How to make money (help)

How to make money (help)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Johnson.4867


So i dont know if im missing anything…but it seems like all i can really do right now is run Dungeons or go to Orr to make money…which isn’t even that much money in my opinion for all the effort you put in…

whenever im in Orr its just like im aimlessly running around hoping an event happens, then hoping i can tag all the mobs, to hopefully loot ONE or TWO of them, then on top of all that hoping…hoping that they have a rare so then i can once again HOPE to get good mats from it when i salvage it with the master salvage kit…whats the deal… the effort isn’t worth the reward and crappy 378 karma (if i need HALF A MILLION to get a legendary on top of HUNDREDS of gold)

edit: (and please dont tell me to craft things)

How to make money (help)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


I’m not in your level (still around 33) but i have been reading a bit on the forums and as far as i found out, you don’t need to keep running Orr. You can go to the area’s just below lvl 80 and run there the DE’s. Rewards are almost the same (just a little bit lower) and the change that you really can tap on the mobs is much higher. Also, they are not over runned by all those lvl 80 players that want to farm DE’s in the lvl 80 zone(s).

Well, that’s the info i found on the fora, hope it will help you a bit!

How to make money (help)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hawk.3574


Well with Halloween starting soon and if the festivals are anything like the original game where mobs drop festival items in this case Trick-or-Treat Bags. I would just play as much as I could once it goes live and sell those drops either right away or hold them for a few months then sell.

These festivals were my main source of income also trading minis.

How to make money (help)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


How to make money: Play the game. That’s it. Have fun dude. Do whatever it is in the game that you enjoy doing. I don’t farm for items or gold at all and I have never been left short on gold.

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