How do you get "activity participation?"
“Activities” are basically mini games, like Sanctum Sprint. There’s a few that are on a daily rotation if you talk to an NPC in Lion’s Arch, although a few others, particularly seasonal events, can also be used to get the daily achievement.
I believe you can do Lunatic Inquisition for that daily during the Halloween event.
Otherwise you can go to Lion’s Arch and talk to one of the NPCs with two flags over their heads.
“Activities that are part of the daily rotation can be started by speaking with one of two NPCs in Lion’s Arch, marked with the [Activity Flag]
icon. One is located at Grand Piazza and the other near the Yomm’s Mercantile. Depending on the activity, the NPCs will be marked as the Master of Activities or Citizen. "
There are currently 3 types of activities that count:
1. The default minigame.
The NPC named “Citizen” near the Lion’s Arch asura gate hub gives access to one of a set of four minigames (Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival, Keg Brawl, Crab Toss). Which of these games you will get changes every day.
Current seasonal activities. These are available every day, until November 11th, when they will disappear for another year.
2. Lunatic Inquisition.
There is an NPC with a pumpkin icon above its head near the Mystic Forge in Lion’s Arch. The game can also be reached by traveling into the Mad King’s Realm through one of the disembodied doors you may encounter, and then talking to the Boatman.
3. Mad King’s Clock Tower.
This game can also be reached by traveling into the Mad King’s Realm through one of the disembodied doors you may encounter, and then talking to the Boatman. Note that you do not actually have to beat the puzzle to get the achievement. You just have to keep on trying until the event timer of (maximum) 15 minutes runs down. (So also don’t leave the game after you beat the puzzle; just exit through the door from the chest room and keep playing.)
edit: I’m not sure if Moa Racing in eastern LA also counts. I’ve never tried that, because I think it is a waste of coin.
Theres a NPC at Grand Plaza at Lions Arch that will put you in one of the mini games around, talk to him and get into one, you only have to participate in one to get the achievement done
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.