How to access The Crown Pavilion (zone)?
Firstly the area in your screen shot isn’t the Crown Pavillion (although it is in that section of the city). It’s the Royal Terrace which is accessed by using a pass that’s sold on the gem store occasionally.
The Crown Pavillion is a separate map at the bottom of the big pit in the middle of that area of the city (under the giant eagle). It was only accessible during last August as part of the Living Story but is going to be accessible again from the 20th May onwards.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Firstly the area in your screen shot isn’t the Crown Pavillion (although it is in that section of the city). It’s the Royal Terrace which is accessed by using a pass that’s sold on the gem store occasionally.
The Crown Pavillion is a separate map at the bottom of the big pit in the middle of that area of the city (under the giant eagle). It was only accessible during last August as part of the Living Story but is going to be accessible again from the 20th May onwards.
Why I haven’t saw any Royal Terrace pass in the gem store?
Because it is currently not being sold.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Because it is currently not being sold.
How can I access this area now?
You can’t. Don’t worry, it’s really not all that special to be in there other than minimizing the already very short running between things and getting a fast free portal to other cities. There’s nothing in there you can’t get to almost as quickly and almost as cheaply in the main city area.
Just in case you are interested, it costs 1000 gems if you want to buy the permanent one. 160 (i think?) for 2 weeks pass.
My personal guess is they are going to sell them again for the duration of the crown pavillion. It is a general convenience item that is not really needed, but gives you the small litte extra convenience with a nice touch of look to it.
I was thinking of buying the pass this time around since you can’t do any crafting in the Vigil’s Keep so I’ve been spending more time in Divinity’s Reach. But you don’t need the pass to get into the Crown Pavilion, the portal or door or whatever will open up when the event starts.
Since you are already IN Divinity’s Reach (to use that pass), why would you not port to Ebonhawk and use the most conveniently organize crafting location in the game (FOR FREE!).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances