How does Adrenal Health work?

How does Adrenal Health work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AZY.8352


Hi All

Please can someone explain to me how Adrenal Health works?

It’s not clear from the description in the game or in the wiki and discussions I’ve found about are ancient (and probably when it used to be have differently).

The description says that you get 3 stacks, which last 15 seconds, when you use a full adrenaline bar:

It also says it ticks every second for 2475 healing. Is this 2475 healing per stack, over 15 seconds, so 495 health per second at 3 stacks? Or does this work differently?

I’m looking at a build like this (melee glass cannon build I’ve added some survivability to at the expense of maybe 20% damage):
and don’t want to drop my 180 precision signet of fury at the start of each fight, so have substituted healing signet with “to the limit” (which I can use at the start of a fight), but want to make sure I’m not losing any passive healing as a result.

Thanks in advance!

How does Adrenal Health work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AZY.8352


Actually, I think I’ve found the answer myself in this build:
btw I think this build looks AMAZING and can’t wait to try it for PvP once I’m more used to using a warrior

How does Adrenal Health work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


You are correct: the base healing per stack is 2475 over 15sec = 165 health per stack per second.

One thing to note, you MUST hit with your burst (normal or primal) in order to receive the stacks. This has been tested and reported on in the Warrior section of the forums, in this lengthy thread: Adrenal Health Change