How important is healing power?

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


I have zero healing power on any of my characters right now. It doesn’t seem worth it. Anyone have any reason why it might be good to have, maybe for a specific class or skills?


How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Demarc.4906


Its pretty specific to builds.

I’ve tried a full healing power build and no healing power builds, personally because of DR I use minimal healing power in one of my builds and that’s about it. (I main a Guardian though – may be more useful for other classes)

I would’ent say its “Useless” … but I, personally, don’t rate over-stacking it. With a build that provides alot of healing I tend to grab a little (200-600)

Your mileage may be different though.

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


Its pretty specific to builds.

I’ve tried a full healing power build and no healing power builds, personally because of DR I use minimal healing power in one of my builds and that’s about it. (I main a Guardian though – may be more useful for other classes)

I would’ent say its “Useless” … but I, personally, don’t rate over-stacking it. With a build that provides alot of healing I tend to grab a little (200-600)

Your mileage may be different though.

Yeah, I main a Guardian too. Between boons when healing allies, self regen, self boons, aegis, etc, I can’t really see a need for it. I’m wondering if it wouldn’t hurt for another class though, like my warrior w/passive regen on healing signet.

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Needs to be buffed, not much else I can say about that.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I’ve tried full healing and no healing on an elementalist. I noticed no noticeable change in my healing output to myself or others. So, yeah. That stat doesn’t seem to be of any use at all.

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leonard.2867


Pay attention to the last post I made with the video.

Also on that note, I am currently trying different ways with mace setup. So if your interested, let me know.

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Healing is not a role in this game, like it is in other games. You’ll always need to be doing something else with it, because you simply can’t stand still and casts heals on a tank to win fights. But, as a water elementalist, I can say that it is quite useful. It makes dungeons go slower than the usual pure damage party, but there’s a lot more room for error.

Specific skills will get a significantly better effect out of healing power than other skills. For example, a Scepter/Dagger elementalist gets Water Trident and Cleansing Wave, which both add 100% of your healing power to the heal. A Staff wielding elementalist has Geyser and Water Blast, which only get 25% and 10% respectively.

One last thing, Healing Power is a Secondary stat. Take a look at how useful all other secondary stats are, and you’ll see that healing power is on par. Condition Duration is only useful if you have a conditions based damage or control build. Condition damage is only useful if you have heavy bleeding, burning, confusion, or poison based damage build. Critical Damage is only useful if you have a critical based damage build. Boon Duration is only useful if you have a boon based support or damage build.

Of them, condition and boon duration don’t exist on gear, so you’re left with Critical Damage, Condition Damage, and Healing Power to choose from as your secondary stat. Of the three, if you are a scepter/dagger wielding water/arcana traited elementalist, you’re likely not going to pick up Critical Damage, because you likely don’t have a good critical hit chance. You also won’t really want Condition Damage, because the only conditions you can cause with your weapon set and attunement are Vulnerability and Chill. But, if you pick up a bunch of Healing Power, then when you dodge roll, press 3, or press 5, you will heal allies for between two-thousand and three-thousand health. Dodge roll twice, press 3, then 5, and you’ll get 11,000 healing to all allies around you, on about a 32 second cooldown. Not enough to make content trivial, but definately enough to fix a pretty bad mistake that costed everyone a lot of health.

Secondary stats are called secondary stats for a reason, and are only ever useful in specific builds based on the exact, and often exclusive stat they buff.

Now that I explained possibly the best consistent party healing build in the PvE part of the game, it’s likely to be nerfed into oblivion.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Akushitsuna.5608


Personally I run a pure support Ele and most of my guildies love running with me because of the pure amount of hp I can heal in three seconds or so I just recently did the math while wearing my full heal gear with a staff and all exotics I heal 1,180 each tick with the geyser and my healing rain does 6,323 over 5 seconds so when I drop both together I can heal roughly 2,300 hp per second which has saved my group many times. That doesn’t include using any blast finishers which when I use one I heal instantly for about 2k or so. While I would like to see a slight increase on healing power it’s alright as is. The thing with healing power is the stat is an all or nothing stat because it isn’t the strongest so you either have to go full heal or not at all.

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


This thread is of some interest to me as well, thanks for the informative reply Akukittenuna. I was planning on three sets of gear for my Elementalist: Knight’s set, MF, and a heal set. Doing dungeons with PuGs, and also with just people who have never done it before, there ISN’T a lot of room for error most times, so it’s sometimes nice to be able to go support.

Edit: lol I didn’t misspell your name, the censoring is a bit awkward there.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

(edited by Nicolatte.5360)

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


see this thread..

to summ it up, healing power not really worth it.
the coefficients are very low, some healing mechanics don’t scale with healing power at all.
toughness or vitality scale better and have better gains per point.

as a support elementalist with full healing gear (~1800 healing total) in dungeons and fractals I feel much less contributing to the effort than if I wear my condition gear.
I don’t see a real impact of a full healing gear, as I cant “save” anybody from spike, all I can do is to top off the party, and this can be done with little healing gear. 30 points in water and few accessories bring me to nice 600 healing which is fine.