How does Sigil of Air work?

How does Sigil of Air work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328


What determines the damage done by Sigil of Air? Is it preset based on my power stat, or the individual hit?

Meaning is it bad if Sigil of Air activates while using a multi-hit move like Hundred Blades? Does it deal 1.1x damage of the individual hit, or a set damage? Thanks!

Additionally, if I am using a longbow with the skill Rapid Fire, what sigil is better? Sigil of Fire or Air? Thanks!

(edited by Kain Francois.4328)

How does Sigil of Air work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: krixis.9538


as far as i know with my GC thief its damage scales from your power. and the damage from sigil of air is a seperate attack with a 1.1 dmg multiplier. it is not based of the damage you deal.

also the sigil of fire (or what ever the aoe 1 is) has a 1.0 multiplier does slightly less single target dmg but has a 150 aoe.

id go for fire if u can afford it

Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR

How does Sigil of Air work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dajs.2169


I am not sure, but isn’t sigil of fire’s AOE blast centered around your character rather than the target?

How does Sigil of Air work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

No, sigil of fire is target centered but if you don’t have a target selected, I’m not sure where the blast comes from – most AOE that you click and don’t have a target will center on you.