How to #GUEST# on another server?

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nitewish.5816



Been trying to transfer to another server to play with friends as guest (I remember ANet advertising that feature) solely for the purpose of PvE but only transfer I see is the one that makes another server your new home.

Anyone got any insight?

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: YSBT.7843



Guesting is disabled while they have free server transfers open, and will be until the WvW matchup rotation is a bit more balanced. We don’t have an exact timeline for that to change over yet.

Co-Leader of the Charter Vanguard Guild on Henge of Denravi.
Recruitment Status: Closed.

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Guesting will not be available until they turn off free server transfers. Once free transfers end guesting will be enabled.

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: elicious.9214


How does guesting affect WvWvW matchup? WvWvW is the only thing you can’t do via guesting. Why don’t they allow us to guest now? I can only play with 1 group of friends at the moment. By the time they allow guesting, most of my friends will probably not be logging in as much. I’m already seeing my friends list offline most of the time.

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tyrone Lightbane.1563

Tyrone Lightbane.1563

What isn’t balanced about the WvW matchups? Most worlds are at high capacity aren’t they? Isn’t that why they increased world “size” and added those three extra servers?

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Don’t know if WvWvW has anything to do with it or not right now it’s a matter of allowing people to move servers to be with their friends. In other words you have two groups of friends on different servers either you can move to play with the ones that will be most active or you can try to get all your friends to move to the same server

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sadaxer.1023


The question I’m mostly wondering about: When will free-transfers close down?

I want to play with my friends, but I don’t want to switch home server because my guild is there. Guesting would fit this perfectly, and I don’t want to be blocked out because the server becomes full again while I’m away or something.

Gandara [Eden]

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Sadaxer, The only solution at the moment would be to have your friends transfer to your server when the caps are raised. Otherwise there is no ETA that ANet has given for the free transfers to be shut off.