How do you acquire Heroic/Mistforged Skins?

How do you acquire Heroic/Mistforged Skins?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheFirelinist.7605



Recently started playing WvWvW and I’m pretty interested in acquiring the Mistforged skins. The wiki is pretty scarce of informatino on how to acquire them.
From what I can fathom, you get 200 tickets in first place, and 50 less tickets for each progressively lower win place. There also seems to be some condition where you have to complete the weekly acheivement to be eligible for rewards.

Can someone please explain to me what first, second, third place constitute? Is this your world’s placement out of all worlds, or placement amongst the competing worlds in your individual WvW match-ups? Also, is the weekly acheivment just the “Round 1, Round 2 achievment underneath the Fall 2014 WvW tab?”

Thanks in advance!

Firelinist: Thief
Isle of Janthir (NA)

How do you acquire Heroic/Mistforged Skins?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jackaljag.8637


I believe the confusion comes from the fact the way the tickets are awarded differently between the first season and the current one – last time there was only one reward chest at the very end, whereas this time rewards are given out at the end of each week/match-up given you have completed the weekly achievement, which are indeed the Round 1/2/etc achievs.

The places are determined by how your server does in the week’s match-up, not the overall rankings, and it goes 200 > 150 > 100 ticket at minimum/week, again assuming you’ve done the weekly achievement.

Joran Blackgear – Engineer – EU | Juras Blackpowder – Engineer – NA