and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
… as Engineer?
Is this possible at all?
I have been in the awkward situation where someone died nearby me (usually I laugh my kitten off when people are not cautious and die, I have died 8 times in 8 months according to /deaths) because I did not know what to do. Usually I just figure out who he or she is attacking and shoot them down to 10% so he gets his last hit but isn’t there a way where I can treat him directly?
Yeah, there is a direct way. Run up to the person and press F. In many situations, it’s best for the downed person to tag as many mobs as they can and/or to focus on one and get others to kill it right away so that they can rally.
Anyone can simply walk to a downed player and press F to rez him.
It’s worth pointing out that the downed person doesn’t need to make the killing shot to rally from the downed state. They just need to be involved in killing/doing damage. So killing enemies around the downed player will help them out. However if the situation allows you to do it safely, you’re best off going up to the player and pressing F to help them out of the downed state…
As Foxx said, the downed person doesn’t have to be the one to kill the mob; as long as they’ve “tagged” it, they’ll be revived as soon as the mob dies (in most situations). So, if you can quickly kill the mob they’re fighting, just kill it. If not, try your best to revive them (go to their body and press F).
In more advanced situations and if you have stealth gyro you can activate stealth gyro and apply invisible to yourself and the downed ally to prevent mobs from attacking (assuming the downed guy is smart enough to stop attacking).
If there are a lot of mobs you can start rezzing the ally and pop elixir S so you become invulnerable and don’t get cleaved by the mobs.
You’ve been playing for 8 months and still don’t know how to help downed people? No offence but how is that even possible?
Maybe they should add it to npe. You can’t play until you have rezzed 150 dead and 100 downed players like the old pvp training grounds if that still exist.
Maybe instead of laughing at people for not being as leet as you, you could try the magical art of standing next to a downed person and pressing F…
Well, a little more information in your starting post might have saved you from the “walk next and press F” answers.
Anyway, there is indeed more one can do to downed people aside from helping to kill their target or simply press F, but it strongly depends on class/specialization/utility skills.
Examples: ranger with “Search and rescue!” can port out downed people to their position and have their pet rez them. Necros with blood magic and the right GM trait can do almost the same by using Shroud skill 4. Warriors can use the elite banner to get downed people up. If the downed one is in danger by projectiles, one can place some reflect/absorb skills on his position. Just examples, there’s many more.
Since engineer is my least played class, I’m not really familiar with them having access to such gimmicks or not. My general rule of thumb is- if you can equip such tools without using efficiency or crucial skills- do it. If not- just don’t and try to help by killing the target.
You can’t post on any forum anywhere without condesceding and mean spirited answers from people that half read your post and love to show you up.
I think Mesmer has a skill that will rez downed players, but nobody has this skill active since it isn’t very useful- most of the time.
You can’t post on any forum anywhere without condesceding and mean spirited answers from people that half read your post and love to show you up.
I think Mesmer has a skill that will rez downed players, but nobody has this skill active since it isn’t very useful- most of the time.
Yepp, that would be another example. It’s called “Illusion of life”, working somewhat like the warrior down skill 3. Mesmers also have a trait that creates a Feedback Bubble on rezzing. As I said in my previous post- there are many possibilities, but one should always ask himself if it’s worth to chose them
Sorry for attempting to help you. Figure it out yourself if you’re going to insult those of us who gave you sincere replies. I reported this thread.
I reported this thread.
Why? The OP hasn’t even made a second post in this thread.
I reported this thread.
Why? The OP hasn’t even made a second post in this thread.
I suspect they did and then deleted it. Or a mod deleted it.
We had lots of replies with basically the same info and tone, then the thread went quiet for a day or so, then we’ve got a few replies sounding offended and angry and seemingly responding to things which weren’t in the first post.
Inset an angry/sarcastic post by the OP about how they know how to push F between Mostly Harmless and Nash’s posts and the thread makes a lot more sense.
I reported this thread.
Why? The OP hasn’t even made a second post in this thread.
I suspect they did and then deleted it. Or a mod deleted it.
We had lots of replies with basically the same info and tone, then the thread went quiet for a day or so, then we’ve got a few replies sounding offended and angry and seemingly responding to things which weren’t in the first post.
Inset an angry/sarcastic post by the OP about how they know how to push F between Mostly Harmless and Nash’s posts and the thread makes a lot more sense.
You are correct, the OP did make a follow-up post… and it was a very angry post.
Hah, I see now. That does make the last few posts above mine earlier make more sense.
