How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pucko.8675


So I managed to get my FPS up to 50-75 yesterday, on my 9600GT.
I realized that if I set the gfx the highest settings, my GPU started to work at 95-100%, rather than my normal 30-50%.
But after a while playing, I noticed that the teperature went up to around 80C.
Usually it’s around 60-70C.
So I was just wondering how hot it could get, before it burns?

I realize that it’s individual from card to card. But there has to be some preference number I could follow?

I tried to adjust my fan speed, to counter the temp. But I guess my card has no chip for that, because it didn’t do anything noticable.

I was using MSI Afterburner, if that would be of interest.

Thanks in advance!

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vacus.7069


Depends on the card, but generally, 80C is no problem.

NVIDIA states that the maximum safe operating temperature for a 9600 GT is 105C.

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Cool.8291

Brother Cool.8291

Anything below 90 shouldn’t be a problem

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HykCraft.4610


Anything above 105 on most Nvidia cards is troublesome… but you should be good.

Sorrow’s Furnace US

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pucko.8675


Cool, thanks guys.
I’ll set my gxf options back up when I get home, then. And keep a close eye on my temp, to make sure it keeps below 100C.

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pazernus.9273


i used to have video card that had malfunctioning fan in it that worked when ever it felt like (was about 3-5 years old when it started to slowly stop working, and after a while tha fan died completelly) and i was always around 60-70c without issue, close to 100c you -should- be worried on why its this hot and do something about it, around 80 or below is ideal in my opinion.

and how much they can last? well 1 night my outside computer fan i had for the computed had turned off during me sleeping, causing my videocard to apparently die of overheating, last recorded peak heat was 122c, but i recall the w/e soldering, to attach the electrical chips to it starts to melt off around 110-115c

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strider.2870


Ive found turning on vertical sync stops the video card from over working

How hot can a gfx-card get w/o burning?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darkness Playa.2658

Darkness Playa.2658

my 560ti Runs it at 60fps and get around 80 degrees, Nothing to worry about normal for the cards start worrying when you get up near the 90’s or 100’s