How to make more gold?

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zypher.9536


Hi there,
I recently got my first two characters to 80, and I’m now faced with the challenge of getting enough gold to get the exotic gear, runes and sigils I need. I’ve looked all over the internet for this but I just can’t seem to be able to find something that works for me. I’m now doing like a daily dungeon routine (cof p1&p2, ta p1, HotW p1, and ac p1&p3), through which I earn a few gold a day, and some dungeon tokens which I can eventually turn into gear or some more gold. People also say that killing world bosses is good for making gold, but so far, after 5 hours of killing every world boss that is up, I’m averaging 40 silver profit per boss (which, with about 6 bosses killed per hour, doesn’t add up to much either). Other than that I haven’t really come across any gold making method that still works. All that’s left is ‘playing the trading post’, which I know nothing about, and that barely works without a good amount of starting gold. I’ve heard people run around with hundreds, possibly even over a thousand gold. How can I get there? (unexperienced player, not a lot of starting gold to play with, gem to gold exchange is not an option). Thank you for your time

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khyber.2693


Do you want safe methods? Or are you willing to gamble a bit?

If you want to play it safe, I would continue world bosses and dungeon running but also add BL key farming to your list.

If you are willing to gamble a bit for some greater profits, you could always flip items on the TP or dump things in the forge to hope for higher returns. Unidentified dye gambling always worked at least decently for me, mystic toileting for a precurser to sell is freakishly hard but if you manage to pull it off you get a big kitten chunk of money back.

Either way, if you just want to outfit your toons, I would suggest continuing what you’re doing. Or you could even put like 25 dollars into the game, convert to gold, and buy the gear.

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taygus.4571


dungeon paths is the safest method.

don;t bother much with world bosses, but do teq (you get 1g) and karka, they also tend to be decent loot wise.
Dungeon exotics are just fine. If it’s runes/sigils you want, you can look at some cheaper alternatives that have similar effects, until you’ve built up enough gold for the ones you want. (and it doesn’t take too long, just keep doing the few dungeon paths a day.)

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Dungeons are the best way for guaranteed gold.

The Burninator

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Dungeons are the best way for guaranteed gold.

True, however there is an even more effective way at guarunteed gold, although some might call it an exploit.

Open up the gem store, click buy gems, enter in your credit card information, buy gems. After you receive your gems, go to the currency exchange tab in the gem store, and click convert gems to gold. Enter in the amount of gems you’ve purchased and click convert. It’s faster than running dungeons, and provides far more gold than even a full dungeon path tour depending on how many gems you’ve purchased. :P

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nolij.4327


Dungeons are the best way for guaranteed gold.

True, however there is an even more effective way at guarunteed gold, although some might call it an exploit.

Open up the gem store, click buy gems, enter in your credit card information, buy gems. After you receive your gems, go to the currency exchange tab in the gem store, and click convert gems to gold. Enter in the amount of gems you’ve purchased and click convert. It’s faster than running dungeons, and provides far more gold than even a full dungeon path tour depending on how many gems you’ve purchased. :P

all of my +1

you’re welcome ANet

now drop some precursors for me plz

potatoes gon’ potate

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: serapheles.5409


World bosses aren’t great gold, but they can give you something interesting to do for a couple hours with a guaranteed small return. Dungeons are probably your best bet, and if you are wanting more gold you could work on being able to do additional dungeon paths. Do not gamble with the forge until you can afford to lose money, and if you do touch that remember it’s not about getting lucky, it’s about the predictability of statistics and cost margins (where output is more valuable than the input).

My best advice for you, however, is not about gaining gold, but using it. Trying to get all the exotic armors, weapons, sigils, and runes for two characters at one time is a pretty big deal if you are just starting out. Break it into smaller goals. I would start with weapons, since they have a disproportionate effect on damage. Then I would probably move on to the armor, then sigils, and finally runes. Also, don’t be afraid to use a cheaper sigil or rune until you get the one(s) you want, especially if you come across it.

The Random Number Gods are nothing if not predictable.
Crafting is designed for gear accessibility, not profit.

How to make more gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Are you selling your world boss loot? Salvage the rares for ectos (~40s each) or sell the rares if they’re worth more than an ecto.