run dungeons ocassionally.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
You need to get to lvl 70 first. You’re doing world bosses and stuff but the rares you get won’t be worth much. You get weapons based on your level, and only weapons rare weapons 68/69+ will give ectos on salvage, which is why those rares are 15,20,25 silver.
Yes, also CoF p1 is a very fast dungeon to do that will get you a good sum of money.
I have a question about Mats / Ectos / mystic coins:If one does not plan to craft a legendary, should he hold on to any T5, T6 mat, or ectos, or coins? If i remember correctly, ectos are also needed for the accessories that are bought with laureals, correct?
ectos are used to craft rare and exotic items, buy ascended accessories, make legendaries, salvage into T6 dust (this part is new), as well as other stuff. If you don’t know you need it, sell it. You will get more later.
T5/T6 mats are used to craft items and consumables (mostly just dust), and make legendaries. Harder to justify selling if you don’t know you need it, but it is fairly easy to buy more, so I just sell mine.
mystic coins are in quite a few mystic forge recipes, such as mystic weapons, infusions, and legendaries. I save mine since they come in so slowly, but it’s not a bad idea to sell them if you don’t know you need them.
As a general rule, save everything all the time, then sell it when the price for it goes up and you don’t need it soon.
I may be saving for a legendary, but I sold all my ecto when it went up past 24s I’ll get more by the time I get the other parts.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
COF p1
your welcome.
Fractals is considerably more profitable in 30+ levels.
Borlis Pass’ official male cheerleader
Commander by title: Sawnec the Mesmer
COF p1
your welcome.
Fractals is considerably more profitable in 30+ levels.
Huuhhhhh? I’ve been going 48 on 2 toons for a while and don’t come close to the CoF p1 profit/time ratio.
ectos are used to craft rare and exotic items, buy ascended accessories, make legendaries, salvage into T6 dust (this part is new), as well as other stuff. If you don’t know you need it, sell it. You will get more later.
T5/T6 mats are used to craft items and consumables (mostly just dust), and make legendaries. Harder to justify selling if you don’t know you need it, but it is fairly easy to buy more, so I just sell mine.
mystic coins are in quite a few mystic forge recipes, such as mystic weapons, infusions, and legendaries. I save mine since they come in so slowly, but it’s not a bad idea to sell them if you don’t know you need them.As a general rule, save everything all the time, then sell it when the price for it goes up and you don’t need it soon.
I may be saving for a legendary, but I sold all my ecto when it went up past 24sI’ll get more by the time I get the other parts.
Thx Mystic,
one more question if I may; when you said T5/T6 mats are used to craft items and consumables (mostly just dust)
what kind of consumables? Food? I usually do not craft the food, I buy it from TP (never the most expensive type)
Fine and rare crafting mats are tkittenense of TP farm. I started with 2.5g in my bag at 8 00 in the morning yesterday and by now they turned to 19g which is 16.5g per 30h just from trading without mob killing. If you want even more income try to make a list of items you find profittable and just spend 15-20 mins before doing any PvE stuff and 20 mins after. You’ll be amazed with the results. As you gain more gold your income will increase if farming on TP.
Ok, iv been playing GW2 for about 6 months now. Iv finally settled on a character (having had a few false starts) and now have my mesmer up to L42.
My issues is this. I can never make ANY gold. The most I have ever had has been just south of 5G. How the Kitten are people making 60/70/100/200G? Im doing everything i can, doing all my dailys and monthly, world events, crafting items then selling them but im still only just keeping my head above water.
Can anybody point out to me what im doing wrong? Should I be trying to do more dungeons or something?
Note, I have never, nor will I ever, buy gems with real money.
First, you are only level 42, so having 60/70/100/200G is indeed impossible for you at this point.
Second, crafting items to sell is a loosing proposition. You make more gold selling the individual mats than the completed item. Even with a craft maxed to 400, very few crafted items will make you a profit. To make gold through crafting takes a lot of time and effort in studying the TP market.
Through leveling my first toon to 80, I managed to save 15g. I did this by avoiding wp travel, keeping repair cost low and having a vendor/salvage system. I also harvested every node I came across. I didn’t do a dungeon until well after reaching lvl 80.
At lvl 42, you don’t have access to maps with higher value harvest nodes .Well, you can try, but you will be dead before you can find enough of them to make it worth your while. Once you hit 80, you have many more options to make gold and it will come in pretty fast.
All of the above are awesome gold making strategies. I’m still too low level on my main to be able to do a lot of the dungeons and stuff, so I had to make my own plan. It’s still not nearly as profitable as a lot of the other tried and true ways, but I’ve found that converting laurels to gold is pretty easy. I’ve been buying the 10-pack of unidentified dyes and selling them on the trading post. I just made 13 gold off of that alone, last night. I know it’s not a lot, but it does add up.
All of the above are awesome gold making strategies. I’m still too low level on my main to be able to do a lot of the dungeons and stuff, so I had to make my own plan. It’s still not nearly as profitable as a lot of the other tried and true ways, but I’ve found that converting laurels to gold is pretty easy. I’ve been buying the 10-pack of unidentified dyes and selling them on the trading post. I just made 13 gold off of that alone, last night. I know it’s not a lot, but it does add up.
When leveling up your first character don’t spend gold. This is a thing I would not advice. Laurels are very handy for getting level 80 trinkets, as well as working your way to legendary weapons. So when leveling, better save those laurels till you know what they are needed for later.
Also, pls don’t necro a thread thats this old. A lot of the info in it is outdated.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I think, this guide will help You guys
It’s 5 ways how to get money for Your items, on lvl 80!
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Someone had to necro an eight month old thread?
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