How to make more money?

How to make more money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpecterMAT.7306


Now I have 585G + , and I want to invest in some things to get moar moneyz.

Anybody know where should i start? :C

How to make more money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Yes. Search this forum (see BLT section) and other fora (reddit for example) for the incredibly large number of TP guides in there. I would start there.

Then, having looked at a few TP guides, you will need to switch mindset from “what are others doing”, leave that aside (because the competition will be too fierce), and turn it into “what should I be doing”; that will make you the big bucks. It will require some serious thinking power, and a lot of practice runs. You must, however, realize that no one is going to do the work for you. Because no one can do it for you; once people share their info, their profit goes out the door. However, after that, you can make buckets of coin without spending too much time on it, and just play the rest of the game.

How to make more money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: marnick.4305


You start by turning on that thing behind your eyes, use it to make educated guesses. Next you can simulate those guesses with the thing in front of your eyes, and if those simulations turn up good, you apply them to the game.

Good luck. Brain required.

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How to make more money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpecterMAT.7306


You start by turning on that thing behind your eyes, use it to make educated guesses. Next you can simulate those guesses with the thing in front of your eyes, and if those simulations turn up good, you apply them to the game.

Good luck. Brain required.

Thank you sir, you are very nice with me!