How long would it take me to get to 80?
Just playing 8 hours on the weekend, you could probably do it in 4, maybe 5, weekends or so if you really pushed it. Harvest, Craft, do events/hearts.
I go pretty try-hard in leveling when I get into MMO’s. Especially that I decided on a character already.
I started my character just about that time as well. I bought some gems to convert to gold for crafting and maxed out 1 craft and I’m 300+ in another. I’m already level 55. Taking some time exploring more now, did my first dungeon. This is so much fun!
An Epic 80 in every flavor (Five Thousand Finishers)
if youre running around completing all the zones, it will take you something about 1 hour for 1 lvl but i guess if you want to do it faster then maybe you can find a speedlevel-guide on youtube
just farm all the mats you find and harvest them… wait till youre lvl 60 than master two professions (from lvl 0 to lvl 400) and you will make at least 20 level
this is way faster than “normal” leveling
english isnt my native language
i have no idea how fast you an do a lvl 80, but i would like to recommend that you take your time and enjoy the game all the way.
as many have pointed out in a lot off threads, this game is not about the rush to lvl 80 but about the journey to lvl 80.
so take your time, explore a bit and have fun while doing that and don’t rush to lvl 80 and then have the feeling that you have bought the wrong game.
just my idea offcourse, feel free to ignore me
i have no idea how fast you an do a lvl 80, but i would like to recommend that you take your time and enjoy the game all the way.
as many have pointed out in a lot off threads, this game is not about the rush to lvl 80 but about the journey to lvl 80.
so take your time, explore a bit and have fun while doing that and don’t rush to lvl 80 and then have the feeling that you have bought the wrong game.
just my idea offcourse, feel free to ignore me
this is so true!
exploring this game while leveling up to 80 was pretty awesome
I cant count how many times I was thinking something like “wow this is just beautiful” or “I’m impressed”…
english isnt my native language
I will add the ‘explore’ suggestions.
The game rewards you well for exploration – all the discovered waypoints, PoI’s, vistas, and reveling sections of the map all add up, then you get an additional bonus for100% map completion. This along with doing the personal story will keep you leveling very quickly.
I wholeheartedly support the recommendation that several others have made to enjoy the ride to 80. This game rewards a moderate-to-slow pace when playing through zones.
To answer your original question, you can get to 80 in 3-4 weekends if you’re pushing hard. But, again, there’s no rush.
I can only tell you how it took me. The moment I hit 80 (a couple of days back, in fact) I checked how much time I put into that character (“/age”) – 110 hours and change. At this point I still had about an hour left to finish the personal story instances and I still haven’t done the “final act” where I assume my character saves the world and Tyria weeps with grateful, coin throwing joy. And I mean it, there better be coin throwing.
For further reference, my crafting skill is at 382 out of 400, and my map completion sits at a quite unworldly 30%, so no unpacking the suitcase just quite yet.
I’ve always wondered if I was slow to 80, or if this number was around the norm.
It depends on how you like to play the game, IMO there’s no need to rush to lvl 80 -guild wars has never been about level cap cos it’s about so much more. I’ve been playing since headstart and still haven’t got any chars to lvl 80 (one getting close now) but I’m enjoying the game and the stories and the events and…everything.
I played, and didn’t rush, but made it to 80 pretty fast.
Your daily achievement gives you one level per day, and can be done in as little as 10 minutes. Most events take around 2.5 minutes, and reward around 7% of a level. If you’re in an active zone, with little down time between events, that’s usually one level every 35-45 minutes, with exp from kills. If you’re gathering and crafting, you can usually get about a level an hour. If you’re doing world exploration, you can expect at least a level an hour. If you’re doing dungeons, with a good group, that’s about a level every 30 minutes. And last but not least, if you buy all the materials, have a bunch of money, and work on an alt, you can craft to level 2-80 in under 30 minutes.
So, somewhere between 30 minutes and 80 hours is what it takes to level to 80. Of course, you could make it significantly slower, if you wanted to.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear