How to get into a FULL server?

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Puffpuff Cheese.8654

Puffpuff Cheese.8654

Hi, I have a question on getting into a full server.
Do I have to get out of the game and in again so to refresh the server status? Or will it just be automatically updated every second or so, so I can wait on the ‘initial world selection’ screen until i saw there is vacancy?
Are there any other tips on trying to get into a full server??
Argh, hope someone can help! thanks!

P.S. I am aware of the meta-server. I want to get into a high tier server for wvw.

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. You don’t have to logout to ‘refresh’ the server; it does so automatically. However, the ‘display’ of the status is sometimes (often) delayed.
  2. Consequently, don’t wait for the status to show other than ‘Full’.
  3. Be persistent. The ‘status’ varies significantly during any given hour. I know people who got into TC during peak hours, when they had no luck during anti-peak hours.
  4. Anti-peak hours (when the primary region for the world is asleep or at work) are better, all things being equal. (As noted, things aren’t equal.)
  5. If you are in a big guild, see if you can arrange for a large number of people to go offline simultaneously and try as they do that. I can’t guarantee that it will work, but everyone I know who has tried it got in during that time (choose an off-peak time, to further improve your chances).
  6. Consider a Tier 2 or Tier 3 server. Many of them have great WvW matches during prime time…and won’t be full.

Good luck.

(And please let us know what seemed to work for you, so we can be of further help to others following in your footsteps.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Puffpuff Cheese.8654

Puffpuff Cheese.8654

Thanks so much!! That is very helpful!
I will let you know once I got in (hopefully I wont quit trying..haha)
expect a week or 2 or even longer for the reply ;p

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

A lot of players logging off has NO effect on the Server being FULL or not…..please don’t spread FUD. The FULL status is based on actual ACCOUNTS assigned to that home server and has NOTHING to do with how many players are currently logged in that are assigned to that server (this is a common misconception that causes no end of heartache for those wanting to transfer to FULL servers).

I hate to make this worse, but someone HAS to transfer OUT of a FULL server for a slot to free up. THEN you have to beat the other some odd hundreds (maybe thousands?) of players that are also sitting at the transfer screen trying to get in for that ONE slot.

Now if you can convince half a dozen players on that server to transfer out all at once, you may get lucky. but them logging off the game does NOTHING to effect a server being FULL or not.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

A lot of players logging off has NO effect on the Server being FULL or not…..please don’t spread FUD. The FULL status is based on actual ACCOUNTS assigned to that home server and has NOTHING to do with how many players are currently logged in that are assigned to that server (this is a common misconception that causes no end of heartache for those wanting to transfer to FULL servers).

I hate to make this worse, but someone HAS to transfer OUT of a FULL server for a slot to free up. THEN you have to beat the other some odd hundreds (maybe thousands?) of players that are also sitting at the transfer screen trying to get in for that ONE slot.

Now if you can convince half a dozen players on that server to transfer out all at once, you may get lucky. but them logging off the game does NOTHING to effect a server being FULL or not.

That’s a misleading way of putting it:

  • The server status is not directly affected by logging out. The server status takes time to update and logging out/back takes time, so people will see server status changing after relogging.
  • The server status is made up of several factors, including number of accounts tied to the server. If that was the only factor, TC would always be full and would not allow transfers.

On a practical basis, none of that matters to someone trying to transfer. The important things to know are:

  • Try the transfer button, regardless of what the status says.
  • Be persistent.
  • Anti-peak hours (when the target region is asleep/at-work) are more likely, but not guaranteed.
  • Peak hours are less likely, but not impossible.
  • It helps to get a large (40-100+) group to logoff just as you start to try.
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

It does seem to be the number of accounts on that server, not number of people who are online at any one time, or a mix of the 2.

CC Eva
“when you see a server FULL means that the people who’ve chosen that server as theirs, or players who have moved to that particular server, have reached the cap, independently of where did they create their accounts.”

Gaile Gray Source
“1. People actually do change servers, so some Full servers become Very High just from people moving around.
2. We continuously monitor the World populations and make adjustments, but there is no scheduled update period. It depends on demand for particular worlds and how much people move around and (don’t forget) how many new players join specific worlds.
3. We frequently adjust the World population caps just before events, but that’s not guaranteed.”

It doesn’t say anything about people being on but whether or not people originally created or moved their account to a server and whether it not they are moving off a server.

At night, not as many are trying to get on so when someone does leave, the slot stays vacant a bit

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

That’s a misleading way of putting it:

  • The server status is not directly affected by logging out. The server status takes time to update and logging out/back takes time, so people will see server status changing after relogging.
  • The server status is made up of several factors, including number of accounts tied to the server. If that was the only factor, TC would always be full and would not allow transfers.

On a practical basis, none of that matters to someone trying to transfer. The important things to know are:

  • Try the transfer button, regardless of what the status says.
  • Be persistent.
  • Anti-peak hours (when the target region is asleep/at-work) are more likely, but not guaranteed.
  • Peak hours are less likely, but not impossible.
  • It helps to get a large (40-100+) group to logoff just as you start to try.

It’s in no way misleading as it’s literally HOW it works (been commented on multiple times by Anet employees….see above). You giving potential xferies false hope is misleading.

How many people are currently logged in has NO bearing on it being FULL only accounts that are associated with that server. FULL servers ARE nearly always impossible to get into and the ONLY reason you can is when someone transfers out and you are correct that this happens VERY infrequently on popular servers. Now it is possible that maybe Anet does some account housecleaning that frees up a slot, or some change to the max limit happens we never know about, but nothing Anet has ever said about FULL servers indicates it is in any way tied to current log in numbers.

Now it IS more likely for you to nab an open spot WHEN most other local players would not be actively trying to xfer in, so that’s not a bad suggestion (none of your suggestions are wrong or misleading), but it has nothing to do with how many players are currently logged in.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

How to get into a FULL server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Puffpuff Cheese.8654

Puffpuff Cheese.8654

OK. Thank you everyone of you for the patient explanations.
I actually got in! Both me and my friend!

Both of us got in during non-peak hours. We got in the same situation: the server was FULL and we kept clicking the grey colored button, after some try without luck we both logged out and logged in immediately. And once we logged in the server status was shown as ‘very high’. (we got in on different days) It is most likely just coincidence but anyway this is how we got in