How to get waith mask?

How to get waith mask?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Does anyone know how the acquire the waith mask the necromancer starts with, been searching for a long time and having no luck, i have seen some mesmers with it so i know its possible can anyone give me an idea?

How to get waith mask?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

You have to keep the mask, because only the starting necro armor is the place to get it
As for how mesmers/eles got it, you can transmute the mask onto a white tiered armor, and it becomes an account bound item, so other characters of the same class can wear it, on your account

How to get waith mask?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

thanks got it done