You are correct, the OP did make a follow-up post… and it was a very angry post.
That’s not true. You have to differ irony, sarcasm and anger. And there was nothing from the latter. Why would I get angry about a forum post? I am too old for that stuff .
My response was not angry at all, it was highly sarcastic but never insulting or abusive.
If someone is down, he didn’t die from a heart attack for no reason. He dies because there is a threat nearby. Answering with “Just walking there and press F [you dumb..s]” is not quite helpful at all, it’s passively agressive. “Passively” because there is nothing wrong with the statement in the first moment, but reading between the lines makes it clear. I have been ridiculed several times by “not knowing to press F” and like being too dumb to know basic things after 8 months.
I explained the situation in an event preventing me to ressurrect someone next to me because I was almost down and the other was downed – due to being in a grenade impact zone. It felt like in “Saving Private Ryan”. I even wrote that to make it more clear, me hiding under a porch roof thingy but could not restore health fast enough to survive a blow or two.
The post was about the situation of someone downed next to me while being in an impact zone of grenades during an event. I could not simply walk there and “magically standing there to press F to rezz”. Since all were coming up with “OMG, just press F” I replied to some of the guys with ingame or real-life examples.
For example, I quoted "Fluffball"s and said “anyone could walk in a burning house and put out a fire. Who needs fire training?”. Just as possible that I could go to to that downed person in that situation and press F and get killed by the grenades as well. Nothing more.
Another response I wrapped in was to Deedrick that we could really add his suggestion to a training scenario and “make people suiciders, right?” by ignoring hazards and get yourself in danger, too. And that I rather ask about proper moves rathern than just knee-jerk reactions that puts both lives into danger.
To “mostly harmless” I said something like: “If people pick fights they can’t obviously survive they shall die and we all know this kind of players”. There is nothing “leet” about surviving but I’d also like to get him/her out of the danger zone but without adding myself to the bodycount. I told him to “be quiet” (including the
I was basically responding to all the condescending responses. Not even angry, as said. I am still baffled this was reportable at all, next time I keep a copy of it, because right now, you can make up false impressions since it has been deleted and you think “Wow, this must’ve been a total jerk reply because the mods removed it for a reason”. It was not. EDIT: I have the message since I get a copy of it in the inbox. I think I recalled the content quite well and I still do not see anything bad about it. Weird that I can get called dumb indirectly and that’s fine. Good to know, I will adapt this bevaviour then.^^ Poking is not a punch, I see. So I poke from now on in small doses and avoid being reported this way (?). It was a default mod response anyways, probably not even willing to read into the thread at all.
The rest of the post was actually about thanking the others that I have no real healing/helping ability as Engineer that could help and that I accept this since I am not primarily a healer class. And that I am not a jerk by watching them die and laugh because this thread would not exist in the first place. This thread is rather an evidence I want to help my fellow players.
That’s all. Since I write a lot, it was quite a wall of text. I am not this kind of person who pulls out 2-liners. I am not the facebook/twitter generation. Maybe it was the amount of passive aggressiveness/sarcastic stuff that added up to a threshold and it got removed.
The tone of the responses after my deleted one seem to be more understanding. If it would have been HIGHLY offensive, they would have responsed differently and also yelled “OMG REPORT THIS POST”. No, they were giving good answers, and I am very thankful, because that’s what I wanted to know in the first place! :-)
And just check your “sincere” responses Fluffball. And that you wanted to help me.. Check the responses explain in a beautiful way there are other classes that have shields and protect skills. And now check you and your compagnon’s “Just press F, dummy” sort of messages. And now judge whose were sincerely helpful and whose not.
“Pressing F” and put myself in danger to death instead of asking if my class has a tool/skill to help from a far effectively is just “You are too dumb to play”. Not only once, it happened 3x in a condescending matter. You are passively aggressive yourself but when someone stands up you are covering self-pity. Don’t give it if you can’t take it, man. I also contacted a moderator because I don’t want to take it unanswered that I have to stand utter sarcasm but when giving it back with even examples why your responses are wrong it’s suddenly “angry” and “reportable”. Is this your way to shut down uncomfortable answers to your (false/abusive) posts?
I also slowly respond because I only read the forums on my tablet^^
(edited by Zedek.8932)
Buddy, you’re not fooling anyone with your passive aggressive responses. Just STOP and we can actually give you advice.
You already had a post deleted by the mods, get your stuff together. These forums are pretty together.
This Thread has run it’s course and is now locked.
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