How to gain Guild reputation with alts

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758



Made my own personal Guild and I´m slightly stumped how GRep. gain is being counted.

At first it was straightforward. I logged them all on and indeed gained 10 per char. But next day I tried it again and only one alt got counted. A day after that suddenly 3(+30).

Is this another bug or am I doing it wrong?

Polish > hype

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wauwi.9162


did you do anything special with your alts after logging in? (events, personal story, etc)

might be a bug...guilds are known for bugs...sometimes i and all my other guildmates, except for the leader have to rejoin

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amsab.2408


Yeah, I wouldn’t mind getting some clarification on this as well. From what I understand, you’re supposed to be rewarded for logging alts in regularly, but I’m not sure that the “once a day = 10 rep per alt” formula is working correctly (if that’s what it is). Sometimes I seem to get the 10 points as soon as I log in a character, sometimes I don’t.

I have a suspicion the problem might have something to do with when the “day” resets. My local time here in Australia is quite different from the server’s time or from GMT; or perhaps you only get 10 rep if that character hasn’t logged in for over 24 hours? I haven’t been able to see a consistent pattern yet, anyone else have a clue as to what the rules governing this are?

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Yeah, looks like ABGF (Another Bugy Guild Feature).
The other day I got my full 70 only a 2nd time since I created the Guild.
Game says that was 1 day ago but the logins I was doing right then didn´t register at all.

Maybe today´s patch will fix this.

Polish > hype

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


K, a bit of a necro almost but for a couple of days I now manually logged my Rep. and it boils down to one thing.

The server only counts 4 of your slots for log-in reputation.

By now I have 7 slots and if I stick to the same log in sequence only certain characters will (or won´t) add to reputation.
The game log is totally lying here and actually seems to more or less arbitrary count the last two days for his “daily” log in entry.

Guild Wars 2, fix your Guilds !

Anybody out there who actually gets Rep. for all his 4+ character slots?

Polish > hype

(edited by HawkMeister.4758)

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amsab.2408


Hmm, it’s been several months now and it seems to me that ArenaNet is experimenting with the values (the guild rep you gain for logging in changed from 10 to 5 to 1, then back to 10 and now back to 5), but not fixing the underlying problem that sometimes you seem to gain rep, sometimes not (i.e. they’re changing how much you gain, but not when you gain it). Maybe the pattern/formula is just much more complex than I think, but I’m a pretty mathematically-minded guy and I fail to see a consistent pattern.

I agree that HawkMeister’s “max 4 alts per account” theory could be valid sometimes, but I’m also pretty sure I’ve had occasions where 50 rep were added for logging in 5 alts (without doing anything else that day).

Things that may or may not be factors in the formula:

- has that character logged in yet on that day (with a “day” starting at midnight GMT)?
- has it been more than 24 hours since last login?
- has the character represented the guild for > 24 hours?
- has some sort of cap (account-wide or guild-wide) been reached yet?
- has reputation been earned recently by that account by means other than just logging in?
- is it a Tuesday night somewhere in the world?
- is the temperature in Seattle above freezing?

Clarification (from any source, official or not) would be most welcome.

Oh, and just for the record, the number of bugs relating to guilds mentioned above has been significantly reduced if not eradicated, thanks heaps ArenaNet… so surely now there’s time to look at this issue, right? ;-)

(edited by amsab.2408)

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solandri.9640


I’m pretty sure they designed it so you can’t just login each character one after another to get credit for all of them. Their counter seems to check at random time intervals to see if a guild member(s) is on. I’ve played one character for almost two hours and not gotten credit. I’ve logged in a character for 15 seconds to check how much influence my solo guild had and literally watched the 10 points appear on the guild page as I was staring right at it.

If it’s at random intervals, the only way to reliably get credit for being online is to actually play the characters.

Looking through the log, the most characters I’ve gotten credit for in a day is 4. I don’t play my alts that frequently though.

