How often does the character slot go on sale?
As far as I can tell none of the sales are on a fixed schedule. But they do happen every so often.
Longest I’ve ever had to wait for an item to go on sale was 4 months – I decided in mid August 2013 to get another bank tab when they went on sale during the anniversary celebration (which had just been announced). They weren’t on sale until mid-December for Wintersday.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Thanks Danikat. Is the sale price always the same?
This last time it was 40% off, the two times before that was 20% off. So no, it varies.
RIP City of Heroes
It always goes on sale 2-3 days after I buy one… and they never give me a refund either.
I’ll let you know the next time I’m in the market for a slot so you can wait a few days and get it on sale.
Haha, thanks mtpelion…
And thank you Behellagh.
THis just reminds me of when I bought two slots a while back… Spent $20 on it, and less than four hours later… 40% sale. I was livid.
THis just reminds me of when I bought two slots a while back… Spent $20 on it, and less than four hours later… 40% sale. I was livid.
Well if the Makeover Kit thread in the TP section is any indication, you could have requested a refund of the difference, in gems of course, if we are really talking about a matter of hours rather than days. You still might be able to.
RIP City of Heroes
THis just reminds me of when I bought two slots a while back… Spent $20 on it, and less than four hours later… 40% sale. I was livid.
They would likely have refunded you some gems if you had submitted a ticket….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
the 40% sale was part of the gw2-turns-2 birthday … thing. the other 20% sales didnt really have a purpose, they were just random sales.
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