How often are the big patches released?
There’s a patch every month and from what I’ve read that is how they plan to continue releasing new content. You can check out the previous content additions here (upcoming ones will also be posted here)
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Yeah, there are major patches every month, including new event type content and a whole bunch of general updates. There are often a string of smaller updates in the wake of these big patches as they find and fix anything that wasn’t working right in the initial release.
It does mean frequent downloads and occasionally something will break in the process of updating, but it’s usually fixed fairly promptly and hey, the bright side is free content!
This game is a Beast.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1.2GB
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
As said above, every month and if you ask me Anet have some BIG ambitions for this game in the road ahead.
It is a Beast of a game indeed, left for 3 months i came back this week and instantly thought ‘’why did i ever go back to WoW….’’ feel like i wasted my time on WoW, my char is only 51 on GW2 now ;P -i keep getting distracted by the art of the game, as a designer this game is appreciated on so many levels by me.
P.S. they shouldn’t keep you away for a day, once i’m in from work the downloads are normally done pretty fast, GW2 is the best MMO for patching by FAR
I think it’s great the game is updated so often, i just wish i knew when to expect the big patched.
The reason i say it keeps me away for a day is my download speed is quite low and in addition to that it is shared. Since i play 2-3 times a week for 3-6 hours at a time…. well, the download kinda takes a session away.
Is there a way to check the size of an update (during the download or on the website)? The % shown on the launcher don’t seem to represent the size and, saddly, i was unable to locate anything relate to download size in the update notes.
I think it’s great the game is updated so often, i just wish i knew when to expect the big patched.
Just keep an eye on the forums and on that page I linked to before – there is usually about 2 weeks notice of the date for the next patch, along with some infromation on what it will contain. The only thing that we don’t usually know is the exact time that patch will load, although with the latest one they did give an hours warning in game and they seem to have taken onboard that we would like some more info on this in future.
As for size of the patch I can’t help, I’ve never looked to see if that information is there.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
have you got access to the internet while your not in one of your sessions? you could remotely access your computer and tell it to download that mutha while you waste 0 time, then turn the computer off remotely. (networks and such).
as for the size this patch was 500mb in total not sure how big the others tend to be though.
alternatley buy a SSD HD (or any HDD) save your game to that and play it from that while connected via USB 2.0 (3.0 if you have it) you can then download on the fly if you want too to maximise your sessions and again you can always copy/paste the GW2 folder onto your main computer if you wanted too.
— i have had no experience form playing GW2 from an external HDD but i have heard it is fine from a freind (do not quote me on that though)
(edited by DrixTrix.7168)
Weekly server maintenance patches are around 50-60Mb
Content updates are around 300-500Mb ,depending on what they are releasing.
The largest one was the Lost Shores back in Nov, that was at least 1Gb, perhaps 1.5 cos it included a new map area.