How to find the right guild for you.

How to find the right guild for you.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aye.8392


How to find a guild for a specific thing you want to do in the game:

To be honest the very best way for a goal oriented person to find a guild is to look around in game while playing; when you see a team of players with the same guild tag doing the thing that you want to do ask them about their guild. If there is a specific dungeon that you want to focus on stand at that dungeon door for a bit and see which teams show up with 5 players all wearing the same tag – those people formed their dungeon team in guild chat. If fractals are what you’re interested in stand at the fractal gate and see who goes in – if a guild is out in the world, playing together, teaming up and doing what you want to do then it could very well be a good guild choice for you. Whisper, ask for guild names, talk to the leader, check out the website, or even just ask for an invitation and rep them for a few days and see what you think.

How to find a great guild by using the forums:

Whether you’re checking the recruitment posts or making a thread of your own some things always need to be addressed: Does the bulk of the guild play at the times that you play? Are they on a server that is acceptable to you? Do they use your preferred means of communication — not just have it, but actually USE it? In my guild we have Mumble that we use for dungeons, WvW and event outings, but other than that it sits empty and we communicate in guild chat. If you hate to type my guild would suck for you. Conversely, if you hate to wear a headset and are in a guild that primarily uses voice comms you won’t get the chances to team up or even just enjoy the social aspects of the guild. Communication is important; find a group that does it the way you like.

If you create your own post looking for a guild pay attention to the responses that you get – are the recruiters speaking to you directly? Do they use your name and address the concerns that you list in your post? If it is a generic cut and paste recruitment do they at least talk about the things that are important to you? I personally tend to suspect a guild that says it is a social guild, or people focused, and that you’ll be more than just a name on a roster, if the recruiter uses a cut and paste format. If a guild recruiter can’t speak to you while they’re actively courting you to join the guild then don’t be surprised if they don’t spend a lot of time talking to you after you’ve joined. Conversely, I don’t find it suspect if a guild says they’re looking to build numbers and dominate in WvW if they use a cut and paste format.

Whether you have written your own LFG post or you are thinking of responding to one of the guilds that have started a thread looking for more members take a minute and click on the leader/recruiter’s name and read a few of their posts. Do the things that they write mostly match up with the way you think? If not, are they at least said in a way that would foster communication? If they say in the recruitment post that they are friendly and helpful are the posts on the rest of the forums friendly and helpful? If you’re looking for a guild that focuses on tournament sPvP and yet the guild leader has only made posts about jumping puzzles you’ll probably end up being underwhelmed by the guild.

Hopefully this thread will garner more tips on finding the perfect guild.
Sorrows Furnace