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stars.2179


The following is my experience with it. When you log in, it would do the following checks

- Has this account contribute more than 50 influence to any guild attendance in the last 24 hours? – If it did then no more characters will give influence to ANY guild
- Is this during attendance check? – if not, then no influence gain, if it is move on.
- Is this character the 1st character on this account logging in today that would contribute influence through attendance check? – if it is, then add 10 influence points
- Is it still attendance check interval? if it is move to next
- Is this the 2nd character on this account logging in today that would contribute influence through attendance check? – if it is, then add 10 influence points.
- Is it still attendance check? if it is move to next.
- Is this the 3rd character on this account logging in today that would contribute influence through attendance check? – if it is, then – has at least one of the previous two characters done any significant actions beside running around (do a quest, check mail, deposit/withdraw money, trading post)? if it is add 10 influence points.
- Is it still attendance check? if it is move to next.
- Is this the 4th character on this account logging into today that would contribute influence through attendance check? – if it is, then – have at least two of the previous 3 characters done any significant actions? – if it is, then – has at least 10 mins passed since the first character was logged in? (most likely won’t happen since attendance check period already expired) – if it is add 10 points
- Most likely attendance check period expires, but if you are lucky
- Is this the 5th character… etc., has at least 15 mins passed since… etc, You see the point.

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Wow lots of guessing here. I made a thread about this before and used the wiki talk page to get more info.

You definitely can get 50 influence per day (one with each alt). One after the other rapidly in about 3 minutes of loading time.

+10 influence when logging in the first time each day to the guild you log in with. When logging out the previous day, make sure you are repping the guild you want it to go to.

What is probably messing you guys up is each alt needs to be on a different map. Overflows seems to count as different maps.

The only thing that confuses me is that it doesn’t seem to reset at 4pm server time. Lately, I’ve been logging off at 10pm (relogging at 10pm doesn’t add the +10 influence), and logging back in around 9am, and the influence gets added then. Sometime between those hours is when it gets reset.

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amsab.2408


Interesting theories… I have also gotten +50 per day (on an account with 5 alts) previously, without doing anything other than logging them in, so I doubt the bit about the “x minutes passed” is correct. Perhaps there is some merit to the “significant actions” though, and I hadn’t considered the part about having to be on different maps.

I just tried logging on and got no guild rep with any of 5 alts on my first account, but it has been less than 24 hours since I last tried. So for another account (the whole family loves this game) I logged on my first character, got nothing, did a couple of events (+4 rep) and a bit of the living story, then logged in the other alts and got 5 rep each (it’s no longer 10 at the moment, I take it that’s global and not just for me).

So my guess is that the times where I was getting rep for logging in each alt was when I’d done something “significant” less than 24 hours earlier… but something about it still doesn’t quite gel. Maybe I should note down what happens for a week… but I’m probably too lazy for that :-P

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Oh I forgot to mention that.

For the first x characters in a guild to log in, they add 10 influence.

After a certain number (maybe 20 or so), extra members (random guess: 40) add 5 influence. Possibly the next 40 contribute 2 influence?
After 100 members logged in, it drops to 1 influence per additional character.

eg my guild has a lot of
132 members logged in for 432 influence.
111 members logged in for 411 influence.
153 members logged in for 453 influence.

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amsab.2408


The guild I’ve been using to test this theory was my own, with a grand total of three accounts as members (all of which are owned by my family), so I know exactly when the login rep is occurring (and when it isn’t), and there’s a maximum of 16 distinct logins per day (one extra character slot between the three), so there’s no way I’m hitting that cap – the past few days, it’s been 5 rep across the board for logging in. If you’re still getting 10, then I must be getting guild-nerfed or something….

Also, the stats from your guild history log may well be different depending on what those members who logged in did, i.e. how many events they completed, so I wouldn’t necessarily assume a direct correlation between how many logged in for how much guild rep from that alone.

How to gain Guild reputation with alts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amsab.2408


Well, call me crazy, but now it’s back to 10 rep for a login… maybe there is something like a weekly/monthly cap on rep for logging in?